
NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

author:Basketball Skills One

In the eyes of most people, basketball is a sport that requires height, and under normal circumstances, NBA players are rich and handsome with obvious muscle lines, long height and long arms, and well-proportioned figures, however, in the NBA, there are often "body deviation" players.

In the history of the NBA, there are such five extreme figures, each of which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

1, the fattest player, 40 pounds fatter than oh

Speaking of fat people in the NBA, fans may be the first to think of Shaquin O'Neal, it is true that when he was a player, he was 147kg when he was fat, but he was not the fattest in the NBA. In the past, the Timberwolves had a player, Oliver Miller, who entered the NBA in the same year as O'Neal, only 2.06 meters tall, but with a weight of 150kg, and even reached 340 pounds at the highest time, which is the player with the largest body unit density in the NBA's history, and also the fattest player.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

Watching him play on the field is simply an interpretation of the adjective "flexible fat man".

2. The thinnest and tallest player

In the past two years, China's player Zhou Qi has logged into the NBA, which makes people obviously feel such a thin body shape, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the NBA. And there is one person in the history of the NBA who is thinner than Zhou Qi, and he is Manute Pol. The black player from Sudan weighs even less than Zhou Qi, only 95kg.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

Why is it so thin that you can still gain a foothold in the NBA? Of course, due to his height, Ball has the tallest height in NBA history - 2.31 meters, arm span of 2.59 meters, tiptoeing to easily grasp the basket, is the only player in NBA history who has 15+ blocks in 2 games.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

3. The shortest player

In this giant league, of course, there will be small players, the more famous ones are Sbert Webb, Nate Robinson and Thomas Jr., but the shortest player in NBA history is half a head shorter than them, he is Tini Boggs.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

Boggs is only 1.60 meters tall, and is called a "bug" by fans, but it also gives Boggs a speed that no one else has, and his defensive steal ability is also very good, playing in the NBA for 14 seasons, and is a successful player.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

4. The strongest player

Speaking of strong, this is an adjective specifically referring to LeBron James among active players, but looking at the entire history of the NBA, James is not ranked, the peak Howard, the four centers of the 90s, Carl Malone are all famous muscular tough guys. But perhaps the strongest is the "Ancient Mythical Beast", Wilt Chamberlain.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

Chamberlain's height of 2.16 meters, 125kg of weight, and also won the high jump record on the track and field field, in that era was the existence of the ruling inner line, once won a miracle of 100 points in a single game, Schwarzenegger once said that Chamberlain can easily lift himself with one hand, unfortunately, there are many wonderful shots in that era that have not been saved, it is difficult for us to really feel the power of Zhang Dashuai, but only from these records and photos, the strongest player in the NBA is none other than him.

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

5. Players with extreme stature

Is there really anyone in this world who is born for basketball? If you've seen Maddy and Jordan's physical talents and started believing this; you've seen Durant's stature and gradually started to accept it; then when you've seen the figure of the bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo today, you'll believe it completely!

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

2.11 meters tall, 95kg weight, to ensure the height of difficult to defend but without losing speed, 2.21 meters of arm span, 30.48cm palm, can ensure a strong defense, the above three points are already the top configuration that the average player does not dare to expect, and the letter brother also has a 34.3cm Achilles tendon! It's no exaggeration to say he's the most extreme figure in NBA history!

NBA history of the top 5 "body of the largest": 2 meters 31 giant arm span of 259cm, some people than the weight of 40 pounds

The NBA is so big that there is no wonder! These five extreme figures are all works of art that came into being on the basketball court. (Zheng Xiaojun)

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