
Ten ways to describe the language of the characters in the narrative

author:Language Dream Factory

Dialogue is complementary

- One of the language descriptions


The so-called dialogue complementarity is to focus on dialogue in form, and play a complementary role in content and plot. This situation, which is difficult for one person to complete, is to be cooperated by two or more characters. This kind of verbal description, in terms of external form, has two main situations.

One is interlacing. This kind of dialogue, mostly used in two characters, one after the other, you say I said, take care of each other, form an interlacing, generally more crisp and concise, often used one or two sentences to complete, the sense of rhythm is stronger, and the plot is also relatively fast. Look at the following dialogue: "You just called me? "The boy jumped out of the car." Ah, no. "The mentality of conservatism and self-defense prevailed, and she spoke incoherently." Is it the car that broke down? A pair of slender eyes that seemed to be smiling looked at her. Chen Jing calmed down a little: "The chain is stuck in the big set." "She kept her head down, and a ray of hope rose in her heart." Well, I can't help it. No tools, no one can open the big chain sleeve. This text is selected from "Intoxicating Spring Night", the dialogue is conducted by two people, the young man and Chen Jing are talking about the "car is broken" thing. The young man spoke three times, Chen Jing spoke twice, the young man asked first, Chen Jing answered later, the content complemented, promoted the development of the plot, and also made a good preparation for the dialogue later.

The second is integration. This kind of dialogue, usually used on three or more characters, is a collective dialogue. It can be named, it can be nameless, you can explain the speaker, you can also not point out the speaker, you say a sentence I say a word, everyone talks about it, the characters are integrated, the dialogue is combined, forming a dialogue scene, the supplement of the content, the advancement of the plot and the rendering of the atmosphere, all have positive significance. For example: "As soon as I heard this, everyone talked about it: 'Who is still so feudal?'" ''Leave him alone, let's us!'' ''Go and tell them to stop!'' Don't let them be disturbing in winter! ''Let the people ask for it!'' Wouldn't it be better to ask for rain? ''Whoever opens a canal, who asks for rain, no one can hinder anyone!'' This text is selected from Zhao Shuli's short story "Asking for Rain", and the interlocutors are people who open canals in Jindouping Village to divert water and do not believe in the superstition of asking for rain. At the center of the dialogue is the perception of the "asking for rain", in which you say one thing and I, separated only by quotation marks, indicating the transformation of different speakers. They cooperate with each other, blend into one, the atmosphere is warm and the scene is vivid, thus highlighting the firm and clear position and unambiguous attitude of these activists at a critical moment.

Using this kind of language to describe, we must pay attention to one point, that is, the dialogue must be well coordinated, including the cooperation in content, the cooperation in plot, and the cooperation in feelings, whether it is several speakers, there must be close contact and clear explanation. The dialogue should revolve around a clear center, serving to promote the development of the plot and portray the character image. In this way, a good dialogue effect can be produced.

Monologue revealed

--Language description no. 2

The so-called monologue is to show one's own heart and reveal one's own psychology. External forms are also marked in quotation marks, which is actually a psychological depiction. This method is mostly self-talk, that is, through self-talk, to express the emotions and desires of "me". The production of this language is closely related to the context before and after, so there is a certain atmosphere and situation setting. The role of this kind of description can fully display the inner world of the characters, allowing readers to look at their appearances and examine them inside, so as to deepen their understanding and impression of the characters written.

This way of writing, in terms of the details of the language, there are two cases.

First, the language is relatively concise. This kind of description is just a natural outpouring of some kind of mental trace, which can be completed in one or two sentences. When used, you can express your views on the above plot, you can also make a foreshadowing of the following content, and you can also make a summary of a certain emotion and a certain atmosphere. For example: "But I was still not convinced, and I verbally agreed, but I thought in my heart: 'The picture is still a good drawing; as for the actual situation, I naturally remember it in my heart.' This is a passage that Lu Xun said after being criticized by Mr. Fujino in the article "Mr. Fujino", the content is "unconvinced", the form is "thinking", self-talk, self-disclosure, showing his ambivalence at that time, concise and concise, natural and kind.

