
Rice fields, scenic spots, nostalgia: the change of rural Chenzhou in Hunan Under the land spatial planning

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Zhao Shi

After harvesting the late rice harvest, Xinfeng Village once again enjoyed a bumper harvest. In another season, the rape flowers that have been planted successively will bloom.

At that time, this small village located in Anren County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, with farming as the most important source of income, will usher in a weaving stream of people who appreciate the sea of yellow flowers.

Driving to the southeast of Chenzhou, Shazhou Village in Rucheng County is in the white-walled gray tiles, green brick ancient road, showing another taste of nostalgia story.

In 1934, the Long March of the Red Army passed through this small Yao village, leaving behind touching stories such as "half a quilt". Today, more than 80 years later, these stories and the spirit behind them are deeply rooted in the fabric of this village, attracting groups of tourists to visit.

Golden rice fields and flower fields, red tourist attractions, original nostalgia... These two villages are the results of the implementation of land spatial planning and farmland protection by the natural resources department in recent years to help rural revitalization. Recently, the surging news reporter followed the theme of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature" organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources to Chenzhou, Hunan Province, to explore in depth a new sample of rural development under the territorial spatial planning.

Farmland protection: Rural rice paddies turn into net red parks

Sitting on 417,800 mu of arable land, Anren is one of the famous agricultural counties in Hunan Province. In recent years, Anren County has seized the opportunity of the national high-standard basic farmland improvement policy, based on the land consolidation project and the concept of "green development and green life", to create the country's first "rice park" integrating basic farmland protection, agricultural demonstration, science education, eco-tourism, leisure and entertainment.

Rice fields, scenic spots, nostalgia: the change of rural Chenzhou in Hunan Under the land spatial planning

The construction of Paddy Park officially began in early 2013, and in 2014, it was awarded the "National 4A Level Scenic Spot", sitting on more than 14,000 acres of contiguous rice fields. The Surging News reporter Zhao Shitu

Located in Yonglejiang Town, Anren County, Daotian Park involves 12 villages such as Xinfeng and Shantang, and its name is personally inscribed by Mr. Yuan Longping. At the beginning of 2013, the park officially started construction, and in 2014, it was awarded the "National 4A Level Scenic Spot". The entire park covers an area of more than 50,000 mu, with the Paishan River as the core, more than 14,000 mu of contiguous rice fields, and also includes 10,000 mu of tea gardens, 10,000 mu of orchards, 1,000 mu of lotus gardens, ecological manors, heron gardens, Daoxiang Village, water parks, riverside amusement parks, farming museums, etc.

Now the rice field park, spring canola flowers, summer has the sun lotus, autumn to see the golden waves, winter to enjoy the pastoral snow, not only can appreciate the traditional farming culture of slash and burn, but also can visit the mechanized standardization of modern agricultural demonstration, is not only a citizen garden, children's paradise, but also a traditional agricultural culture display area, modern agricultural demonstration garden.

Zhang Jiayuan, secretary of the party group and director of the Anren County Natural Resources Bureau, introduced that in the implementation of the project, Anren County integrated the park elements into the rice fields, fully relying on the existing local natural resources and geographical environment, and carried out land leveling and farmland water conservancy construction around the "field" character framework, so that the farmland layout and facilities were integrated with the surrounding Yongle River, Shennong Scenic Area, xiongfeng Mountain National Forest Park, and the mountains, water and countryside were natural, and every ditch, road and canal in the park was built into a unique scenery without affecting the function of the project itself.

Rice fields, scenic spots, nostalgia: the change of rural Chenzhou in Hunan Under the land spatial planning

The current Paddy Park is not only a citizens' amusement park, a children's paradise, but also a traditional agricultural culture display area and a modern agricultural demonstration garden.

"Through planning, we have cracked the bottleneck restricting the development of land consolidation, realized the 'chess game' of high-standard basic farmland construction, rewritten the history of the inability to grow rapeseed here, and bred a large number of 'agricultural' enterprises such as the national-level agricultural leading enterprise Sheng square meter industry and the provincial-level agricultural leading enterprise Xinliang grain and oil." Zeng Ke, deputy county magistrate of Anren County, said that since the opening of the rice field park on March 21, 2014, its economic, social and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent, which not only effectively enhances the production and ecological value of cultivated land, but also drives the development of the tertiary industry, which has also played a great role in promoting the industrial upgrading of the towns near the project and the masses to get rid of poverty and get rich, and part of the income of the park is used for the later maintenance and management of the land consolidation project.

