
Wu Jingzi: The woman who lingered in the Qinglou lost all her family wealth, and dragged her wife around the city to hike and warm up on a snowy day

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

One evening in the early autumn of 1740, the sunset was remnants, the leaves were falling, and in a simple hut under the Qingliang Mountain of Jinling, an old and unguided show of "long braids, wearing a green shirt, yellowish skin, and upside-down sword eyebrows" was struggling to write under the dim oil lamp. His name is Wu Jingzi, the word grain people, he wants to write a book describing the living conditions of the readers. He didn't smoke, he didn't drink tea, and there was an old bowl of wine in front of the simple bookcase.

In May 1701, Wu Jingzi was born in the Wu family in Chuzhou, Anhui. For generations, the Wu family "took Confucianism as their profession", did not cultivate land, did not practice medicine, and devoted themselves to the Four Books and Five Classics, writing eight strands of literature. The first generation of Wu Pei is in the groping period, although from childhood home strict discipline, go out to play with their friends once will be beaten by the staff, but seven times in his life to participate in the examination failed to win, to death is still a talent, lifelong teaching for a living.

Wu Pei is a person who is good at summing up the experience of failure, after many examinations, he gradually realized some of the tricks of "eight shares to take the soldier", so he wrote a book of his lifelong examination experience, named "The Six Secrets of the Title God" and "The Six Secrets of the Practice". The former, as the name suggests, is to start from the examiner's perspective and expound the examiner's rules for questions, which are divided into six methods: "vertical, turning, seeking, deciding, drawing, and sparse". The latter, as the name suggests, is to start from the perspective of the candidate, explaining how the candidate can write a high-quality eight-strand essay, divided into six methods of "reverse, separation, original, loose, high, and into".

When I was in high school, I had a physics teacher who was known for being "good at guessing." Every year in the college entrance examination, he will write out more than a dozen big questions for the students to do seriously. He said that these questions are likely to appear on the exam paper, and you use dim sum. Strangely, almost every year he would "bet" one or even several times, and there were very few times when he lost his hand. Even if it is not the original question, it is a type question. In our small, isolated and backward county, this kind of "divine skill" is breathtaking. Later, I thought that we have such a backward and closed place to have this kind of master, looking at the whole country, there will only be more.

Wu Pei's exam experience was immediate. The five sons, except for the second son, who needs to take care of housework and does not concentrate on "karmic Confucianism", the other four sons write eight shares every day in addition to reading, all of them pass the entrance examination, and they are out of the tanhua (the third place). The four brothers were all in the middle of the ranks, which was a miracle in the entire history of the imperial examination. What is even more amazing is that their children and grandchildren actually came to the top and won the second place in the list.

It can be seen that the examination is a very regular form of taking a soldier, as long as you find out the routine, it can be said that it is more effective with half the effort.

Wu Jingzi: The woman who lingered in the Qinglou lost all her family wealth, and dragged her wife around the city to hike and warm up on a snowy day

After Wu Jingzi was born, his grandfather took the word "Jingzi" from the "Book of Poetry" "Wei Sang has Zi, will be respectful and stopped", and Zi is a good material. Like his fathers, Wu Jingzi "did not play with the group" from an early age, did not hear things outside the window, immersed himself in the study of sages, and worked hard for future achievements. And set up a lofty ambition, "push the chicken mill to be long, play the goose pen and be angry." It means being a leading chicken and not playing with the geese.

At the age of 14, Wu Jingzi went out with his father to play, and met an old Xiucai, who had only taken the exam five times and failed to return. He told Wu Jingzi a story. There is a Xiucai named Zhou Weigu, who lives in two grass huts, and the father-in-law is a butcher, although he usually has annoying words about him, but every time he goes to the exam, he will also get a travel fee. He took the exam at the age of twenty, took the exam more than twenty times, and came to run it at the age of fifty-four, and the examiner admired his paper very much and nodded first.

