
Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

The anti-Japanese drama "Fei Ge Big Hero" also saw a familiar Japanese face, he has participated in many anti-Japanese TV series, so Hu Xiaobian today to take stock of these Japanese actors. In "Battle Flag", Keiichi Yamazaki's interpretation performance is quite dedicated, and his fluent Chinese impresses every member of the crew. In "Forty-Nine Days Of The Festival", the black rock he played was simply chilling. Compared with the mentally handicapped, crazy, and tooth-dancing claws of the "Japanese devils" in the previous anti-war dramas, his performance is real and full of tension. Very righteous, he dares to act, he dares to face the Chinese people, and what he does is the interpretation of justice.

Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

Kenichi Miura, his first act as a "devil" was in the TV series "Agni Kong", and later successively played the role of a Japanese soldier in "Blood Shonishi", "Life and Death Line", and "Towards the Republic", becoming a "familiar face" ghost on the screen. Kenichi Miura is good at grasping the character characteristics of the characters, excellent acting skills, and excellent actor quality, in the film "East Wind and Rain", Nakanishi Masahiro, a Japanese revolutionary hero, is played realistically and movingly

Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

Shibuya Tenma in 2007, the main theme of the first anti-Japanese war movie "Flying Tigers Spy War". A sinister face. In addition to starring as a Japanese soldier in "Jinling Thirteen Chao", he has also participated in TV series such as "Snow Leopard", "I Am Legend", "Wise Man Invincible" and so on, and the Japanese gendarmerie captain Kato Keiji played in the spy drama "Borrowed Gun" is his most representative role. In "XiaoBao and Lao Cai", the audience unanimously affirmed and recognized the acting skills accumulated by Shibuya Tenma, a powerful actor, for many years, and some netizens commented that "the body can talk, and the body is full of drama"

Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

Yasuyuki Hirata is a Japanese actor active in the Chinese film and television industry, born in 1958 in Tokyo, Japan. He has also participated in and dubbed many film and television works in Japan. In China, he has participated in "Little Flying Tigers", "Lonely Island Flying Eagle", "Xiu Cai Meets Soldiers", "Pretender", "Borrow Gun" and so on. The TV series "The Pretender" Hirata Yasuyuki played the role of Fujita Yoshimasa in the play, in the play it can be seen that Fujita Yoshimasa has a strong aura every time he appears, and even the always calm and wise Ming Lou has to be cautious and cautious in front of Fujita Yoshimasa. Hirata Yasuyuki's acting skills also won further recognition from the audience.

Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

Remember Saito in "Little Soldier Zhangga"? Considered to be Koji Yano's masterpiece, the character of the Japanese officer "Saito" portrayed in it has attracted attention for his resourcefulness and composure. Koji Yano's real popularity is because he hosted Hunan Satellite TV's ace program "Every Day Upward". After that, he participated in many film and television dramas, including "Railway Guerrilla" and "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City". Is a trumpet actor. He was the most famous

Who do you like about the Japanese actors in those anti-Japanese dramas? Who has higher acting skills?

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