So far, Daotian Park has received more than 10 million tourists from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other countries, and this year's "Eleventh" holiday alone has received more than 160,000 tourists, increasing its income by 3.4 million yuan.

Zeng Ke said that the more than 300 pedal bicycles in The Rice Field Park have brought considerable income to the villagers, and some villagers earn thousands of yuan a day. In addition, with the development of tourism, the sales income of agricultural and sideline products has increased year by year, and the income of local specialties such as hot skin, rice wine, rice plastic, rice tofu, and beef dumplings sold by farmers has reached more than 500 million yuan, and today, more than 1,300 farmers are working at the doorstep of their homes, and their per capita income has increased by more than 30%.

Village planning: to create a red tourist scenic spot

In Chenzhou, Shazhou is arguably the most famous village.

Rucheng County, where Shazhou Village is located, is an important red city in Hunan Province, the first stop of the Red Army's Long March into Hunan Province, and the concentrated display area of the Hunan section of the Long March National Cultural Park.

In 1934, the Red Army's Long March passed through the Yao village of Shazhou, leaving behind touching stories such as "half a quilt". Since then, the name of Shazhou Village has always been associated with the red story and the spirit of the Long March.

But before that, due to its mountainous location, traffic congestion and economic backwardness, most of the villagers in Shazhou Village went out to work, and the village was seriously decayed, and many houses fell into disrepair and were on the verge of collapse.

Until 2016, Chenzhou City focused on the goal of "red inheritance, green development" and "building a national important red education and training base, a national influential red cultural tourism destination, and a national sustainable rural revitalization demonstration area", adhering to the principle of "not engaging in large-scale demolition and construction, maintaining rural style", integrating "red, green and ancient" three-color resources, positioning in accordance with the functional layout of the three districts, that is, the core area, the expansion area and the linkage area, and helping the revitalization of Shazhou Village with a new village planning. The sandbar red tourist scenic spot came into being.

Rice fields, scenic spots, nostalgia: the change of rural Chenzhou in Hunan Under the land spatial planning

The original site of the story of "Half a Quilt" in Shazhou Village.

The plan begins implementation. Cai Haiming, deputy director of the Natural Resources Bureau of Rucheng County, introduced that the plan takes Shazhou Village as the core and radiates 21 surrounding administrative villages, involving all aspects of social and economic development, including industrial development, land spatial pattern, village construction, infrastructure construction, public service support, ecological protection and other aspects.

On the one hand, we should highlight "red", give full play to the red advantages of Shazhou Village, scientifically lay out and build a number of red education bases represented by the Long March Cadre College, plan and build the Long March National Cultural Park, the tourist highway from civilization to longevity, the Long March trail and other projects with high standards, strengthen the supporting service capabilities such as consumption, accommodation, and catering, and conscientiously plan tourism products, agricultural and sideline products.

On the other hand, based on "green". Vigorously develop special agriculture such as sandbar ginger, nai li, kiwi fruit, etc., help villagers increase their income and become rich, and at the same time continue to do a good job in improving the rural living environment in the sandbar area, do a good job in sanitation and cleaning of scenic spots and towns, and ensure "clean water", "shore beauty" and "ecological excellence".

On the basis of retaining the original appearance of the village residence, the plan is to build new houses in the village, dredge ditches, divert water into the village, insert green in the seams, and carry out environmental remediation through the protection and restoration of ancient houses and unified architectural styles, dredge ditches, divert water into the village, insert green in the seams, and fence in vegetable gardens for environmental remediation, build ecological and environmental protection public toilets, repair and improve the drainage system, achieve zero discharge of sewage, garbage into bins, centralized treatment, and also realize the garbage Nissan Nissin.

Rice fields, scenic spots, nostalgia: the change of rural Chenzhou in Hunan Under the land spatial planning

Shabar Village after planning and construction.

Cai Haiming said that today, Shazhou Village has successfully created a national 4A-level tourist scenic spot, which has become an important place for party organizations at all levels inside and outside the province to carry out party sex education, receiving hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

"A few years ago, our Shazhou Village was a small village with a dirty environment and dilapidated houses, but now it is a new look." Zhu Xinliang, a 57-year-old villager in Shazhou Village, opened a restaurant after the establishment of the scenic spot, "Our village has become a 4A red tourist scenic spot, and everyone has eaten a 'tourist meal'." In September this year, the county set aside a piece of land and planned to build a new shabar village in the back hill of our village, which is really a 'half quilt' to plan out the current 'happy days' of shazhou village! ”

Editor-in-Charge: Yuhao Zhong

Proofreader: Yan Zhang

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