Zhou Weigu returned home after the examination, and as usual, he was damaged by his father-in-law, regretting marrying his daughter to such a poor ghost with good eyes, making his face dull. Zhou Weigu had long been accustomed to hearing this, and without saying a word, there was no rice in the family, only two hens, one killed the stew, and one took it out to sell money for rice. When the good news came, Zhou Weigu sneered and fell to the ground with one hand. Someone persuaded his father-in-law to beat his son-in-law a few times, but the old man did not dare, saying that the son-in-law was a mortal under the stars of Wenqu and could not beat him. Zhou Weigu went crazy from then on, walking around the street every day in a shawl, laughing and shouting, the old mother was blind and quickly passed away, and the old man shouted every day with a Wenqu star, hoping that he would get better and get an official.

Wu Jingzi listened with great regret. He said that the ancients, if they are thirty years old, they should not marry again; if they are forty years old, they should not be remarried. Zhou Juren was in his fifties and took the exam, and finally went crazy. If you abandon the exam in the middle of the way and follow the old man to kill the pig, you can still live a normal life.

A businessman next to me said, I have a friend, is a tailor, full of poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting proficient, friends asked him, since you want to be a gentleman, why don't you go to the exam, what kind of tailor. The tailor said, I am not to be a gentleman, I am a vassal. Tailoring is a trade handed down from my ancestors, earning a few points of silver every day, reading, writing, playing the piano, drawing and drawing, and everything is up to me. In life, why do you have to be an official to get rich, do the same, as long as you like to be happy.

In 1725, Wu Jingzi's father died, and the clan separated from him, and he divided more than 20,000 taels of silver. In the process of separating the family, he witnessed the greed and ugliness of his people, and later in the "History of Ru Linwai", Yan Jiansheng and Yan Gongsheng's property competition was his personal experience. Wu Jingzi is not good at financial management, has a luxurious temperament, always has to give points when encountering poor people, and takes money to travel around. During the trip, I met a singer, stage name Amaranth. The two were talented and female, and they spent a sweet time, and the money was spent in a few years. Later, Hu Shi said, "Wu Jingzi's family was lost by him."

After all, Wu Jingzi was born as a scholar, and marrying a singer would affect his career, so Hui Jian cut off the love thread. Amaranth later married a salt merchant. In the TV series "Yongzheng Dynasty", there is a scholar who was accused of being accused of being nostalgic for the qinglou woman, and the thirteenth master personally came forward to intercede for him, and also quoted the "Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent, the Lady of the River, the Gentleman is Good" to defend him, in fact, it is all made up, or rather, a case.

From another point of view, a scholar marrying a Woman in the Qinglou Needs to Be Moved to Heaven, which shows that this matter is extremely difficult.

Wu Jingzi: The woman who lingered in the Qinglou lost all her family wealth, and dragged her wife around the city to hike and warm up on a snowy day

Before the age of thirty, Wu Jingzi participated in three scientific expeditions before and after, and all of them returned home. Saint Cloud, thirty and standing. Wu Jingzi was over thirty years old but had achieved nothing, so he had to wander on the banks of the Qinhuai River and anesthetize himself in carmine powder. Chinese New Year's Eve night, he wrote two poems about himself.

This year Chinese New Year's Eve, the wind and snow are full of people. For thirty years, when you have to raise your eyebrows, you can open them temporarily. Unmarried and unmarried, the lustful life should be halved. Bao Zi knew Yu and drank Tu Su drunk and embraced the furnace.

Tian Lu sold everything, and the township was rumored to be a disciple ordination. Young who, fat horse lightly laughed at my poverty. Buying mountains and hiding, the soul dream is not stable with the valley, and then to Jiangnan, the guest situation is poor and sad.

Grumbles to complain, and the days have to pass. He found a childhood Confucian doctor surnamed Ye, married the daughter of a Confucian doctor, and studied while practicing medicine. The ancients, if they are not good, they are good doctors, in fact, if they really can't pass the meritorious examination, then become a doctor and live a decent and rich life.

