
Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

author:Interactive Encyclopedia

Dolphins are small to medium-sized cetaceans with friendly-looking forms and playful personalities that have always been very popular with humans.

Dolphins are known to be one of the most intelligent creatures, and they have a high degree of emotional cognitive ability.

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

The Greek historian Rotusto recorded an incredible story in his book The Legend of Arion: Arion was a famous lyric poet and musician who lived on the island of Lesborg in the 6th century BC, and after a tour of Italy, he took a large amount of money and took a boat to return to Corinthon, on the way, the sailors saw the money and tried to kill them. At that time, Arian asked him to sing another song, and the sailors agreed. Who knows, his beautiful singing voice has attracted countless marine creatures! After he was thrown into the sea, one of them drove him all the way to shore and kept him alive. This mysterious animal is the dolphin. Even in modern times, dolphin rescue incidents have occurred frequently, such as the 1949 issue of Natural History magazine, which published a florida lawyer's wife who was drowned in the sea and was unconscious, and just when life and death were at stake, a nearby dolphin pushed her onto the beach.

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

Dolphins can not only save people in times of danger, but also have a magical self-healing ability. When dolphins are seriously injured, they do not bleed as heavily as humans do. The dolphin's body itself restricts blood flow to the injured area, and coagulations will immediately form at the wound. In addition, dolphins do not develop infections after being injured. This is because dolphins' skin and thick layer of fat can produce something similar to a natural antibiotic. In general, an open wound opening is where harmful bacteria are most likely to multiply, especially from wounds that have been bitten by sharks, because sharks have many bacteria in their tooth bands.

In our hearts, dolphins will always be the kind of smart and cute animals, so do you know this?

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

According to foreign media reports, a British column film crew recently filmed dolphins "self-deprecating" by chewing pufferfish containing neurotoxins. Previous studies have said that dolphins also have human-like emotions, such as jealousy, humor and so on. But it seems that these animals also have some vices that are characteristic of humans. The film crew found that dolphins can fall into a trance by nudging or biting pufferfish with their noses to release tetrodotoxin that can affect nerves. One of the male bottlenose dolphins appeared to be in a state of agitation like a drug addict after chewing a pufferfish that released a small amount of nerve gas. Not only does it move strangely, but it also floats on water. The camera crew said the dolphin looked "as if it had been captivated by its own reflections." Scientists say the dolphins' disturbances cause pufferfish to release biotoxins as part of their own defense mechanisms. Dolphins anesthetize themselves by "harassing" the toxins released by pufferfish, like drug use.

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

Dolphins are currently the most sexually sexually active animals in the animal kingdom besides humans, they can mate several times a day, and male dolphins will force females to mate, in addition to looking for turtles and even other hard objects as mating objects.

Didn't expect you to be this kind of dolphin...

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

In 2009, the United States made a documentary about dolphins: "Dolphin Bay". Led by renowned marine mammal experts, the film tells the story of a group of animal conservationists who risked their lives and broke through obstacles to enter the bay and go deep into the scene to record the bloody scene of a large number of dolphins being slaughtered.

Except for the cuteness, I didn't expect you to be such a dolphin!

Dolphin smiles are the biggest lie in the world, all over the world, dolphins will be hunted for economic reasons, we need to build a sense of respect for animals and protect animals, so that animals' smiles are no longer wordless pain!

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