Second, the language is more detailed. This kind of description mostly has the characteristics of explaining the original commission, revealing the traces of the heart is relatively sufficient, and the content of expression is very rich. It can reveal the causal relationship, and can also narrate the beginning and end of things; it can be touching the scene, it can also be borrowed from the facts; it can be used for the development of the plot, it can also be used for the portrayal of the characters; it can be the language of the protagonist, and it can also be the words of the supporting characters. Through this kind of verbal confession, you can glimpse the character's ideological character or personality characteristics. For example: "At this time, Li Zijun's woman saw Hei Ni and couldn't help but quietly scold: 'You... Say nice things! Every day you make reckoning, making trouble for revenge, guarding a traitorous bully but offering it to the ancestors' table, and you don't dare to move! Our family has a few more acres of land, and there are no soldiers, and no one is slipping in the ditch, so it is all moldy. Fuck Zhang Yumin, this kid, one day I'm going to ask you this truth! This passage, excerpted from Ding Ling's novel "The Sun Shines on the Sangqian River", is a passage spoken by the large landowner Li Zijun when she saw the liberated prisoner Hei Ni, it was self-talking, it was "quietly" said, it was caused by people, and her heart was revealed through the form of "scolding". It can be seen from this that this woman's inner world is full of hatred for the Communist Party and land reform, and this passage helps us to understand the character characteristics and inner world of this landlord's wife.

The use of monologue language description should be closely related to the character characteristics, to serve the portrayal of the character image, to serve the rich plot content, the tendency should be clear, can not become a burden.

Detailed portrayal

--Language Description No. 3

The so-called detail portrayal is to portray the character image by describing the characteristic language of the character. This language, strong in personalization, is rich in content. If it is positive, it is often a philosophical aphorism; if it is negative, it is generally ironic. Therefore, the author should carefully distill the most vital language, so that it can not only reflect the speaker's distinctive personality, but also give the reader a profound inspiration.

There are two main types of such verbal descriptions, both in form and content.

The first is repetitive detailed language description. The language that expresses the personality of the character appears many times in the text, thus constituting a trend of repeated emphasis. The repetition of this detailed language, because of its strong individuality, is very impressive, no matter how far apart they are in the context. For example: "Fan Jin didn't look at it, read it again, read it again, clapped his hands together, laughed, and said: 'Oh! All right! I've won! Saying, he fell backwards, clenching his teeth and unconscious. The old lady panicked and poured a few mouthfuls of boiling water into her. He climbed up, clapped his hands again and laughed, "Oh! All right! I've won! Laughing, he flew outside the door, startling both the reporter and the neighbor. This text is from "Fan Jin Zhongju", which is written that Fan Jin was happy to go crazy after reading the report post, of which "Oh! All right! I've won! "The language of detail appears twice in a single paragraph. It not only writes about Fan Jin's extremely crazy ugliness at this time, but also reveals the depth of the poisoning of the feudal imperial examination system on intellectuals, and its ironic significance is extremely profound.

The second is the typical detailed language description. This kind of description has a certain plot and is often composed of several lines of dialogue. Through character dialogue, increase interest and produce comedic effects. For example: "Wang Yushan came out and asked Zhao Xiongdao: 'How did Ru Sheng use these two Du poems to answer and win the meaning of the Son of Heaven?' Zhao Xiong said, "The protégé doesn't know what Du Shi is, and if he thinks that he is making it in his belly, he is called Belly Shiye." Wang Yushan said: "The word Du is not the belly word of the belly, but the she character of the surname Society." "Yamamoto on both sides, crying all day long" is Du Shiye. Zhao Xiong said, "Protégé I did not read any Du poems, so who wrote Du poems?" This is a typical detailed language description, selected from Mr. Zhou Qingyuan's "West Lake Ii", through the dialogue between Wang Yushan and Zhao Xiong, specifically explaining what is called "Du Shi". From their insights, it can be seen that one understands, one is confused, one asks the cause, one answers, especially Zhao Xiong's language, and the understanding of Du Shi is unbearable, and at the same time, it implicitly satirizes the fainting of the Son of Heaven and has a strong comedic color.

Detail language description is to portray the character service, or laying the groundwork, or foil, or supplement, from the character personality, carefully extract a good detail language, so that it is typical, distinct, and vivid.

Q&A coordination

--Language Description No. 4

The so-called question and answer cooperation is to describe the language in the form of questions and answers, generally to lead to answers with questions, to answer questions, and to respond to questions, and the two cooperate closely, take care of each other, form a trend of advancement, and jointly complete the task of language description. As far as the object of the question and answer is concerned, it can be self-questioning and self-answering, which constitutes a question; it can also be that you ask and answer, and two or more people constitute a dialogue. As far as the content of the question and answer is concerned, the question is often relatively simple, the answer is relatively detailed, the question is only an introduction, and the answer is the main one, which is the focus of the language description.

