
Why the "Alxa Heroes' Association" has become a feast of online hunting | boils

Why the "Alxa Heroes' Association" has become a feast of online hunting | boils

"Those who have not done anything will seek their own interests", the Alxa heroes should reflect on the negativeization of their own image.

Why the "Alxa Heroes' Association" has become a feast of online hunting | boils

The image comes from the official public name of the Alxa Heroes Association

Text | Wang Yanhu

Overnight, the Alxa Heroes would catch fire, in a disgraceful way.

In the second half of the long holiday, many people's circle of friends and the WeChat group where they are located began to be filled with online articles depicting the Alxa Heroes Association, interspersed with many fragrant pictures and small videos, and the image of an "arrogant and lascivious" Alxa Hero Club did not go away.

Under the creation of a similar discourse system, the Alxa Hero Will become a "desert version of the sea and sky feast".

But the rumors online don't have much real evidence. On the contrary, the Propaganda Department of the Left Banner of Alxa, where the Hero Club was held, came out to respond: the public security department did not find the phenomenon of gathering fornication, and the disseminators were under police investigation for publishing false information, and the incident of gathering people to fight was true.

The "Past and Present Lives" of the Alxa Heroes Society

At least from the official caliber, those rumors of gathering people for sexual immorality cannot be found to have any basis. Of course, the expression "gather the crowd to fight" also shows that some people in the Alxa Heroes Association may not be "good people".

But in any case, so many fragrant legends happened to the Alxa Heroes Association, even if it is not a fact, combined with various previous information, I am afraid it is not a purely simple appendage. At least, the psychological roots of this fragrant imagination are enough to figure out.

Why the "Alxa Heroes' Association" has become a feast of online hunting | boils

In fact, the Alxa Heroes Club is not mysterious, this project was originally to organize professional off-road players to compete and communicate, is the largest annual event in the off-road circle, attracting a large number of off-road people across the country to participate in it.

Since 2006, the Alxa Heroes' Association has been held for thirteen consecutive years. In 2013, the Hero Club permanently settled in Alxa, Inner Mongolia.

This Alxa Hero Club is actually a big party, not only has the core events, but also theme activities, entertainment matrix, camp interaction and several other projects, including T3 series events, electronic syllable festivals, food festivals and so on. As one of the most passionate and challenging events in the whole Heroes Club, the T3 Desert Challenge is the core point of the Heroes Club.

Therefore, the Alxa Heroes Club has now become a platform for professional off-road players to compete and communicate, and has become a tourism project in the Alxa region.

With the gradual maturity of the project and the spread of word of mouth, in addition to professional off-road players this year, some urban SUVs and family cars have also appeared on the scene of the Hero Club. According to the Inner Mongolia Daily, in just 5 days of the event, a total of 400,000 cars and 1.2 million tourists poured in. With the increase in the number of people, there have also been problems such as mismanagement, traffic congestion, and environmental damage, which have been recognized by local officials.

Compared with these more circle-based events, the "fragrant" legend of the Alxa Heroes' Club, although there is no real hammer evidence, has triggered a hunting carnival on the Internet. Although the local official wording said that "no crowd fornication was found", there was actually no relevant content on the Internet, but this large-scale xiangyan imagination scene also left a lot of room for interpretation.

What breeds the "fragrant imagination" of the Alxa Heroes Association

Look at what elements the alxa heroes will have - million-level luxury cars, wild sand off-road, all kinds of Internet celebrities and local tycoons, especially the rich second generation. When these elements are combined, it often means a carnival of money and power.

In the inherent perception of the public, fragrant cars, beautiful women and money are almost standard. Not to mention the "hero" image created by the off-road, if there is no beautiful woman to accompany, it will always feel less "heroic".

From the perspective of all channels, those beautiful videos and pictures may have been intercepted from other scenes to be attached, but this year's Alxa Heroes Club did go to many young women.

In many objectively introducing the Alxa Heroes' Club, in addition to introducing the scenes of the event, the electric syllable festival, and the food festival, there are also many photos of beautiful women, but the scene is not fragrant, but it is more streetside. The purpose of these "beauties" going to Alxa may also be just to travel and see. However, this year, the influx of a large number of Internet celebrities has allowed this hero to gain unprecedented attention through the short video platform.

Why the "Alxa Heroes' Association" has become a feast of online hunting | boils

Even so, it is still impossible to stop the imagination of those who have not yet arrived. And such a rich second-generation, luxury car gathering place, but also for these imaginations, provide reliable materials and space.

It is undeniable that the Alxa Heroes Club has indeed changed somewhat in recent years, and now it is no longer a simple event, in a sense it has become a large-scale live social platform. The car to the Alxa Heroes Club is more like a social ticket, into the desert, probably full of fame and fortune.

Many automotive self-media have "broken the news": since the organizers have joined elements such as electric syllables, food festivals, auto shows, desert challenges, rock adventures, etc., Alxa Heroes will pay more and more attention. In order to make money, the organizers sold tickets uncontrollably, and the tickets sold far exceeded the capacity of the car in the event field; the cars that could enter, regardless of whether the vehicles on the scene had the ability to drive in the desert, were allowed to enter, and some people drove the city SUVs as off-road vehicles into the desert, and the photos of the resulting seconds turned upside down were also exposed.

From the negative news that has been reported in the fights and environmental damage, the outside world probably knows that the image of the Alxa Heroes Society is deteriorating. An Alxa Hero Society, whose image is gradually becoming negative, is the basis for breeding this fragrant imagination.

Some people say that "Alxa" (not referring to the local, but to this kind of event) has everything, that is, there are no heroes. Although this statement is mean, it may be in line with this fragrant imagination about the Alxa Heroes' Society.

Imagination may not be accurate, but it may be a projection of some kind of reality.

"Those who have not done anything will seek their own interests", the Alxa heroes should reflect on the negativeization of their own image. This is not to say that all its "stigmatization" should follow the path of "hatred of the rich" and "three customs", and there is no need to be harsh on these people's group-based and fun-based gatherings - but to remind the organizers and participants: no matter how hi, you must abide by the law, and respecting the rules is the best "body armor" to avoid external moral gunfire.

Editor: Di Xuanya Intern: Li Zhen Proofreader: Liu Baoqing

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