
It's time to slow down and wait for the soul

author:Huaxia Wine News

Huaxia Liquor Daily reporter Liu Zhendong

It's time to slow down and wait for the soul
It's time to slow down and wait for the soul

Short-term slowness is healthy for long-term development, after all, long-termism is an insurmountable law of the liquor industry, and only by adhering to long-termism can we finally reap the dividends of the industry.

Sometimes, slow is fast!

On the morning of October 22, Zhu Wei, president of "Net Red", forwarded the "Notice of Guizhou Alcohol Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. on the Control of Developing Products" on his personal headline number today, accompanied by a text description of "To Sauce Wine, to Guizhou Alcohol: Go slower, so that the soul can keep up with the pace".

Speaking from the heart, I personally disagree with some of Zhu Wei's "Internet celebrity" behaviors and views, but the view he posted "go slower so that the soul can keep up" has made me find a long-lost resonance.

Let the soul keep up with the footsteps, this is a very reasonable saying, but it is always ignored. Many people often just look forward, walk and walk, they forget their original intentions and lose their souls. Being like this is not the case for enterprises and industries.

In recent years, due to the scarcity of sauce wine production capacity and the profit far exceeding the industry average, many foreign capital have been infected with sauce. The profit-seeking nature of capital has been exposed in this round of sauce and wine fever, and the influx of a large amount of capital has made the sauce wine industry quickly move towards a short, flat and fast stage of circle money development.

Not only many cross-border investors have entered the sauce wine industry, more and more distributors have also become sauce wine brand developers, which is not limited to the crazy development of OEM products by retail vendors, and even some single tobacco hotels are also developing OEM products.

As Cong Riguang, founding president of the Shenzhen Wine Industry Association, said, some people do not even have distribution channels, nor have they been distributors of any products, so they hurriedly branded and produced a sauce wine product, and continuously participated in various exhibitions to attract investment. Can management keep up? Is the product sustainable? Is there enough money to support the publicity investment? In the eyes of some people, these are not problems, as long as the goods in hand are thrown to the circulation channels, the funds will be quickly returned.

According to incomplete statistics, at present, there are about 1,000 sauce and wine companies and tens of thousands of brands in the country, and this number is fissioning in a geometric way. Among them, most of them are oem products that are developed, authorized and sold bar codes in disorder by small and medium-sized distilleries, and these OEM products are seriously homogenized and uneven in quality, facing the dual dilemma of sales and investment promotion.

It's time to slow down and wait for the soul

"In the face of sauce liquor that is in the rising period of development, we should maintain calm thinking, let the sauce wine industry 'slow down, calm down, sink down', let the market return from the relationship between 'price and value' to the normal range." In the face of many chaos in the sauce and wine fever, at the 2021 National TOP Sauce and Wine Center Conference held recently, Liu Zhenguo, deputy secretary general of the China Liquor Industry Association, proposed: "Do not be impetuous, make quick money, and ignore basic work, which is not only responsible for consumers, but also a guide for enterprises to take the long-term route, and also a requirement for the health and sustainability of the industry." ”

At the moment when the sauce wine OEM product group is dancing, Zhu Wei can adhere to the sustainable development of the brand, timely introduce the control policy for the development of products, and remind himself to remind the sauce wine industry: slow down, let the soul keep up with the pace, which is valuable.

The ancients are cloudy, and the steady line can go far. Short-term slowness is healthy for long-term development, after all, long-termism is an insurmountable law of the liquor industry, and only by adhering to long-termism can we finally reap the dividends of the industry.

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