For example: "'Mayor Rowe—' ''Why haven't you moved into the Mayor's House?'' ''I can't afford the rent.'' He smiled and said. He wouldn't tell me, I thought to myself. I then asked, 'I heard you were deputy ministers in the province?' ''Hmm. 'Then why did you come to this remote town as mayor?' ''The air here is good. I couldn't ask any more questions, but I didn't give up: 'Your only daughter married in the countryside when she went to the countryside, didn't she?' ''Hmm. ''Why not arrange to work in the city and take care of you?'' 'I left her in the country to grow vegetables for me—I'm a very selfish person. ’”

This verbal description shows the plot and shows the characters through the dialogue between "I" and Mayor Luo. The dialogue came in the form of questions and answers, with five questions and five answers, all of which were raised by "I", and the answers were all said by Mayor Luo. The questions asked were more direct and very sharp, and they successively involved why they did not live in the municipal government building, why they did not stay in the provincial city, why they came to a remote town to become mayors, why they did not arrange their daughters in the city, and so on. The content of the answer is also very simple and flat, successively involving the inability to afford rent, good air, etc., unexpectedly, it is obvious that Mayor Luo is covering up his heart, and also sets up suspense for the following plot. It can be seen that the cooperation between this question and answer is very close. It writes about the innocence and curiosity of "I", and also highlights the outlook on life and values of Mayor Luo Gan as a servant of the people.

The use of this kind of language to describe should pay attention to two points: First, the content of the questions and answers should be specific, not empty, not too large, this is the content of the requirements, because the question is too big to answer, the answer is empty, it is difficult to constitute the plot content. Second, the setting of the question and answer should be subordinated to the content, the plot, and the characters, which should be conducive to the overall arrangement of the article, the development of the plot and the portrayal of the characters.

Jump blank

- Language Description No. 5

The so-called jump blank is what the character says, and there is a jump in the content, leaving a blank space for people to imagine and think. It carries rich content in short text, and is a common form in language description. Its biggest feature is: fast transition, fast conversion, and plays a role in rapid advancement of the development of the plot.

There are two cases of this writing:

The first is the implicit jump blank. This is a jump without signs, what we see is the words of the characters, but there are words outside the words, this sentence jumps directly to that sentence, literally, the rigor is not enough, and even the suspicion of omission, but in fact, this is exactly what the speaker deliberately jumped over, intentionally left the blank space left for the reader, which we need to supplement through imagination. For example: "The mother immediately replied: 'The children should be led away.'" Since Joseph already knew, he asked him to go and get them back. This is the "My Uncle Hule", the words spoken by the mother of "my" are the emergency measures taken by the mother after the discovery of Hule on the ship, and there is a jump between the words, leaving a gap, and between these two sentences she said, you can add the following words: "You can't let the daughter and son-in-law know, if you know, the marriage of the second daughter will be broken." Such a jump, the reader can connect the context, can imagine adding, the artistic effect is obvious.

The second is the logo jump blank. This kind of jump, with an ellipsis as a sign of white space for jumping. Since the signs are obvious, the reader is easy to grasp, contact the context, add the relevant content, and make the author's omission clear. For example: "(Extremely impatiently) who?" ...... Don't you know I'm working? ...... Know! Know why bother me? Friend? When I work, only chemical synthesis, decomposition, elements, molecular weight is my friend! ...... Well, you name it! ...... No, I have long stated that politics is insulated from me, and I will never dissolve in politics. ...... I'm a chemist, why should I go to a government meeting? ...... Don't go! Don't go! This is a conversation between Mr. Qi Yangzhi and Mayor Chen Yi on the phone in the drama "Mayor Chen Yi". Here, there are 6 ellipsis, all of which are omitted by Mayor Chen Yi,each place is a jump, and through speculation and imagination, it can be completely supplemented, resulting in a good blank effect.

The use of this method should pay attention to one point, that is, the jump should not be too large, and the blank space should not be too much, so as not to cause disconnections and omissions.


- Verbal Description No. 6

The so-called obscure and implicit, that is, when the characters speak or dialogue, the language is implicit but not revealing, intriguing. The language is humorous, meaningful and thought-provoking.

The first is the use of locality. It is an obscure and implicit meaning, which is reflected in one or two key words in the language of the characters. This kind of language expression is generally more concise, either rendering a certain atmosphere or having a certain meaning, giving people a very deep impression. For example: "Grandma came back from the market and brought us a peach for each of us, and she said, 'Eat, this is a peach; have a dream with a peach core, and whoever sees the peach blossom will be happy for a lifetime.'" This is a passage in Jia Pingwa's essay "My Little Peach Tree", Grandma's language is simple, but also implies deep meaning, such as "peach", "dream", "happiness" and other words, it means a lot, expressing Grandma's good hopes and wishes for grandchildren, full of rich interest in life.

