
What love is

author:Heaven and earth care for my heart
What love is

What is love? Accounts differ and opinions vary. Some people say: "Love is an active emotion, it can revive the dead heart, and even the breath of the opposite sex can rejuvenate the decadent person". It is also said that "love is two parallel rails, intersecting in the trajectory of life and then extending forever". In any case, I still think: "Love is the result of fate, the collision of hearts when two hearts meet together, when the spark gradually evolves into a red flame, the two hearts are intertwined, and from then on, I am you and you, I am no longer separated." -

  Someone said, "Women are water, men are earth." The fusion of water and earth gave Nuwa the opportunity to create people, so there was love." Five thousand years of Chinese culture, how many love stories have been written, so that our descendants are still touched to read. When the hero Xiang Yu defeated Wujiang, he was reluctant to Yu Ji, but Yu Ji would rather draw his sword for Xiang Yu, and when everything was lost, Xiang Yu also lay on the edge of the Wu River. A hero of the first generation of beauty, leaving behind the love of the ages. It's still a shame. This is the love of a woman, the righteousness of a man, and it is a solemn love. -

  Love must learn to cherish, love must learn to communicate, love must learn to tolerate, love must also learn to operate. When we are young, we do not know how to love, so we do not know how to cherish, and at that time, it was because we were young and easily gave up the love given by the other party and chose new love. When we understand love, we know what we lost in the first place. For this reason, often we regret it for the rest of our lives. People will have their own favorites, but love is like flowers and trees, but also need watering and repair, only through this interactive process, can there be harmony of water and milk, flowers can be more red, trees can be evergreen. Love is selfless dedication, dedication is also a kind of tolerance, accepting a person means accepting everything from him, don't just see the advantages or disadvantages, know that only eclectic, can we move forward hand in hand. Love must use true feelings, money can not buy real love. True love has to be able to operate. Love is not a simple addition of one plus one equals one, life is like a stock market, there are ups and downs to adjust with the heart, understand her, understand me, the sun can only melt the ice if it rises. -

What love is

Love is two loves, and love also has love at first sight. Love must be moved, and when the heart is moved, there will be affection. The love of teenagers is a hazy love, and true love can only be obtained after the test of years. The love of middle-aged people is a difficult journey of chai rice oil and salt pots and pans, and it is only in the wind and rain that grace and love can experience the true feelings. Of course, there will also be the impulse to red face confidants and hate not to meet and not marry. The lonely old man, watching over is the gold-like affection of the two people who have been in the same boat for decades, and the hand of the son is white-headed and old. -

  Of course, love is not a simple circle. It always carries the regrets it deserves, although countless loves and hates have once hurt our hearts like sharp blades. But we will still heal the wounds, and we still do not want to give up that love. Although many people are not united because of love, but because of that responsibility, the years have slowly changed everything, and the harmony with each other is like the left and right hands, so who can say that this is not a love? Also, try not to love for material things and money. Because it is not love in itself, when the grind of life is displayed in front of you, you will find that it is far less solid than the love condensed by the heart and feelings, and regret and loss will accompany you like a shadow for life. -

What love is

Fate is the topic of people's lifelong pursuit, love is the main theme of people's spiritual life, whether it is men and women love or be loved, it is always a question mark that we chase, the important thing is not the result, but to taste its taste in the process of success and failure... - What is love? This age-old topic of life has so far been difficult for anyone to include clearly in words and words. However, after we have gone through most of the journey of life, after reading many life and death partings in life and appreciating the great influence of love, we slowly realize: "Love should be perseverance in the plain, mutual assistance in times of danger, thoughts after separation, admiration in appreciation."

  What is love? Love is a blandness. Modern young people advocate free and unrestrained love, like the romantic love of dream stars, they dare to love and dare to hate, dare to give up the present, to pursue the ideal future. However, because of their youth, they ignore the true meaning of love: that is, love should not be just the attraction of the opposite sex, but the sincerity of the plain. Although love is a note that stirs up activity, the attraction of the opposite sex will make people glow with unprecedented passion. However, the reality of life often makes them helpless when facing it, and puts everything to the dilution of love, thus evolving many human regrets of "the newlywed Yan'er is not a few days, and the labor Yan is divided and hated for an indefinite period". The good news is that they still have a lot of time to reminisce about themselves, to lick their wounds, to re-experience life and love. In fact, love does not need to be vigorous, love needs reason and the experience of the wind and frost and rain in the years, mutual understanding and admiration, and the payment process that makes you feel moved but knows each other. The thoughts in the dullness, the tilt in the wind and rain, although there are also pains, but it is more to enjoy the process of sharing the sweetness in the plain and the suffering. Of course, first love is the sweetness that leaves us with many memories, let us recall the unforgettable scenes from time to time, and this kind of thought will even accompany us for life. In fact, it is also a kind of blandness, but it is just a slow taste of their own unforgettable life in the blandness.

