
Sorry to know you guys that way...

author:China Youth Network


According to statistics, in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the maintenance of social security and stability in 2020, a total of 315 police officers and 165 auxiliary police officers died in the line of duty in public security organs across the country, and 4941 police officers and 3886 auxiliary police officers were injured in the line of duty, explaining with blood and life the infinite loyalty to the party and the people and the infinite love for the cause of public security.

In peacetime, the public security force is

The team that sacrifices the most and dedicates the most

According to statistics, since the founding of New China

It is shared by public security organs throughout the country

More than 16,000 police officers died in the line of duty

In the past 10 years, a total of 3,773 civilian police officers have died in the line of duty

More than 50,000 police officers were injured in the line of duty

They use the light and warmth left by their lives

We will never forget, we cannot forget

Father and son died on the front line of anti-drug

Sorry to know you guys that way...

December 15, 2020

Zhang Ziquan, a police officer of the anti-narcotics detachment of the Lincang City Public Security Bureau in Yunnan Province

Died in the line of duty due to a sudden illness during the investigation of the project

He is only 36 years old

Sorry to know you guys that way...

His father was the anti-drug hero Zhang Congshun

Zhang Congshun in 1994

Investigate and deal with a transnational drug trafficking case against drug dealers

Unfortunate and heroic sacrifice

Zhang Congshun's three sons

Through hard work, they have become excellent policemen

Guarding the hot land where his father fought

But we didn't think about it

Zhang Ziquan will leave suddenly

Two generations of a family died fighting drugs

It's heartbreaking, it's a shame

Sorry to know you guys that way...

Surveillance recorded the last time of her life...

Sorry to know you guys that way...

November 12, 2020

Xinglin Police Station of Luyang Branch of Public Security Bureau of Hefei City, Anhui Province

Instructor (First Class Sheriff) Fang Yaqing

He died suddenly due to overwork

He was 52 years old

Surveillance recorded her

Last morning meeting

Last night shift

The case was discussed for the last time

Reception of the masses for the last time

One last set-up job

Sorry to know you guys that way...

"Have you checked your test scores

Remember to tell me when you find out."

Just the day before Fang Yaqing died

She also gave liu wen, an auxiliary police officer who was on leave

Made a phone call

What Liu Wen did not expect was

It turned out to be him and Fang who taught it

Last call

Sorry to know you guys that way...

"My year's

The objective questions of the legal professional qualification examination were passed

I really wanted to tell Fang Jiao this good news

But I never got another chance."

This is the saddest group photo...

This photo was taken in May 2018

Zhao Liang, 31 (left), and Zhang Weitao, 33, (right)

Holding a file taller than a person

These are the results of their anti-gang crime eradication in less than half a year

Sorry to know you guys that way...

January 6, 2019

Zhang Weitao, a tall criminal police officer dressed in gray, was killed in the line of duty in the picture above

February 3, 2019, the eve of Chinese New Year's Eve

Zhao Liang, another police officer in the photo, was also sacrificed...

Zhang Weitao was born in March 1985, joined the public security work in 2012, and in 2013, he worked in the anti-gang crime professional team of the criminal investigation detachment of the Public Security Bureau of Hengshui City, Hebei Province, and won the individual commendation in 2017 and the third class of personal merit in 2018. On January 6, 2019, Comrade Zhang Weitao died of a sudden illness and ineffective rescue while out handling cases, at the age of 33.

Sorry to know you guys that way...

In the nearly one-year period of the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, Zhang Weitao has been busy in other places, and in addition to going home to get a few changes of clothes, the number of times he has met with his lover and children is countless. Zhang Weitao often said that he was an unfilial son, an incompetent husband, and an unqualified father in front of his family, and the feelings of his family were unclear in this life, and he could only redouble his efforts in his career to become a qualified policeman!

Sorry to know you guys that way...

The motorcade of Comrade Zhang Weitao's body slowly exited from the Hengshui North Exit of the Expressway. Courtesy of Hengshui Municipal Public Security Bureau

The day before Chinese New Year's Eve, a 31-year-old police officer was killed in the line of duty!

Zhao Liang, deputy director of the Rehabilitation Street Police Station of the Taocheng Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Hengshui City, Hebei Province, died in the line of duty after a sudden heart attack and ineffective rescue, at the age of 31. Zhao Liang, born in September 1987, his young son, just 3 years old.

Sorry to know you guys that way...

A lot of people leave messages

Hope there is no such bad news

Sorry to know you guys that way...
Sorry to know you guys that way...

"See the picture of them holding the file

Probably not happy

I also feel a little helpless in my heart."

Sorry to know you guys that way...

Behind the lights of the peaceful wanjia

I don't know how many people's police

In exchange for life

May the dead rest in peace and the living be strong

Sorry to know you guys that way...

"Dad, I'm respectful, what's wrong with you?"

October 24, 2018

Sichuan Neijiang Municipal Public Security Bureau

Luo Gang, the leader of the cyber security detachment

Sudden illness during work

Although it has been rescued by many parties

He still unfortunately died in the line of duty

He is only 46 years old

Sorry to know you guys that way...

"Doctor, save me, my daughter is still young..."

During the rescue, this was the last sentence left by Luo Gang. With his mouth slightly open, he may have a lot to say, but he can't say it anymore. His elderly mother did not know the news of his sacrifice until he was taken to the spiritual hall by his family, and the old man could not accept such a fact, and the crying could not be stopped for a long time.

