
There are many types of obesity, which one do you want to lose weight? 1. Stress-type obesity 2.Dietary obesity 3.Pathological obesity + hormonal obesity 4.Humidity weight + metabolic obesity 5.Hereditary obesity + malnutrition obesity 6.Compound obesity

author:White rabbit candy vlog

It's the season of weight loss again, no matter how hard you try to lose weight, watching the flesh on your body refuse to fall down, every day you frown and face. This is most likely because you haven't found yourself gaining weight yet. Obesity is also divided into many kinds, only to find the reason for their own fat, the right medicine, that become a slim figure will be far away?

Although there are many articles on the Internet about obesity types, it is not too many professional terms, or it feels very strange after reading it, as if you know why you are fat and do not seem to know. When I first lost weight, I was also blind, and I spent a lot of time and used a lot of methods to lose weight, but it didn't work. So I began to study why I gained weight, and then targeted changes to my lifestyle habits and eating styles to support proper exercise. Only to successfully slim down and maintain weight.

Below I have collated my collection of obesity types for reference only.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" >1</h1>

This is the obesity that work parties and graduation parties are prone to. The main reason is that the pressure is high, coupled with the busy work and study, resulting in irregular life and rest, and sedentary. Diet is also easy to overeat, or waste sleep and forget to eat. Over time, you will get fat.

This type of obesity is easy to reduce and not easy to lose. The good thing is to lose weight as long as you reduce the pressure on yourself. The place that is not easy to reduce is that the eating and rest habits in the long-term state of high pressure will be difficult to correct for a while and a half, and it is necessary to correct the work and rest and eating habits, and it is difficult to adhere to it. 996 and 007, sources of stress.

There are many types of obesity, which one do you want to lose weight? 1. Stress-type obesity 2.Dietary obesity 3.Pathological obesity + hormonal obesity 4.Humidity weight + metabolic obesity 5.Hereditary obesity + malnutrition obesity 6.Compound obesity

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >2</h1>

This type of obesity is related to eating habits. That is, the taste of eating is too heavy, and there is more oil and salt. Because the taste is heavy, it is able to appetize, which leads us to eat more. And this type of obesity is easy to contagious, that is, if one person in the family has a heavy diet, it is basically difficult to reduce the remaining two, unless you restrain yourself from eating so much, or make another light diet. In addition, it is easy to be fat if you love to drink.

This type of obesity is not very difficult to lose weight as long as the diet is lightened down, less oil and less salt.

There are many types of obesity, which one do you want to lose weight? 1. Stress-type obesity 2.Dietary obesity 3.Pathological obesity + hormonal obesity 4.Humidity weight + metabolic obesity 5.Hereditary obesity + malnutrition obesity 6.Compound obesity

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" >3. pathological obesity + hormonal obesity</h1>

This kind of obesity is caused by illness, or obesity caused by some drugs eaten after illness that contain a lot of hormones. Specific reference to some medical instructions, not explained here. This type of fat is afraid that it is difficult to reduce. Unless the drug is discontinued or whatever. My classmate once became obese because of illness and medication, and then he slowly lost weight and weight when he was sick and stopped taking medicine. I haven't experienced it myself and don't know what to do.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" >4</h1>

Heavy humidity and edema lead to obesity, which is mostly due to the preference for eating cold, cold foods. Eat ice cream in the summer, drink cold drinks, eat watermelon, and then blow air conditioning for a long time and other reasons caused by moisture into the body, resulting in people with weakness, easy to be sleepy and tired, unwilling to exercise. This also leads to metabolic obesity, because the amount of exercise is reduced, so the metabolism becomes slower, resulting in greater calorie intake than calories consumed.

This kind of obesity wants to be reduced, you must eat less cold things, pay attention to keep warm, do not covet cool and blow air conditioning, and do not stay up late, and drink more hot water, soak your feet, drink barley tea, and eat wet foods (such as winter melon soup) Diet therapy assistance. If necessary, you can go to see a Chinese medicine practitioner and ask for professional advice.

There are many types of obesity, which one do you want to lose weight? 1. Stress-type obesity 2.Dietary obesity 3.Pathological obesity + hormonal obesity 4.Humidity weight + metabolic obesity 5.Hereditary obesity + malnutrition obesity 6.Compound obesity

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" >5</h1>

Hereditary obesity can be judged according to their own family history, this has not been encountered, not very understanding. Malnourished obesity is a single diet, which is either too vegetarian or too meaty, so that malnutrition causes the body to lack one of the other vitamins. So that the things eaten can not be effectively decomposed and utilized, but accumulated more and more.

Malnourished obesity wants to lose weight is nutritional diversification, do not be picky eaters.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >6</h1>

This kind of obesity I feel is relatively common. Because I feel this myself, because of the pressure caused by various reasons of life, work and study, the body is weak and humid, plus it is difficult to achieve a light diet on the diet, work and study make life irregular, and it is often sedentary, and obesity caused by long-term. When I was the fattest, I was in my junior year of high school, and the pressure was really great at that time, and I was better after college.

If you lose weight, you can only solve it one by one. Remove the moisture in the body first, consult Chinese medicine, drink tea to remove dampness, eat less cold drinks and watermelon, try not to blow air conditioning, and pay attention to keeping warm. Then it's time to correct your routine and stay up less late. Increase the amount of exercise, as well as eat lightly in terms of diet, do not eat the same thing as people with heavy taste, and really can't avoid eating it again with water. Under pressure, you can only relax yourself and find a way to decompress.

In general, although it is more troublesome, it can still be reduced if you want to reduce it. It just needs to be persistent.

There are many types of obesity, which one do you want to lose weight? 1. Stress-type obesity 2.Dietary obesity 3.Pathological obesity + hormonal obesity 4.Humidity weight + metabolic obesity 5.Hereditary obesity + malnutrition obesity 6.Compound obesity

Finally, I would like to make a point, this is just a small transparent understanding of me as a long-term struggle on the road to weight loss, which can be counted as a mental process. Compared with professional doctors and fitness instructors, I am still far behind, and I only hope to give a reference to the small partners who want to lose weight like me but can't find the direction. The road to weight loss is long and requires great perseverance and persistence. If you want to get more efficient weight loss, it is best to consult a professional fitness coach or doctor, otherwise just rely on your own blind practice, not only can not be reduced, but also easy to self-defeating damage to the body, the opposite effect. That would be more than worth the loss.