
The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights

author:Red Star News

3 main actors, 14 days shooting cycle, 1 million cost ... The domestic science fiction suspense movie "Parallel Forest", which will be released on October 15, held an advanced theme viewing theater of "Seeing the Truth through the Clouds" in Chengdu, which won the praise of many fans, saying that the film was brain-burning and interesting. In particular, "Parallel Forest" was bought by Hollywood in May this year.

The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights

Parallel Forest poster

The movie "Parallel Forest" is the first theatrical feature film written and directed by young director Zheng Lei, starring actors Tang Xiaoran, Zhao Xiaodong and Liu Weisen, telling the story of Du Yan (Tang Xiaoran), who lost her son due to a car accident, in the subsequent healing vacation, mistakenly entered a forest that can walk through parallel space, and then repeatedly shuttled until she met her surviving son, but finally found that all this seemed to be just an illusion in her mind.

After watching the film, some viewers said that as a relatively rare science fiction suspense theme in China, the film not only has an excellent atmosphere rendering, but also is very full in story content and emotional laying, reflecting the reflection on real life. As zheng lei's feature film debut, the overall completion of the film and the story creation have very unique features.

The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights
The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights

Stills from Parallel Forest

Director Zheng Lei, another identity of the short video creator, once revealed the hardships of the film from production to release process, "the production process of the film sounds very dreamy, the theme of this movie is science fiction, but from the beginning to the end there are only 3 main actors, running into the primeval forest for only 14 days, there is only one reason for this: poor money." The budget of the film is only 1 million, and the crew will disband on the spot after 14 days of filming. ”

Zheng Lei said that his directorial fee for this film is zero yuan, and he hopes that more people will walk into the theater to see this film. His ideal is to make films seriously, help domestic films, and enrich Chinese science fiction. He said his next film is called "Visiting Time" and is still a science fiction theme.

The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights

Chengdu on-demand screening scene

It was revealed that "Parallel Forest" was bought by Hollywood in May this year, directed by the up-and-coming director Colosh Aharri, starring Aldis Hodge and Edwin Hodge brothers. It is reported that the remake of the film tells the story of a mother who relies on traveling through parallel space to release the pain of losing her child.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao pictured according to the film side

Edited by Li Jie

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The domestic science fiction film "Parallel Forest" has been bought by Hollywood for remake rights