
Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

author:2D Kinomoto Akira

#魔弦传说 #

The first time I watched the animated movie "Legend of the Magic Strings", I didn't have any feelings except that the image of the characters was more different. And strictly speaking, the plot of this story is also colorful. In the ups and downs of the plot, it is easy for the audience to find the core of the story, that is, to keep love.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

I was impressed by The Legend of the Magic Strings because I found out that it was a stop-motion animation film produced by Laika Studios in the United States. Stop-motion animation films are already a relatively rare way of production in modern society. Such an animated film is time-consuming and laborious, takes a long time, and the producer must have a sign of patience.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > stories with obvious hard injuries have high scores</h1>

When I first saw the animated film "Legend of the Magic Strings", I was particularly surprised that in today's era, there are still people who insist on stop-motion animation films, and they are well-made, and there are many unexpected fight scenes. Another name for this animated film is Kubo and the Lyre.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

At first glance, it sounds like a Japanese animation movie, but it is actually a stop-motion animation film produced by the American Laika Studio. And this animated film is set in Japanese culture. It tells the story of a small village in ancient Japan. There is a little boy Kubo who lives by the sea.

He differs from the others in that he has only one eye and that he is a boy with mysterious powers. So the whole story revolves around Kubo's second eye. Originally, Kubo told the people of the town stories of magic and monsters during the day in exchange for his and his mother's livelihood.

The Evil Sisters are the daughters of the Moon God, who takes Kubo's second eye in place of the Moon God. Kubo supports him and his mother with the money he earns from selling street art. But the appearance of the evil sisters unlocks Kubo's different origins.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

At this time, we can also straighten out the entire main line. Kubo is the child of a combination of samurai and immortals, his mother is the eldest daughter of Luna, the evil sister is Kubo's aunt, then Luna is Kubo's grandfather. The story is found here, and from the perspective of the content of the story, there is nothing wrong with it.

The next thing that many people don't understand is that Kubo's mother sacrificed her life to protect Kubo. Then a snowy mountain monkey takes on the role of mentor and mother. There is also a Beetle, an amnesiac samurai, who plays the role of mentor and father. The two characters accompany Kubo on a difficult journey in search of armor.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

The name of the animated film is The Legend of the Magic String, and at the beginning of the story, Kubo's weapon is his piano. So the question is, Kubo's great point is that he can subdue the enemy with strings, so what is the point of finding armor.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > animation CG techniques and traditional techniques</h1>

To put it simply, a sensible boy who takes care of his amnesiac mother, Kubo could have lived his life like this. But the evil sisters did not spare Kubo and his mother. The ambitious Luna, who did whatever it took to get Kubo's second eye.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

This animated film is 100 minutes on the set, and we can see from the picture of the animated film that many details in the animated film are handled with special care. There is a plot where the wood is split, and the sawdust is clearly seen. However, the box office of this animated film is not ideal, and many professionals have a good evaluation of this animated film. It is said that during the release period in the United States, the animated film reached a rating of more than nine points on the website.

I wanted to find the reasons for the apparent dichotomy between public and professional review. First of all, we need to clarify two different concepts, "Legend of the Magic String" is a stop-motion animation produced by Laika, which is said to be particularly bullish, they only do stop-motion animation.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

Compared with modern advanced CG technology, stop-motion animation is time-consuming and laborious, and the investment of funds is the most critical place. It is said that stop-motion animation is a representative of burning money, and one second of footage requires about twenty or so photos. An expression takes a second, that is to say, in the animated movie "Legend of the Magic String", if you want to show the mood and sorrow of the characters, this is a big project, and the face molds needed are about tens of thousands.

So a lot of people don't use stop-motion animation technology anymore, and a large part of the animated movies we see now are CG technology.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > adherence to tradition is excellence</h1>

I first watched the animated film Legend of the Magic Strings, and in terms of plot, I didn't find this animated film different from other animated films. It's just that from the visual effect of the sense of picture, I feel that there is a clear difference from other animated films.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

I was also surprised to learn that this animated film is stop-motion because there are a lot of wonderful fight scenes in it. Fight scenes are as precious as gold for stop-motion animation. The difficulty of making stop-motion animation itself is very large, so the characters in stop-motion animation generally rarely make long-term complex, fast and coherent actions.

It can also be said that stop-motion animation is what we often say "one minute before the stage, ten years offstage". For stop-motion animation, the price paid to make an animated film is not the cumbersome that ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, I did not understand for a while what kind of firm will the director of the animated film "Legend of the Magic String" was able to insist on only making stop-motion animation. In fact, the American Laika Studio has also launched animated movies such as "Ghost Mother" and "Psychic Boy Norman" that we are all familiar with.

Legend of the Magic String: Behind the 10,000 mouth expression models, it is a story score that is hard to stick to tradition, but the high animation CG technology and traditional skills are the persistence of tradition

At this time, we can understand why the animated film "Legend of the Magic String" has been given a score of more than nine points by the professional reviewers. Laymen look at the bustle, insiders look at the doorway, and do stop-motion animation in which the hardships are the efforts we can't see. It is said that many of the scenes in this animated movie are artificially restored.

Only for the sake of excellence in the picture effect, adhere to the craftsmanship, pure handmade production level, the inheritance of the traditional production methods of animation.

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