
Have you eaten? Cheng Xian'e confided in her difficulties in life and confessed that "all the property was 7 million won"

author:Love watching Korean variety shows
Have you eaten? Cheng Xian'e confided in her difficulties in life and confessed that "all the property was 7 million won"

Sung Hyun-e in "Have you eaten?" Before the broadcast, I confided in my fearful state of mind.

On the afternoon of the 21st, Cheng Xian'e uploaded a natural photo through her own instagram and left a message saying, "Too tired." It's horrible. Where you can't get a foothold. "

She will broadcast SBS Plus "Eating?" this afternoon (21st). " is scheduled to star. According to the reports released by SBS Plus before the broadcast, Sung Hyun-e met with Kim So-mi and shed tears as she confessed her difficulties in life. She said: "As a monthly deposit, the remaining 7 million yuan is my entire property. It is reported that she spent the heat with her son through an electric fan", confiding in the difficult life she experienced as a "mother".

As soon as such a report came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the public to Cheng Xian'e. This is similar to when he starred in KBS JOY's "Anything Can Be Asked" in September to convey feelings related to malicious messages. At that time, Cheng Xian'e said that "when there are many vicious messages, she will run 4,000 and occupy the first place in the actual search", but said that she could not stand the malicious messages to her family. After the program was broadcast, Cheng Xian'e, as she said, became the first real-time search term on the portal and received a lot of attention. Of course, there are also well-intentioned responses to this concern, but there are still many criticisms.

Cheng Xian'e followed "Anything Can Be Asked" and starred in "Have You Eaten?" again after a month. "" informs the public of his sense of existence through starring. And before the relevant program was broadcast, Cheng Xian'e was once again at the center of the topic.

In response, Cheng Xian'e reacted "both tired and scared" through her own SNS. From before the broadcast, he expressed concern about everyone's concern.

For a long time, the image of Cheng Xian'e, surrounded by many rumors, has not been friendly. Can Cheng Xian'e make the public change their minds through this show?

The detailed story about Cheng Xian'e will be broadcast on SBS Plus at 10 pm today (21st), "Have You Eaten?" can be confirmed.

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