
Scorching days (1)

author:Chain family Tianyu - Xi Jiangwei

The world is like an audio movie that does not repeat every day, but keeps repeating, and everyone seems to be the protagonist and seems to be a supporting role. Changing roles back and forth in the eyes of different people.

  My name is Su Zhuo, a man who aspires to write heart-wrenching sentences.

  Xu Ri said that I was just a very immature literary and artistic youth.

  I said Xu Ri, just a third-rate singer who can play the guitar.

  2010, winter.

  The December sun was hard to warm up, xu ri was in those lights, inexplicably laughing in a mess, two rows of teeth appeared exceptionally bright.

  Xu Ri said to me, "Zhaozi, go with your sister."

  I asked her, "Where to go?" ”

  She didn't answer me, went to the side of the road and hijacked a taxi, dragging me into the car.

  I heard Xu Ri say to the driver, "Hungry can't do it, the chest is almost flat, hurry up, master." ”


  "Su Zhuo, Su Zhuo... Wake up, we arrived, got out of the car. ”

  Xu Ri saw Uncle KFC's spring-like smile and ran in. When I entered, I saw a table full of food, in front of the floor-to-ceiling window near the street, the sun was shining warmly, and the xu ri next to those who ate were grinning with their teeth and claws, stuffing french fries in their mouths, while signaling me to sit down and eat quickly with their hands and eyes.

  I walked lazily over: "Sister Day, have you not eaten in a few years?" ” 。

  Xu Ri paused, swallowed the food in his mouth into his stomach, sucked in a large mouthful of orange juice, and said to me: "What did you just say?" ”

  I sat down and said, "Don't say anything, you eat first."

  Xu Ri put down the orange juice in his hand and said to me: "Just now the driver uncle looks very similar to you, look at the left face to know the road is bumpy, look at the right face to know the danger."

  I knew she was alluding to those pimple marks on my face.

  However, Xu Richang is indeed quite beautiful, with a height of one meter six eight, a bumpy figure, and her face that has to be split when mosquitoes fall on it. Although the five levels are not simple, they are not complicated.

  Suddenly relieved in my heart, such a girl can't find an object, not even a person to chase, can only show that this person is mentally ill, I just ignore what she said.

  The sunlight smeared on Xu Ri's lips-white mouth, reflecting into the pupils of my back to the sun, exceptionally brilliant.

   "Su Zhuo, come to our bar tonight to play, sister help you stimulate it, you see your face that is already poor and bad, and it is like a lofty mountain, my sister has a fear of heights, and when she sees your face that is high up, there is a feeling of anemia."

  "Poof...", I sucked a large mouthful of orange juice before I could swallow it, and it spewed out, splashing sporadically on Xu Ri's jade-like face. He said to Xu Ri, "Sister Day, I am purely a mistake."

  Xu Ri wiped it with a tissue and said, "Revenge, pure revenge, pure revenge of a bad nature, pure bad nature and swift revenge."

  I smiled secretly, embarrassed to say sorry, and laughed schadenfreude at the same time.

  The meal ended hurriedly in the starry orange juice on Xu Ri's face in the sun, and I was still hungry.

  Xu Zhimo said: Writing is like giving birth. Xu Ri said to me, then you must be difficult to give birth.

  Xu Ri is a bar singer who is accustomed to seeing the lights and wine, but she is not very vocal, or she is a singer who is accustomed to migration but has dreams.

  She always said this: I hate settling down, I like to migrate. That's how she likes to run across the railroad tracks between two cities.

  The first time I met her was on the railway tracks that came and went from Wuhan to Beijing, from cherry blossoms to the shores of unnamed lakes.

  I felt like a wildebeest in the African savannah, having to migrate just to find water and grass. In my eyes there is no one who does not like a stable life, and so does she.

  I vividly remember that day, she carried two big guitars on her back and staggered into the car bound for Beijing. Her guitar hit me the forehead as she turned around in a hurry.

  I heard the strings fluttering, and it must have been a good guitar.

  Then she turned around and hurriedly fled the crowded station, without even saying sorry, like the grasshoppers in the autumn, as if they had disappeared all at once.

  Fate is sometimes like a leash for a dog. As long as it binds you, then no matter how you break free, there is nothing you can do.

  When she sat down, looking at me next to her, she smiled awkwardly, when she laughed there were two shallow dimples, a lot of beauty around in it, I also smiled, I clearly remember her two guitars, very painful.

  The sky of the city is like a transparent mouth, and the raindrops drip obliquely. I found this strange beautiful woman next to me, her eyes were particularly clear.

  Halfway through the car, I suddenly felt a head pressed against my shoulder, and the tiny grunt was magnified several times by the pinnacles that were close at hand.

  I didn't wake her up out of selfishness, so that I traveled alone and didn't seem so lonely.

  Xu Ri walked in this position and walked halfway through the remaining half of the way, but I would worry that her half-open mouth would drool on the white shirt I had just ironed.

  I looked at her carefully, although she did not look very sable, nor was she a small family jasper, but the position of the five features was still regular, and each of them was located in the position where they should be.

  And she still has a faint fragrance on her body, like lavender, gushing into my nostrils, desperately engraved in my memory.

  The sky was clear, and the clear sun stretched Xu Sun's waist, and as if she were used to closing her eyes, she rubbed twice on my shoulders, rubbing the saliva left at the corner of her mouth on my ironed white shirt.

  When passing through Handan, Xu Ri finally woke up.

  She woke up from my shoulder, removed her head full of heavy thoughts, looked at the shoulder of my shirt, fluttered, and smiled badly.

  From her laughter, I was surprised not to hear a trace of embarrassment.

  When the car was almost in Beijing, it was already dark outside the window, and there were a few stars. At the turn of the day and night, the car slowly arrived at the station, and she and I both sat in our seats, quietly watching the crowded people in the aisle, desperately moving out, and relaxed and comfortable.

  Finally, only a few people were left, dragging a large suitcase to be fast, and she also began to pack her things, leaning over a guitar and holding it in her arms.

  I suddenly realized that all she had was two guitars. She walked carefully in the carriage, afraid of bumping into her guitar, looking at her like that, when her guitar touched my head, maybe who hurt more?

  I followed her, and when I first came out of the car door, a very faint aroma came to my nose, much like lavender, overlapping and engraved in my memory.

  She stopped and put her hand in her pocket for a long time, looking for something all over the place. Then he suddenly grabbed me with his other hand, patted me on the shoulder, and said to me, "Dude, borrow my mobile phone and make a call." ”

  I ghostly took out the mobile phone from my pocket and handed it to her and said to her, ": Dynamic zone, my territory listens to me."

  She put two guitars on my body, on the platform of the train station, a relaxed stride pacing around, she dialed the phone and waited for a while, I heard the ringtone from the mobile phone, it was Lin Youjia's lying.

   After talking for a while, she hung up the phone, walked over with a smile on her face and sunken dimples, threw the phone to me without even saying thank you, pulled the guitar off me, took a handful of dried lavender from her pocket and handed it to me, looked at my face and said, "I heard that this thing went to acne, and it was sent to you in vain." Pointing to his face, "Look, that's the effect," he said, carrying her two guitars on his back.

  I took the lavender and walked for a while, saw the garbage can in the corner, and suddenly realized, I was fooled, I was naked.


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