
What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?


There are many world famous paintings, but only this one painting has plagued people for a hundred years, it is so mysterious, people have been working tirelessly in order to explore the secrets after the painting, he is leonardo da Vinci's painting of the "Mona Lisa", the woman in the painting, the mysterious smile, people feel strange, the secret behind this painting is also very yearning, all the doubts about him, so far have not been fully solved, some people once thought that this painting is a treasure map, and even some people call this painting a key to leave the earth, What the hell is going on with this painting?

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

Let's start with Leonardo da Vinci, leonardo da Vinci, in addition to his talent in painting, he also deeply studied 20 disciplines, including philosophy, engineering and medicine, which made people admire his erudition, Einstein once praised him, if his painting manuscripts are made public, European technology can at least advance for hundreds of years. Such an evaluation can be said to be very high, and we can see that Leonardo da Vinci was indeed a genius. Leonardo da Vinci rose to fame, in 1503, when he came into view with the Last Supper, after which he began the road to create the Mona Lisa, according to the literature, leonardo da Vinci spent about four years to complete the Mona Lisa painting, it is said that he has always carried this painting with him, and it is because of this that people are more curious about the Mona Lisa. Since the Mona Lisa was completed in 1506, more than 500 years ago, we do not know the secrets of the Mona Lisa.

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

There are relevant scientists, the Mona Lisa this painting infrared scan, after processing, scientists made a relevant speculation about the painting color, they first answered the meaning of the name of the Mona Lisa, in Italian, Mona is a kind of honorific title for the lady, therefore, the Mona Lisa is not the name of the woman in the painting, in this painting, the real name of the woman is lisa Gradini, according to the records, Lisa Gladini is Leonardo da Vinci's neighbor, in addition, Scientists speculate that at the time of the completion of the painting, Lisa Gradini was pregnant, and this conclusion is derived from Lisa Gradini's costume, the woman wearing a double-shouldered dress covered by a transparent scarf with a unique collar around the neck, at that time, this combination called "Garnello" was specially designed for pregnant women.

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

In addition, a surprising speculation is that there are signs of aliens in the Mona Lisa painting, scientists once refracted the Mona Lisa painting mirror, found that the mirror and the painting itself combined to form a complete alien appearance, careful observation, we can not only clearly see his face, we can also see that the alien in the painting was wearing a cape at the time. Aside from these speculations, what's the hidden message about the Mona Lisa painting?

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

An American painter named Ron, while imitating the Mona Lisa, discovered that there were many animals hidden behind the painting, including buffaloes, apes, lions and snakes. In addition, after the researchers enlarged the painting 40 times, they found that the woman in the painting contained English letters in her eyes, and there were two letters in the left eye, the letters were not very clear, according to speculation, he may be ce or bs, and the two letters contained in the right eye were lv, which was the abbreviation of the owner of the painting, Leonardo da Vinci. But the most curious thing is the smile of the woman in the painting, what exactly does this smile contain?

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

Experts in micro-expressions gave relevant opinions, they believe that women's smiles have a happiness rate of 83%, a disgust rate of 9%, and a fear rate of 6% and a anger rate of 2%. In the follow-up study, there were also researchers using special equipment, scanned and studied, found that the painting was created in strict accordance with the golden ratio law, that is, the 1 to 1.618 standard, the golden ratio law has always been considered to make people feel very happy the law of proportion, perhaps because of the golden ratio law, resulting in no matter from any angle we look at the painting, the woman in the painting has always been smiling. In fact, the reason why the Mona Lisa is so famous is not only what we just said, but also a very crucial reason, what is it?

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

The key reason for this is a case that happened, the case of the theft of the Mona Lisa, in 1911 Ruja, a painter working in the Louvre, stole the Mona Lisa painting in the process of work, and then sent the painting to Italy, the loss of the Mona Lisa painting, the impact is very wide, not only by the entire French people, but also in newspapers around the world, Mona Lisa painting is also famous.

What's behind the 830 million-dollar smile? How many more secrets does the Mona Lisa have?

Mona Lisa, this painting is so mysterious, what do you think about her? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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