
5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

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The word Dink is a product of a new era, accompanied by an increasing number of people who have emancipated the mind. Couples choose not to have children to live in a two-person world, to live happily, without worrying about having children and not worrying about the future of their children.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

However, these couples who chose Dink have many regrets, because time makes them miss the optimal age for childbearing, so they can only pay more than ordinary people in order to have children. Some celebrities choose artificial insemination and IVF, and some male celebrities choose to divorce and find a younger one again.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Xie Lan is 49 years old, and Xiaohong is 60 years old

Xie Lanshi Xiaohong and his wife estimated that many netizens did not know them. These two are old drama bones, Xie Lan is the actor of Li Xiangxiu in "The Gate of the Big House", and Huang Lei, Jiang Wu, and Wang Jinsong are classmates. In 2000, she married her husband, who was 11 years older than herself, and in 2012, she had a son by caesarean section, when she was 40 years old, a standard older pregnant woman, but it was not very late.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

When Sheran was a child, his family was poor and his parents were disabled. This made her think about having children somewhat, and at that time, Sheran was at the peak of her career, so Sheran proposed to be a Dink family. Although her husband was reluctant in his heart, he finally agreed, Xie Lan was working outside, and her husband took care of her father-in-law and mother-in-law at home.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

One day in 2011, Xie Lan suddenly regretted that she wanted to have a child, and her husband was confused at the time. Sheran said that he was not joking, and his attitude was very determined, and finally the two successfully became pregnant through hard work. His husband finally became a father when he was more than half a hundred years old.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Feng Yuanzheng is 59 years old, and Liang Dani is 67 years old

Feng Yuanzheng and his wife, Liang Dani, got married relatively late. And the two of them are sister-brother love, Liang Dani was 8 years older than Feng Yuanzheng. In 1993, at the age of 31, Feng Yuanzheng married 39-year-old Liang Dani.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

The two don't want children because Danielie Liang had a failed marriage, and then both of them feel that raising children is too noisy and upset. Liang Dani once said: "The two of us are Dink, even if we are childless and childless, we are still living happily to this day." ”

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

But then the 40-year-old Feng Yuanzheng regretted Dink again, saying in an interview that he now has everything and lacks a child. But in the face of his wife's advanced age in her 50s, the danger of having children is too great. The two of them have asked many doctors and tried many ways, but they can't get past this age.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Later, Feng Yuanzheng said bitterly: "How good it is to have a child, it is a sustenance for me and my wife."

It was really impossible to give birth, and the two confessed to their daughters. One is called Bei Bei and the other is called Fei Fei, Bei Bei is the daughter of the crew colleagues who filmed "The Legend of Liu Li Factory", and Fei Fei is a small actor who played Feng Yuanzheng's daughter in the play when filming the "Hero Has a Date", and the result really became his own daughter.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Although the two did not have their own children, they recognized two dry daughters, which is also a comfort to the heart.

Luo Dayou is 67 years old, Li Lie is 63 years old

The name is very famous, the godfather level of Chinese pop music. He later repented, and now that his daughter is 9 years old, he himself has become a daughter slave. He once laughed to himself: "Men's words are not credible."

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Luo Dayou's first wife, Li Lie, divorced in 1988 and divorced again in 1989. Luo Dayou said that he would no longer marry Dink, and that his first wife was unwilling to have a child, and his father did not see it until his death.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Later, he met his girlfriend who was 13 years younger than himself, and married in 2010, this time Luo Dayou was not in Dink, but tried to have a child. Eventually, when Luo Dayou was 58 years old, he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to give birth to a daughter through artificial conception of his wife.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

His wife was 45 years old and risked her life to give birth.

After having this daughter, Luo Dayou said: "I really regret not having children earlier, what a happy thing it is to have children."

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Tam Wing Lin is 71 years old, and Zhu Yongting is 49 years old

Speaking of Tan Yonglin's love history, it is estimated that many people will hate it, Tan Yonglin's first wife Yang Jiewei, in 1974, the two met in a bar, when Tan Yonglin was only 24 years old, at that time Tan Yonglin did not have any fame Yang Jiewei was little famous. After the two fell in love and got married, Yang Jiewei gave up her career to fully support Tan Yonglin.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

For the sake of their career, the two agreed to be a Dink family, this Ding is 10 years, so during the period Yang Jiewei was beaten every time she became pregnant, which eventually led to Yang Jiewei's lifelong infertility and lost the qualification of a mother.

As a result, Tan Yonglin later regretted it and did not want to Dink, so in 1996, Tan Yonglin had a son with his lover.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Tam wing Lin and Chu Wing Ting met at a fan conference in 1991, when Tam Wing Lin was 41 years old and Chu Wing Ting was 19 years old. After Yang Jiewei knew about it that year, in order to appease Yang Jiewei Tan Yonglin, she handed over all three or four billion assets to Yang Jiewei for management.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Yang Jiewei is also weak in nature, or she saw her husband's tumultuous operation, and finally gave up her property in 2008 to become a nun, leaving Tan Yonglin, a family of three, living happily and happily.

Er Dongsheng is 63 years old

Director Erda is a typical Dink regret type. In 1973, at the age of 16, he fell in love with 14-year-old Yu An'an. The two have successively starred in "The Sword of the Three Young Masters" and "The Book of the Dragon Slaughtering in the Heavens" and are known as the Golden Boy and Jade Daughter of the Shao Family.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Later, the two broke up because Er Dongsheng did not want to get married, so Yu An'an married Zhou Runfa.

In 1987, he burst out in love with Maggie Cheung, and the two quickly fell in love, like glue.

In 1995, Er Dongsheng suddenly got married, and his wife was Wang Ruixia, an outsider, and as a result, she divorced within half a year.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

In 1999, Er Dongsheng met Luo Xiaowen, a kindergarten teacher, and liked her. According to Er Dongsheng's words, she is very patient, very gentle and obedient, in line with her machismo.

This relationship is the same as the first relationship, after talking for eight or nine years, they did not get married, until one day Er Dongsheng wanted to get married on a whim, and finally the two simply received a certificate and did nothing.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

However, Er Dongsheng has always been Dink's concept, and Luo Xiaowen has no way to agree. It wasn't until 2018 that Er Dongsheng was exposed to have an illegitimate daughter that Luo Xiaowen suddenly realized. What a dink, just don't want to have children with yourself.

In 2016, Er Dongsheng and his lover had a daughter, he was 58 years old that year, and like Luo Dayou, he had a daughter at the age of 58.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Divorced Luo Xiaowen in 2017, Luo Xiaowen, who is already forty or fifty years old, is difficult to have children.

Er Dongsheng once said: "I am afraid of having children, and I feel that the responsibility is too great." "As a result, I regretted that Dink had found a young girl.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

Some netizens said that bet on anything and don't bet on men's hearts, and the two sons of Dink must think well. Men can be born until death, while women are just a few years, men can find young people again in order to divorce their children, while women can never do it.

5 star couples who agreed with their wives on Dink's life, but some people in their 50s regretted finding a lover to have a child

We can see that most of the reasons for these stars who choose Dink are busy with work. Later, I regretted that I wanted to have children, but I didn't have a chance, so I had to have children through other methods.

Of course, there are also people who go all the way to the end without children, such as Park Shu and his wife, Zheng Yijian and his wife. #Tam Wing Lin ## Lo Dayou ##娱乐圈的明星夫妻 #

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