
30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

author:Duan Yiming

Yang Ying has many labels on her body, such as "Huang Xiaoming's wife", "mixed-race beauty", "most photogenic actress", "cut-out acting skills", "robbing Li Fei'er's boyfriend" and so on...

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

Behind each of these labels, it precisely represents the development of Yang Ying at a certain stage. But among these labels, it is "Huang Xiaoming's wife" that is the most eye-catching.

In people's minds, the combination of Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming is the result of Huang Xiaoming's active pursuit, and on Yang Ying's 25th birthday, Huang Xiaoming sent a luxury car to show his sincerity.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

However, no one knew how much Yang Ying had paid silently before she got all this, and how long she had been painstakingly lonely. 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, today's Yang Ying has gradually broken away from The bondage with Huang Xiaoming, and even has to shake off the pot that has been carrying for 10 years.

Yang Ying's "fierceness" is far beyond your phenomenon.

1, Shanghai girl, in Hong Kong to get guidance from your nobles

When it comes to Yang Ying's nobles, many people will be the first to think of Huang Sect Lord. Of course, the existence of Huang Xiaoming is indeed of great significance to Yang Ying, but the first person to see pearls was Zhou Yougen, a well-known agent in Hong Kong.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

Yang Ying was born in 1989, his hometown is in Shanghai. Yang Ying's family situation is relatively ordinary, after she was born, she was handed over to her grandmother to take care of, because her parents still had to run for their livelihood.

Yang Ying's childhood memories are filled with bits and pieces in the Shanghai alley, and no one knew at the time that this little girl would become famous in the entertainment industry in the future.

Yang Ying was not a thing in the pool, when she was 14 years old, she followed her parents to Hong Kong, and Yang Ying's ambitions have gradually swelled since she arrived in Hong Kong.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

But at that time, Yang Ying had no background or education, and the only thing she could do was a good appearance. Subsequently, Yang Ying began to mix the "tender mold" circle. Yang Ying was just in time to catch up with the "tender model" tide that emerged in Hong Kong in 2000, but Yang Ying in that period did not have anything special among many beautiful women.

In order to make a living, Yang Ying went to work in the photo studio at that time and also took over some advertising shooting work. Although these jobs are not stable, Yang Ying can not see the future, but the "tender model" is like a pass, Yang Ying since breaking into this circle, she can rely on the advantages of this industry to squeeze into the major Vanity Fair, and then open her own network.

Zhou Yougen and Yang Ying met in this way, although Yang Ying did not look much eye-catching at the time, but Zhou Yougen was well versed in the secrets of this circle, Yang Ying's foundation was not bad, only a little packaging.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

That year Yang Ying just turned 14 years old, she did not have the heart to study, just wanted to enter the entertainment industry to develop, although Yang Ying at that time did not have any fame, but Zhou Yougen has made future plans for her, since then, Yang Ying's image began to change.

At that time, Yang Ying took over a lot of hosting work, the appearance was created according to the standard mixed-race beauty, even the accent was deliberately packaged, and Yang Ying standing on the stage was always a mouthful of Hong Kong Pu, and in fact, Yang Ying's Mandarin was quite good.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

When Yang Ying was full of hope for the future, she immediately met her first relationship in the entertainment industry, and the male protagonist was Chen Weiting. Although Yang Ying and Chen Weiting's relationship was relatively high-profile at that time, Zhou Yougen was not optimistic, because for Yang Ying, Chen Weiting could not help her in her career.

Later, Yang Ying was arranged to develop in Japan, and this choice was undoubtedly correct for Yang Ying, and her relationship with Chen Weiting ended without a problem.

2. Under the operation of capital, Yang Ying's career love is two proud

After Yang Ying tasted the sweetness of Japan's development, she immediately took advantage of the situation to return to Hong Kong. Subsequently, under the operation of the brokerage company, Yang Ying got the opportunity to cooperate with Jay Chou, who was already a household name and a big star, and Yang Ying took advantage of Jay Chou's fame to become popular.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

People want to be red, unstoppable! Yang Ying was then given the opportunity to work with Cheng Chung-ki, who is a major figure in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and his father is the president of Universal Records.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

At that time, Zheng Zhongji and Ah Sa were already married, but since cooperating with Yang Ying to shoot "Flower Field Happy Event 2010", Ah Sa and Zheng Zhongji began to disagree, and then exposed divorce rumors. It is worth mentioning that After the divorce, Ah Sa also had a relationship with Chen Weiting.

But for Yang Ying, the past is no longer important, her eyes at that time have long been locked on the mainland market, and Huang Xiaoming, who is in the limelight in the mainland at this time, has undoubtedly become another lucky star for Yang Ying.

When Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming intersected, it was Huang Xiaoming's career rising period. Huang Xiaoming got the opportunity to sign a contract with Huayi for filming "Han Tianzi", and then Huang Xiaoming cooperated with director Feng Xiaogang on "Night Feast". In 2009, Huang Xiaoming attracted much attention with works such as "The Great Undertaking of the Founding of the People's Republic", and his exposure rate became higher and higher.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

Huang Xiaoming also took advantage of the trend to invest in other industries, and assets are rising. At that time, Yang Ying's status was far inferior to Huang Xiaoming's, and more importantly, Huang Xiaoming already had a legitimate girlfriend Li Fei'er at that time.

Therefore, at that time, Yang Ying always looked very humble when facing Huang Xiaoming, and when she went to visit the class, she was like Huang Xiaoming's personal assistant, Yang Ying showed a small woman's demeanor and looked indisputable.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

Finally, Yang Ying's efforts were not in vain, and later Huang Xiaoming brought Yang Ying with him when filming the MV, and later the relationship between him and Yang Ying began to clamor, and the legitimate girlfriend Li Fei'er became less and less existential.

At that time, the outside world had been rumored that Yang Ying had robbed Li Fei'er's boyfriend, and even described Yang Ying as a little third. In the past 10 years, Yang Ying has never explained a word, she silently carries this pot, and the title of "Little Three" can also be called the biggest stain on Yang Ying since her debut.

3, Yang Ying no longer carries the pot, but Huang Xiaoming was caught off guard

After Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming held the wedding of the century, her career fortunes were even more soaring, Yang Ying also began to maintain independence and autonomy in the relationship between the two, Yang Ying did not want to continue to be bound by the identity of Huang Xiaoming's wife, nor did she want to continue to carry the pot.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

In 2021, Li Fei'er recalled the love affair of that year, and the words were still full of accusations against Yang Ying, which also reminded the public of Yang Ying's being a small third again. Subsequently, Yang Ying posted to clarify for herself, according to her account, during her relationship with Huang Xiaoming, Huang Xiaoming told her that she had broken up with Li Fei'er.

30 years of Hedong 30 years of Hexi, Yang Ying back the pot for 10 years without saying a word, her fierceness is not as simple as you think

Yang Ying also used "Mr. Huang" to call her husband in the copywriting, which is evident in indifference and determination. Yang Ying not only successfully threw the pot, but also let Huang Xiaoming carry his own pot. Huang Xiaoming is now facing Yang Ying's hardness that he no longer had in the past, only because Huang Xiaoming's career development is not as good as before, and even to the point of lifting his wife's skirt.

Yang Ying's silent and successful counterattack, her transformation, let Huang Xiaoming caught off guard, but had to accept.