
Hot interpretation | What is the significance of Xi Jinping's mention of the "Mongolian horse spirit" again in an extraordinary period?

Hot interpretation | What is the significance of Xi Jinping's mention of the "Mongolian horse spirit" again in an extraordinary period?

There is a proverb in inner Mongolia that reads: "A thousand miles of wind and a thousand miles of xia, can not catch up with the iron hooves of a hundred forks." ”

On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again mentioned the need to promote the "Mongolian horse spirit" when attending the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation to the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress. This is not only a trust to the people of the grassland, but also an encouragement to the people of the whole country.

What is the "Mongolian Horse Spirit"?

Six years ago, when Xi Jinping attended the Naadam Conference for herders in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, he encouraged the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia: Although Mongolian horses are not as tall as famous horses abroad, they have strong vitality, endurance, and physical fitness. We must be like the Mongolian horse, and have a spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work and forging ahead.

This is the first time that the general secretary has explicitly put forward the "Mongolian horse spirit".

Hot interpretation | What is the significance of Xi Jinping's mention of the "Mongolian horse spirit" again in an extraordinary period?

The "Mongolian horse spirit" of "bearing hardships and standing hard work, forging ahead, and never giving up until the goal is reached" has long been integrated into the blood of the Mongolian people through historical precipitation and practice, and is also deeply rooted in the connotation of the Chinese spirit.

This year is a very unusual year, the final year of the decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the decisive battle against poverty, the realization of economic and social development goals and tasks is arduous and heavy, and then superimposed on the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, it is more difficult and more demanding to do a good job throughout the year. Deeply understanding the profound connotation of the "Mongolian horse spirit" has important practical and historical significance.

"Chinese people have great dreams, and even more have the great spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work and working hard to realize great dreams."

The spirit is invisible, but the cohesion is cohesive. Since the "epidemic", Xi Jinping has successively gone to Beijing, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Jin to investigate and investigate. In each expedition, he would put special emphasis on spiritual strength.

Hot interpretation | What is the significance of Xi Jinping's mention of the "Mongolian horse spirit" again in an extraordinary period?

Take the lead, the key moment of real gold quenching.

In the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, we have strengthened confidence, worked together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures, and the Chinese spirit has condensed a powerful force to fight the epidemic, and has become the foundation of strength and the source of confidence for the unity of will and the common struggle to overcome difficulties.

Qi Ji can't take ten steps when he jumps; he can't take ten steps; he can ride ten horses and give up his merits.

Poverty alleviation has entered the "countdown", the battle against poverty has entered the final stage, and with the "hard bones" being gnawed down and the poor counties "out of the queue", this historic task will be completed as scheduled.

Hot interpretation | What is the significance of Xi Jinping's mention of the "Mongolian horse spirit" again in an extraordinary period?

"The Chinese nation has experienced many tribulations in history, but it has never been crushed, but has become more and more courageous, constantly growing in the tribulations and rising from the tribulations." Spirit inspires action, and spirit casts great deeds.

On the morning of May 22, at the first "representative channel" of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress, Zhu Ting, a deputy to the National People's Congress and captain of the Chinese women's volleyball national team, interpreted the spirit of the women's volleyball team with 16 words: "The motherland is supreme, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle, never say defeat." ”

She also has another sentence, which is also touching: "The spirit of the women's volleyball team is not only in the time of victory, but has always existed." ”

People always need a little spirit, especially for countries and nations.

The spirit of dedication to hard-working, the enterprising spirit of indomitable progress, and the spirit of never giving up until the goal are contained in the "Mongolian Horse Spirit" inject a vigorous and unremitting driving force into the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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