
Experts claim that there is no afterlife after death? Everyone dies, and I've never met a man who won't

author:Duff observes

Maybe life after death doesn't exist? At least according to science communicator Bill Nye, he sees him as having "overwhelming evidence" against the traditional notion of the afterlife. While most of the world's religions claim to know this answer, the question of whether human life will continue after death remains inconclusive. From a scientific point of view, there is little evidence that the human spirit can survive after the body has disappeared. Still, some claim to have glimpsed the afterlife and experienced so-called near-death experiences.

Near-death experiences usually occur at moments of severe trauma such as cardiac arrest and often involve seeing bright lights or hearing sounds "from the other side" at the end of a tunnel such as darkness. In some cases, people recall being taken to an otherworldly world where they encountered the illusion of heaven or hell. Some experts attribute these strange visions and memories to residual brain activity, and some have found that near-death experiences are often influenced by patients' life insights.

Maybe life after death doesn't exist? Experts claim he has overwhelming evidence that there is no afterlife. Bill Nye, 65, a science communicator best known for the 1993-1998 TELEVISION series "Scientist Bill Nye," joined physicist Altoff Kaku, science writer Michael Shemer and former pastor and writer Rob Bell in an interview video discussing the question of whether humans have an afterlife after death.

Experts claim that there is no afterlife after death? Everyone dies, and I've never met a man who won't

According to Mr. Ney, most people imagine life after death, including our souls becoming idealized versions of our past. However, Mr. Ney argues that this is highly unlikely because most people tend to die in old age, which makes it highly unusual for the soul not to be like ourselves at the moment of our death. Mr Ney said: "Everyone dies, I have never met a person who will not die, I have never met a person who has not died at a certain age. So, that's why I don't believe there's evidence of an afterlife. ”

Mr Ney went on to say that it would be great if he could continue to live in the same physical condition he was when he was 20 years old. But this is not the case, because the body ages and loses its ability over time. Mr. Ney, for example, said his grandmother was "smart" but didn't always do so, but "faded away" as she grew older.

Experts claim that there is no afterlife after death? Everyone dies, and I've never met a man who won't. Mr Ney said: "A lot of the grandparents and parents of people my age are not as smart as they were when they were younger, and their athletic ability and physical strength are certainly not as good as when they were younger. So, to me, watching myself die is overwhelming evidence that there is no afterlife after death. There is certainly no post-mortem life, and there seems to be no reason to think that when you die, you will return to your optimal age with the best athletic abilities and the best intelligence. Man, if the soul were an entity, it wouldn't really care about you. Once you have your child, your genes will be inherited, and then you will gradually get older. When you run out of energy, you lose your abilities, and that's the truth. ”

Neil Dagnault and Ken De Linkwater of Manchester Metropolitan University argue that there is no clear answer as to why some people claim to see the afterlife. However, the researchers say ongoing research will give more insight into the phenomenon. In an article in The Conversation, they wrote: "Whether supernatural or not, near-death experiences are extremely important. This provides meaning, hope, and purpose for many, while also expressing humanity's desire to transcend death. ”