
Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

author:Retreat 317

In 2020 and 2021, the writer Shu Xue was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature twice. Why was she nominated? It is related to the style, writing style, philosophical speculation and content of her works.

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

She had no college degree, but only graduated from elementary school, exactly the same as Shen Congwen's academic qualifications, and they had striking similarities (although not contemporaries), and Shen Congwen's work "Border City" was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in the early 1980s. When she was very young, because of the encounter of her parents, she lived with her grandmother, who was a person who loved to tell mysterious stories, and Shen Congwen lived in the mysterious place in the Xiangjiang River Basin when she was a child, living in a place of superstitious ghosts, gods, ghosts and legends. The difference is that although She only went to primary school, she has a family environment that loves to read, and there are a large number of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign books to read.

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

Shen Congwen did not have a large number of books to read, but he had rich social books among soldiers, landscapes and scenery of the Xiangjiang River Valley, human feelings and customs and culture. After Shen Congwen arrived in Beijing, he had the opportunity to go to Peking University to observe and insist on studying. There are Yu Dafu, Xu Zhimo, Hu Shi and other people's influence and encouragement. He worked tirelessly, and with the teaching work provided for him by Hu Shi, and with a large number of books to read in the school, he taught well. This rich life experience and experience has also made his literature.

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

With ten years of experience in factory life, the daily life of a tailor's shop, and the influence of her parents and brothers reading, she insisted on reading to form a habit. When she was a child, her father always encouraged her to read more useful books and taught her history and Western philosophy at home. Her brother Deng Xiaomang enjoyed discussing philosophical issues with her, which laid the foundation for the combination of philosophy and literature in The Residual Snow Novel. After getting married, She developed a strong interest in the works of Kafka and Dante, often reading them late into the night, and the more she read the works of these masters, the deeper the influence on Remnant Snow became, which stimulated her inner passion for writing, so she tried to write novels while running a tailor shop. Shen Congwen teaches novel writing at the university, and his wife Zhang Zhaohe is a talented woman, which further stimulates his enthusiasm for writing, and he wants to present his works to students and to his wife. What to use as material? Take the landscape scenery, customs and customs and character customs of xiangxi Phoenix Ancient City as materials, inexhaustible and inexhaustible! Surging in, works come out frequently!

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

In The novels of Remnant Xue and Shen Congwen's novels, the content of which has a large number of descriptions of the lives of people at the bottom, in The view of Remnant Xue, in Shen Congwen's view, they themselves are part of the struggle at the bottom, and their works reflect nothing more than the life they see every day. Just use your own words to express your life, artistic! The difference is that Shen Congwen's novels are easy to understand and prose culture. The article is difficult to understand, the average reader is difficult to read, she has a deep philosophical flavor and mysterious taste. Even Chen Xiaozhen, editor of the Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, said: "I read many of The works of Residual Xue more than once when I was in college, and later published her works of more than a million words after entering the publishing house, but until now, I still dare not say that I have fully understood the works of Residual Snow." It can be seen that it is difficult for ordinary readers to read her works.

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

Once Shen Congwen's works are written, they immediately have readers, as long as they are literate, they can read and understand, and the reprinting of the works will not fade for a long time. The works of Residual Snow are deserted and have few readers when published in China, but Residual Snow's works are very popular abroad. The international literary world has called her "the most creative female writer in China since the middle of the twentieth century", and her words are extremely penetrating. Susan, a well-known American writer, commented on Xue: "Even if less than one in ten thousand people read her words, I still think she is the best writer in contemporary China." Although Shen Congwen died decades ago, his series of works is still the favorite of domestic readers, and his "Border City" has still become an anthology (excerpt) of compulsory textbooks for high school Chinese.

Writers Xue Xue and Shen Congwen

Shen Congwen and Remnant Xue are both self-taught, both are book-loving, both are diligent writers, both use words to express the most daily life, and use works to pin their thoughts and emotions on people!

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