
"Scum" and "Bully" are destined?

author:Zhang Duoduo parenting

Learn scum or learn to bully

Is it genetically predestined or created by the environment?

Can you enroll your child in various classes and let your child win at the starting line?

Today I'm going to reveal it to you.

Scientist Segel once did a famous twin ladder climbing experiment.

"Scum" and "Bully" are destined?

He chose a pair of identical twins to ensure that the two brothers were the same in terms of height, weight, health, family environment, etc.

He let his brother start training to climb stairs in the 48th week after birth, when the brother had just learned to stand, and walking was still very difficult, so the brother trained very hard, and finally, after 6 weeks of training, the brother was finally able to climb the stairs independently in the 54th week.

The younger brother and the older brother train in exactly the same way, but in terms of time it is exactly 4 weeks late, that is, the younger brother starts training to climb stairs from the 52nd week after birth. As a result, at week 54, my brother also learned to climb stairs alone.

"Scum" and "Bully" are destined?

The older brother took 6 weeks, the younger brother only took 2 weeks, and the younger brother showed a stronger learning momentum.

This result is worth thinking about for all of us parents, why did my brother receive training first, but did not establish an advantage in climbing stairs?

Does ability come from innate inheritance or acquired learning?

At that time, Segel did not find a specific scientific basis, but with the advancement of science and technology, now, finally, there is an answer.

Genes are the absolute protagonists of life, and the environment is a supporting role.

Genes provide a basic blueprint for the development of life, and our most important minds also depend on the growth and development of the brain. Therefore, before the child's physiology is immature, it is of no practical significance to learn ahead.

Although genes provide a blueprint, we can all develop personalities according to our own environment, that is, each of us has different cognitive and learning abilities. However, it should be noted that the aspect of personality development is still based on the gradual maturity of physiology.

But this does not mean that learning is useless, but it means that there is no need to learn ahead.

Learning ahead is not only meaningless, it is counterproductive. This is also why my brother's interest in learning is not high.

According to the analysis of IQ data surveys, in terms of IQ level, 70% of the world's IQ is at a medium level, and only 5% of people have an IQ that is different from ordinary people, or high or low.

"Scum" and "Bully" are destined?

Then what determines a person's life is the environment that is regarded as a supporting role.

The older brother learned to climb the stairs after 6 weeks of hard training, while the younger brother learned it easily and easily in 2 weeks.

It must be a strong sense of frustration, the older brother must feel that he is inferior to the younger brother, which leads to his lack of motivation to learn later, because the environment can affect the most important 'cognition' in a person's acquired nature.

In the process of children's education, we must pay attention to one degree:

How much effort does the child need to put in to succeed in this matter?

Can the effort and the final gain match?

If things fail, can the child bear it?

This is the very important "resilience" in life. The responsibility of our parents is to help children temper this "resilience" in the environment where they are growing up. Because the most in life is actually uncertain, people with strong mental resilience, no matter what they do, can rely on their continuous efforts and accumulation to ultimately realize the value of life.

"Scum" and "Bully" are destined?

Timely acquired learning, in fact, to the child is the belief of "I can do", the younger brother's learning interest comes from this. All of us hope to achieve our goals through our own efforts, but if this encounters too many setbacks in the process of exploration, it is inevitable that we will doubt our own ability, "Can I do it?" If the answer he gets from the environment is "I can't!" "Then the consequences can be imagined."

Therefore, learning scum or learning bully, not how early to start learning, but in the process of learning, what is the child's harvest?

As long as he can learn the resilience to face failure and establish the belief that I can do it, it is good learning, and one day, he will become a "learning bully"!