Wu Jingzi was crazy and went out to play with his wife, holding a wine glass in one hand and holding his wife's hand in the other, if there was no one around. Three or four women behind them, laughing and laughing, followed, and the people watching on both sides were dazzled and did not dare to look directly. One winter, the vast snow drifted overnight, Wu Jingzi could not afford to buy charcoal for heating, so he had to take his wife around the city to walk in the snow, calling it "warm feet". The so-called "heating basically depends on walking".

From the age of forty, Wu Jingzi began to compose the "History of Ru Linwai", and after ten years of exhaustion, he finally completed the manuscript. He wrote about the pity of Zhou Jin and Fan Jin who were keen on the imperial examination, wrote about the greedy and stingy contempt of Yan Gongsheng and Yan Jiansheng, wrote about the acid on Ma Chun, wrote about the spicy of Kuang Chaoren, wrote about the respectability of the drama, wrote about the cuteness of the warriors, wrote about the preciousness of the readers who were outside the eight strands, and depicted the faces of the readers one after another.

At the same time, there was also a young talent, that is, the famous Yuan Ming. Yuan Mei sells literature for a living, is very good at packaging himself, and his value rises, and the cost of an epitaph is up to one thousand taels of silver. A salt merchant wrote a book and asked Yuan Ming to preface it, and Yuan Ming only wrote twenty-two words, and he earned two thousand taels of silver, and one word was as high as one hundred and two. He wrote "Poetry with the Garden", clearly marked the price, and whoever wanted to be written by him in the book could pay the money. Many vassals even thought of leaving their names in the hereafter, and various figures came to compete to send money to Yuan Ming. Yuan Mei also accepted female disciples, and female disciples took all the jewelry in order to pay the tuition.

Although Yuan Ming has a lot of money, he does not give it easily to people. A friend who is light on money and good at charity, Yuan Mei warned, if you have no money that day, "hunger and cold, live and can't, what is the pleasure"? The friend did not listen to the advice, and sure enough, he was told by Yuan Ming that the family was left out in the cold, and all the people he had helped pretended not to know him. Yuan Ming said, "I was born in a prosperous world, not to have a big quirk, a big delusion, when not affected by the literati", which means that a literati is not having a good life, do not complain that life is not the right time, but also from their own body to find reasons.

Wu Jingzi: The woman who lingered in the Qinglou lost all her family wealth, and dragged her wife around the city to hike and warm up on a snowy day

Wu Jingzi's writing could not be written, and someone asked him to go to Yuan Ming for help, but the two could not look at each other. Yuan Mei looked down on Wu Jingzi's Qinggao, and Wu Jingzi looked down on Yuan Ming's smoothness, so he couldn't do it.

In 1754, Wu Jingzi went to Yangzhou to find a way out of the book gate, looked at the beautiful scenery of Yangzhou, and recited a poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Hu: Ten Mile Long Street City Jinglian, Yueming Bridge to see the gods. Life is only for Yangzhou to die, zen zhi mountain light good cemetery.

That night, Wu Jingzi died violently in his apartment.

The Outer History of Ru Lin represents the peak of the ancient Chinese satirical novel, and it creates an example of direct evaluation of real life by fiction. Lu Xun believes that the idea of the book "upholds the public heart and criticizes the shortcomings of the times", Hu Shi believes that its artistic characteristics can be called "refined", Mao Dun said: "If any young people who are ready to write novels want to find some materials from our old novels to help him cultivate his artistic accomplishment, then I recommend "Ru Lin Wai Shi".

In the international sinology community, the book is even more influential, and has long been handed down in English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Spanish and other languages, and has been praised by the Sinology community, believing that the "History of Rulin" is enough to rank among the masterpieces of world literature, which can be compared with the works of Boccaccio, Cervantes, Balzac or Dickens, and is an outstanding contribution to world literature.

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