The second is the use of integrity. It is an implicit meaning, in the entire language description, or in a certain passage of the character's speech. This kind of language is closely related to the author's creative style and tendency, and is consistent with the personality characteristics of the characters, so the characteristics are very obvious, and when reading, we must carefully understand and think deeply in order to taste the true meaning of the speaker. For example: "Qi Yangzhi: ... The reason why I had not been able to comply before this was that I had no idea about the revolutionary chemistry of the Communists, and secondly, ... I, an intellectual, still have a lot of acidity in me... Chen Yi: I have a lot of alkaline on my body, you and I touch together, won't we be neutralized? Qi Yangzhi: (laughs) Wonderful! wonderful! Mayor Chen is really worthy of being a chemist of the Communists, and I did not expect that your presence would also cause a chemical change in me, an old decay who has not asked about politics or the world for many years! Chen Yi: Where am I a chemist! I'm just a potion, a catalyst. This is a dialogue between Chen Yiqi Zhou and the chemist Qi Yangzhi in the drama "Mayor Chen Yi", the words of the two people are implicit and funny, the words are here and the meaning of the other, implicit and profound, the words embodied are: acidic, alkaline, neutral, chemical changes, catalysts, etc., which not only shows that Qi Yangzhi has undergone a qualitative change under the patient inducement of Mayor Chen Yi, but also highlights the personality characteristics of Mayor Chen Yi's boldness, directness, humor, and humor, and its language power is great, intriguing, and breathtaking.

In using this writing method, it should be noted that the language used should conform to the identity and personality characteristics of the characters, such as the language of the dialogue between Chen Yi and Qi Yangzhi, and the implicit words are reflected in the relevant chemical terminology, because Mr. Qi is a chemist. Such language is targeted, authentic and believable.

Hint theme

- Language Description No. 7

The so-called revealing theme is to reveal the center of the article through the form of dialogue or monologue. This is both the key language of the characters in the text and the result of the author's careful refinement. This kind of verbal description, which is general, philosophical, and meaningful, is often aphorisms and aphorisms, giving people inspiration and lessons.

This kind of language is often the expression of the thoughts and feelings of the main characters or important people, or the expression of the tendencies of thoughts and feelings. For example: "'I want to study biology, and the knowledge that my husband taught me is also useful.'" In fact, I did not decide to study biology, because I saw that he was miserable, so I told a lie to comfort him. "'Anatomy taught for medicine, fear of biology, doesn't help much.'" He sighed. This verbal description, which involves the speech of two people successively, is to prompt the main idea from the perspective of feelings. The former is the "lie" said by the author Lu Xun, and the latter is the words of regret spoken by Mr. Fujino, which not only reflects the author's comfort feelings for Mr. Lu Xun and his care and sorrow for Lu Xun, but also highlights the pure and sincere revolutionary friendship between their teachers and students.

This kind of language, generally from the mouth of the main character, even if it is spoken by a supporting role, it is also in the service of the protagonist, which can be the protagonist's monologue or can be expressed through the extradition of the supporting role. For example: "He also pointed to the small and damp air raid shelter and said, 'Let's squat in the air raid shelter, how suffocated and panicked, looking at the good sun outside can't be basked, and the bare road can't be walked.'" But if I squat in an air raid shelter here, the people of the motherland can walk without squatting in an air raid shelter, and they can walk on the road without panic. They can ride a bicycle, they can walk when they want, they can walk or talk. As long as we can make the people happy, it is our greatest happiness. This is a conversation between a warrior and "I" in Who's the Cutest Man, laid the groundwork and revealed later. This soldier started from the squat air raid shelter, and when he squatted in the air raid shelter, it was precisely for the free and happy life of the people of the motherland. "As long as we can make the people happy, it is our greatest happiness." This sentence shows the reason why the volunteer soldiers suffered without complaint on the front line, and also powerfully revealed the main theme of the article.

One thing to pay attention to when using this writing method is that the language of the characters should be both clear and concise in order to highlight the main idea of the article.

Padded foil type

- Verbal Description No. 8

The so-called padding foil is that the dialogue or language of the characters has a mating and foiling effect on the following. The padding foil can be displayed from the background, expressed from the emotional tone, constructed from the plot momentum, and considered from the structural transition. This kind of language description has the characteristics of introduction and explanation, and the language is relatively plain.

This way of writing, in terms of its position, has two cases.

