
Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

author:Yi Yi Zhai

Wen Bi Qin Han deliberately worked, poetry must flourish Tang Dynasty and ancient style; self-lyric axis writing spirit, ancient articles are different. The three yuan of public security have a true temperament, a little understanding of the heart, mouth, hands and eyes; eclectic and vital, straight to the chest and the literary hero.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, a wave of retro customs that was higher than a wave pervaded the literary world. The first seven sons advocated the first, and the last seven sons were based on the later, "Wen Bi Qin Han" and "Poetry Must Flourish Tang" have become a trend that has swept the literary world. Otherwise, you can't go into the room, and if you don't do this, you can't be a writer. For a time, simulation became a fixed routine of the literati, and the program became a general rule of poetry creation. The reader's mind was artificially imprisoned, and it seemed that the air was frozen. Where is the freedom to create? How can this promote the romantic nature of the literati? Therefore, the literary theoretical propositions of advocating innocence and nature and praising the childlike heart of the naked child stand out in the cage of the prison, the liberated nature rushes in the blood of the poet, and the silent literary world begins to burst into life.

Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

Oppose blindly imitating the ancient, denigrating deliberate simulation, and advocating that articles should cultivate the soul and express true feelings and true spirits. This gave a powerful impact to the retro faction of the literary world. "Self-lyrical spirit, informal" was instantly enshrined as a canon for the literary world. This wisp of fresh air blew, so that the middle of the Ming Dynasty in the backwater of the literary circle suddenly burst into vitality, rejuvenated the youthful passion of free creation of the heart. In this new movement of literary theory creation, Yuan Zongdao, Yuan Hongdao, and Yuan Zhongdao were its leading figures. The "Three Yuans" were all public security people, and literary historians called them the "public security faction". The literary theory of the "Public Security School" originated in Yuan Zongdao, the key figure was Yuan Hongdao, and Yuan Zhongdao further carried it forward.

Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

Yuan Zongdao (1560~1600) character Bo xiu, number Shipu. At the age of 27, he will take the first exam, and he will be the first in the guan Hanlin Academy, the editor, the official right shuzi, and the chair of the East Palace. Yuan Zongdao admired Bai Juyi and Su Shi, and the book was named "Bai Su Zhai". Yuan Zongdao, as the leader of the "Public Security Sect", was very dissatisfied with the Wang Shizhen and Li Mengyang retro schools that were prevalent at that time, thinking that it was "secular studies". Yuan Zongdao opposed the imitation or imitation of the ancients, and the key to the ancients was to learn their ideological conception, rather than sticking to the words and sentences, let alone relying on the chapters and sentences of the ancients. Yuan Zongdao proposed that the core of the article lies in "reason", this "reason" is rhyme, philosophy, and truth, and this "reason" can become a hongwen and a wonderful text in the chest. Beyond "reason" is "emotion." This "feeling" is the true feeling and true disposition, not the pretense, twisting, and hypocrisy. Yuan Zongdao's poetic prose expresses static reflections on social life, writes with a strong Zen flavor, and has the leisure, gentleness and ease of ordinary life. Because of his sincere feelings, simple language, and clear writing, he was very loved by scholars.

Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

Yuan Zongdao (1560~1600) character Bo xiu, number Shipu

Yuan Hongdao (1568~ 1610), the character Zhonglang, also the character Wuxue, the number of Shi Gong. In the 20th year of the Wanli Dynasty, he was a zhixian of Wu County and a ceremonial ceremony. Yuan Hongdao once asked Li Zhen to learn from him, and he was a teacher, and his literary ideas were deeply influenced by Li Zhen. Li Yan was a traitor to Confucian Confucianism and a strong opponent of the literary revival school. The "childlike heart theory" proposed by Li Zhen had a direct impact on Yuan Hongdao's "sexual spirit theory". Yuan Hongdao proposed that there is no immutable style, nor is there a rule of the ancients. The times are changing, the world is changing, and the style, style, grammar, and articles will naturally change with it. If you blindly plagiarize the ancients and decorate your own shallowness with the words and sentences of the ancients, the writer is doomed to have no way to live. Yuan Hongdao, like his brother Yuan Zongdao, fiercely criticized the literary claims of Wang Shizhen and Li Mengyang. Yuan Shi said that the poetry of the Tang Dynasty was extremely prosperous, and there were good poems in the early and late periods, not as Wang and Li said that there were no poems after the Song Dynasty celebration calendar. Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, Chen Shidao, and Huang Gu of the Song Dynasty all had good poetry, and poetry was not only good in the Tang Dynasty. The tang people are thousands of years old and new, and the present people are old and old, the key is that the Tang people are flowing with sexual spirits, and the current people are out of plagiarism. Yuan Hongdao painfully refuted Wang Shizhen and Li Mengyang, allowing Wang and Li to sweep away the haze in the literary world, and stimulating the literati's creative enthusiasm for self-lyrical spirit, enlightening huigen, and stimulating talent. Yuan Hongdao, his brother Yuan Zongdao, and his brother Yuan Zhongdao traveled all over Chuzhong and Jiangnan. He sang about the natural landscape and wrote a subtle description of the cultural victories, and wrote his true feelings and sincere love. The writing is beautiful and expressive, and the words are simple and elegant, so that the reader can recall the timeless and timeless. Yuan Hongdao has passed down more than 1,700 poems, including travelogues, books, prefaces, inscriptions, biographies, diaries, and essays. Yuan Hongdao's highest literary achievement is the landscape travelogue, fresh and beautiful, and a family of its own.

Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

Yuan Hongdao (1568~ 1610), the character Zhonglang, also the character Wuxue, the number of Shi Gong

Yuan Zhongdao (1570~1626) was a younger brother of Yuan Zongdao and Hongdao. Yuan Zhongdao has realized since he was a young man, and literature seems to have been taught by heaven. At the age of fifteen, he wrote the fu essay "Huangshan Snow", which had more than 5,000 words and showed a deep literary talent. In his youth, he lived as a ranger, with a bold temperament, a free-spirited person, and an alcoholic. Yuan Zhongdao despised his wife, thinking that it was a gathering of wild deer and piglets; he despised the children in the township, thinking that it was the tail of a cow and a horse, and he could not get along with them for a day. Yuan Zhongdao loves to travel, he has traveled to Yan, Zhao, Qi, Lu, Wu, Yue, footprints throughout most of China. Indulging in landscapes and rivers, poetry and wine entertained himself, broadening his horizons and cultivating his heart. Yuan Zhongdao learned from Li Zhen and learned the magic of practicing the Path of Zen enlightenment from Li Zhen. Yuan Zhongdao once said that he created a lot of poetry, and compared with the ancients, there are five defects. Because of his heavy name, he could not bear to discard these poems. Why? Yuan Zhongdao said that the birth was originally to make people with super-enlightenment, and if it is not possible, it can only meditate on incense; the use of the world was originally to make people economic, and if it is not, it can only hide in the mountains and forests; the rhetoric was originally made by the country, and if it is not, it can only be the cry of the geese flying in the sky. The poet Qian Qianyi, a friend of Yuan Zhongdao, said earnestly to Yuan: "Your poems are too many, so it is better to cut half and retain half of them, so that you can be in the company of the ancients." Yuan Zhongdao said: "What you said is not bad at all, but my own things can't be deleted, so it is better for your brother to do this, and after deleting it, your brother will write me a preface, isn't it quite good?" Later, Qian Qianyi did not change the poems for Yuan. Yuan Zhongdao was admitted as a scholar in the forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar, and was awarded the title of Professor of Huizhou Prefecture, and later Sheng Guozijian Doctor. Yuan Zhongdao's greatest contribution was to systematically sort out, proofread, and publish Yuan Hongdao, Yuan Zongdao, and his own works, and to carry forward the works of the "Three Yuans" and their literary style.

Why is the ancient wind somber? What kind of public security faction is this?

Yuan Zhongdao (1570~1626) was a younger brother of Yuan Zongdao and Hongdao

The key to the emergence of the Gong'an faction in the literary circles in the middle of the Ming Dynasty was to create a new school and style of writing. Yuan Zongdao said that when there is a school of learning, it brews up an opinion, and if there is an opinion, it creates a general speech. Without opinions, literature is illusory and superficial, and once it is vain and shallow, it is similar. Literary creation is simply a drama scene, a big joy will inevitably fall, a big lament must be a painful cry, a big anger must be yelling, angry hair rushing to the crown, this is acting in the theater. There was no joy in the heart and reluctantly pretended to smile, and there was no sorrow in the heart and reluctantly pretended to be sad, which are all false imitations. The public security faction proposed that the poetry should write a sense of truth and reality, express a lyrical spirit, and not twist and turn. However, the development of the public security faction to the end of the period, there are also some changes. That is to say, to incorporate slang into poetry, it is inevitable that the style is shallow, the artistic conception is thin, the realm is not high, and it is often criticized. Yuan Zhongdao, a member of the Public Security Sect, obviously noticed this, saying that there are no articles that have remained unchanged for a hundred years in the world, and those who have founders will naturally have the last stream of texts, and there are articles of the last stream that inspire the founders. Neither the founder of the genre nor the person who created the genre was consciously aware of his shortcomings at that time, but just wrote happily and expressed his chest to the fullest, which inevitably tended to be slang and shallow. The law followed by poets throughout the ages is that "there is a beginning and a beginning, and there is a tailflow, and there is a final flow that is appropriate and a revolution." Obviously, Yuan Zhongdao had already gained insight into the abuses of the late Wen faction of the Gong'an Faction, but it was too late to try to correct the deviations, and only by letting the newly resurrected Jingling Sect begin to revolutionize the old and the new.

The "Gong'an School" is a literary genre with an important influence in the history of Chinese literature, and the "spiritual theory" of literary concept forms has had a profound impact on the cultivation of literary concepts in later generations. The rise of the "essays" in the new literary movement in the 1920s and 1930s is to borrow the literary concept of the "Three Yuans" who are leisurely and self-lyrical, and even the writing tone is taken from the "Three Yuans". Famous writers Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Lin Yutang, Liu Dajie, and Shi Jingcun all drew inspiration from the "Public Security Faction" for literary creation.