What love is

Love is perseverance in danger, and it is willing to pay. I remember reading such a story that touched me very much: a young man and woman were unfortunate in love, and the beautiful girl was a little limp after recovering from a car accident. But the boy still broke through the resistance and her happy union. After the economic reform, they were both laid off and made a living by pushing carts out every day to do small business. The weather is unpredictable, the man was diagnosed with liver cancer, looking at the young children in the family, seeing the wife who works hard with a broken leg every day, the man hates to cut off his own life. The woman saw the man's thoughts, hugged her lover and cried, "You can't leave me, no matter how hard I am, I will accompany you through this life." In order to supplement the nutrition of the man, the woman leaves him ten yuan every day to let him buy some delicious food, and every day the man will say to her what I ate today, and seeing his smile, the woman feels sincerely pleased. After two years of blandness, the man finally finished his life. When the woman was cleaning up the house, she found that there were thousands of yuan neatly pressed under the quilt, she suddenly understood what this money was, tears suddenly spilled down, and she realized what true love was in crying. Oh, yes! Their love is not so much before and after the moon, and there is rarely a process of entanglement between me and me, nor is it so vigorous and thrilling, but it is the commitment to love, the persistence in mutual danger, and become a beautiful scenery in life. Their stories also explain this enviable and regrettable love of life.

What love is

Everyone has experienced the thoughts of separating from their beloved, because the person who can make you miss, the person who can make you worry, will be the person you love the most. Human love is for the purpose of aggregation, but often such a situation occurs. When we get together, we will ignore each other's efforts and existence in love to a certain extent, and even produce that he (she) is not his favorite person in life, and he has envied the love life of others or admired the opposite sex in his own mind. However, after a short time separation, a long-term spatial separation, after everything has undergone a huge change, he or she will suddenly find that the person after separation. The person who is lost, the one who can never come back, is the one who loves you the most. In life, you will find that the life that has been lost is the life you are most familiar with, there are many warmths that you have ignored but have become accustomed to, and what you miss most is precisely the most precious thing you have lost. Thus you fall back into deep thoughts and regrets. Of course, the short separation, the change of the environment, will also evoke your reflection on yourself, what is the taste of love in loneliness? What is the love you need. When you get together again, what do you feel like you've learned to cherish? I also understand that in the understanding of love, I no longer demand that he (she) have all the advantages and strengths of the world, and I will tolerate and forgive past mistakes, so as to accept the strengths of the other party and accept his (her) shortcomings. This may lead them to the whole course of their lives hand in hand.

  It is true that in the continuous social activities, people will encounter their own admiration and admiration for you, in the process of mutual appreciation, will also be due to the same interests, close hobbies, emotional blending, resulting in love with each other and hate late love. It may be due to differences in values and purpose of life, or it may be that men and women have different needs, and different treatments on this issue will also produce different results. However, the reason why people dare to jump into the flame of love is that most of the time it belongs to two situations. One is that the spring breeze is proud of the success of the cause; the other is the embarrassment, loneliness and desolation. Although the two situations are very different, they have similarities. In modern social life, this kind of love will happen inadvertently. But at this time, people who are trapped in it will feel that the sun is so fresh every day, every breeze is so soft, the small things like the tip of the needle will become as heavy as Taiyue, the people with a strong personality will also shed tears in the wind, and the hao chief who chews on the five cars of Hua Xuefu will suddenly return to his old age and become a teenager with a style of "lovesickness without day and night, and the mighty river". However, when people revel in the sweetness of love, various contradictions will follow. Conquest and possession, giving and taking, tolerance and narrow-mindedness, longing and renunciation torment the lover's nerves all the time. At this time, it may be made to realize that love and hate are a double-edged sword, a column of mercury on a scale, and it is difficult to say clearly that it can only be borne. I like Lu You's popular poem "Phoenix": "A cup of sorrow, a few years away from the rope, wrong." wrong. Wrong; and: Although the mountain league is there, the Jinshu is difficult to trust, Mo. mo. mo. That's probably the best explanation.

  What is love? It's really hard to tell. But I still like the imprint of heart and heart, the fusion of love and affection. Love in people's minds may be such a feeling: "No matter how far you go, you will not go out of my heart; just like the shadow of the tree under the sunset, no matter how long it drags, it cannot be separated from the roots rooted in the soil." May we understand love, cherish love, realize the true meaning of love, and enjoy the hard-won loving life.

What love is

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