Recalling the bits and pieces of Luo Gang's life, in the eyes of his relatives, colleagues and friends, in addition to his work and dedication, he dared to take responsibility, he was also the "top pillar" of the family, and he was also a warm-hearted person who loved to help.

Regrettably, after 22 years from the police, he died of a sudden illness in the line of duty

On the morning of the 24th, the Neijiang Municipal Public Security Bureau held a meeting, and Liu Xiao and Luo Gang, director of the Financial and Equipment Support Division of the Bureau, sat together. At about 10 o'clock, Luo Gang, who was taking notes, suddenly fell to Liu Xiao, his face was pale, and he was quickly unconscious.

Seeing the situation, the meeting was immediately terminated, and Yang Shaowen, vice mayor of Neijiang City and director of the Public Security Bureau, and others who attended the meeting came to check and immediately dialed "120". On the way to the hospital, Luo Gang woke up for a few minutes and found himself in the ambulance, and he also comforted his colleagues: "I'm fine, trouble everyone." ”

Soon, Luo Gang was taken to Neijiang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After examination, his condition was serious and he needed to be transferred to a hospital for treatment, and was immediately sent to the West China Hospital of Sichuan University in Chengdu. The ambulance sped on the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, but when it reached the Longquanyi section of Chengdu, Luo Gang's condition worsened, and the medical staff decided to rush to the First People's Hospital of Longquanyi District. Unfortunately, at about 17:00 on the same day, due to the ineffectiveness of rescue, Luo Gang left everyone forever and died in the line of duty.

Luo Gang, 46, is from Neijiang. In his 22-year career as a police officer, he has successively served as the deputy head of the public security management detachment of the Neijiang Municipal Public Security Bureau and the deputy director of the Political Department, and since January 2018, he has been the leader of the network security detachment of the Neijiang Municipal Public Security Bureau.

During this period, he was awarded outstanding civil servant and advanced individual 16 times, third class meritorious service 5 times, and personal commendation 8 times.

The daughter cried, "Daddy, I am respectful, what's wrong with you?" You wake up..."

At about 10:00 a.m. on the 24th, Luo Gang's wife Zhang Xin was at work, when she suddenly received a call from her husband's colleague. Zhang Xin hurried to the hospital. "I'm fine." Coming to her husband, she heard his voice. But as she went downstairs to complete the formalities and returned to the 8th floor of the hospital, her husband's consciousness became more and more blurred. At this moment, the husband left the last voice: "Doctor, save me, my daughter is still young..."

That night, after Luo Gang's body was transported back to Neijiang, his 13-year-old daughter Luo Jingyu walked into the funeral home accompanied by her family. Looking at the portrait hanging on the wall, Luo Jingyu's tears couldn't stop flowing down, and she cried out loudly: "Daddy, I am Jingyu, what's wrong with you?" You wake up..."

After Luo Gang's death, his family has been afraid to tell his 81-year-old mother. "Whether he works in Neijiang or travels to other places on business, he calls his mother every day at noon and in the evening." Zhang Xin said, but on the 25th, her mother called her and asked why Luo Gang's phone was turned off. She could only hide it, holding back tears and telling her mother, "I just went out on a special mission." On October 26, after consultation with the family, it was finally decided to tell Luo Gang's mother the news.

The "caring person" around his friend, he loves to help people and has sponsored strange men

In the eyes of friends, Luo Gang still loves to help and is a "caring person". Before his death, the family collected a bag of old clothes to donate. "He's a good guy." Zheng Ping, 58, is the mother of Zheng Shizhong, deputy chief of the Auxiliary Police Management Section of the Political Department of the Neijiang Municipal Public Security Bureau. She will always remember that in early 2017, she was hospitalized because her foot was crushed by a car, and Luo Just went to the bedside to greet her warmly, like her own child.

Wang Daihua, former deputy head of the public security detachment of the Neijiang City Public Security Bureau, recalled that one day four years ago, he happened to meet Luo Gang for a walk, so he greeted Luo Gang to drink tea and chat by the river. However, a man at the next table cried bitterly, and Luo Gang came forward to inquire only to learn that the man was owed wages by the boss and had no money for the New Year. "While teaching men to defend their rights, he took out a thousand yuan from his body and handed them to men." Wang Daihua said.

The "enthusiastic person" in the mouth of his classmates, he launched the student aid fund to help poor students

Luo Gang's junior high school classmate Fu Chengyong recalled that at the end of 2016, Luo Gang learned that his classmate's mother was ill when he was hanging up his job in zizhong, and because of his busy work, he entrusted his classmates to visit and asked everyone to donate 18,000 yuan. Classmate Fu Li was seriously ill, and Luo Gang took the lead in organizing everyone to donate money and materials, which solved the urgent needs of the classmates. "Originally, I made an appointment to go to his house for dinner this weekend, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Fu Chengyong said.

"He also called on our classmates to set up a bursary fund." Fu Guangming, a secondary school student of Luo Gang, said that the main thing is to help poor students, and more than 10 people have responded so far, and probably the framework has been set up. But unexpectedly, before the implementation began, Luo Gang left everyone forever. "Although he is gone, we will complete this fund for him and fulfill his wishes."

These familiar or unfamiliar names

Forever in the past

Their names deserve to be remembered forever

No one is born heroic

They just chose fearlessness

Hats off to the People's Police!

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League