One is used at the beginning of the work. The article begins with a character dialogue or monologue to form a foreshadowing text, and to provide a foil introduction for the appearance of the main characters or the display of the main plot below, in order to highlight the following content. For example: "'When you meet someone again, you must open your mouth.' Chen Jing thought, and looked up at the dim street lamp in the alley. It was late at night, and there were dark shadows everywhere, 'Alas! This unlucky bike! She let out a helpless sigh from the bottom of her heart. This is the beginning of the article "Intoxicating Spring Night", and there are two language descriptions, both of which are Chen Jing's monologues. It describes two aspects: one is to meet people, and the other is to explain that the bicycle is broken, which paves the way for the appearance of the young man below, and also prepares for the plot of the car repair below, straight to the point, concise and concise.

The second is to be used in the middle of the work. Use language to describe the main part of the article to pave the way for the following plot and characters. This kind of description can be the small talk of one or two people, or the discussion of several people, forming a certain scene and atmosphere, so that the characteristics of the paving foil are more sufficient and obvious. Look at the following text: "A man who drank said, 'How could he have come?'" ...... He discounted his leg. The treasurer said, 'Oh! ''He's always stealing.'' This time, it was he who fainted and actually stole to Ding Juren's house. Did he steal his stuff? ''What happened?'' ''How's that?'' First write a defense, then a beating, hit most of the night, and then discount the leg. ''What about later?'' ''Later the leg was discounted.'' ''What about discounts?'' ''How?'' ...... Who knows? Xu is dead. This is the dialogue between the drinkers and the treasurer in the Xianheng Hotel in "Kong Yiji", some pointing out the speaker, some omitting the speaker, with the characteristics of discussion, constituting a specific scene. In fact, it is an interlude, taking Kong Yiji's encounter outside to the hotel to introduce, mainly saying that he has discounted his legs. Not only did he explain the reason why Kong Yiji had not come to the hotel for a long time, but also prepared and paved the way for Kong Yiji's second appearance below.

This kind of foil is achieved through character dialogue or monologue, and unlike the general narrative and background introduction, what is said should be suitable for oral expression.


- The ninth of the language description

The so-called plot advancement is to explain the relevant content of the development of the plot through language description, and to promote to the new field and depth of the plot development. In the form of expression, this kind of depiction mostly uses the way of dialogue, and the content of dialogue is generally carried out around the plot. In terms of its relationship with the plot, there are two main situations.

The first is the direct propulsion type, that is, through dialogue or monologue, the plot is directly forward. In this case, do not turn and smear, do not drag mud and water, the author's intention is obvious, and the text is relatively short. For example: "'Do you have a dollar?'" A buck! ''Yes! I lifted my head and suddenly regained my courage. I'll sell you, two copies, one dollar. This is a dialogue between The author of "One Side", Mr. Lu Xun, the content of which is to buy books and sell books, which coincide with the main plot of this article, and "I" finally have a result of buying books, so that the plot goes down the river, and the text is concise and direct, speeding up the progress of the plot.

The second is the explanation promotion type, that is, to make appropriate explanations of the relevant elements of the plot, on the one hand, to connect the upper and lower plots, and on the other hand, to supplement the relevant contents of the plot. As for the content of the explanation, it can be to introduce the characters or to supplement the explanation to increase the rigor and relevance of the plot. For example: "I said: 'Chengyu! It's snowing tomorrow, so you can't go out and play? He didn't even look at me and said, 'Dad said it was going to snow tomorrow, and it was going to stop working!' I said, 'Your dad cares so much about the weather?' What does he do? He said proudly, 'Kaixian (mountain) worker! ''Where to open the mountain?' He gave a small mouth and pointed to the opposite construction site. This is a dialogue between "I" (the material captain) and the little protagonist Cheng Yu in "Night Walking Lingguan Gorge", starting from the questioning of "I" and ending with the questioning of "I", the focus is on the answer, that is, Cheng Yu's innocent and lively answer, which is actually the work of Cheng Yu's father, leading to the characters described on the side of the context, that is, Cheng Yu's parents, indicating that Cheng Yu's growth is closely related to the good influence of his parents, the explanation of cause and effect, the care of the plot is very rigorous, and the role of promotion is also very obvious.

In the use of this writing method, we should pay attention to two points: first, the text should be concise, the frequency should be less and not more, so that it is concise and clear; second, the content should be closely related to the plot, either the direct embodiment of the main plot, or the indirect explanation of the plot elements.

Personality protrusion

- Ten words of description

The so-called sudden personality is to show the personality characteristics of the characters and highlight the character image through the form of dialogue or monologue. This kind of description is set from the perspective of the character, and it is highly targeted, which is conducive to the shaping of the character image and the prominent character of the character. As far as the object of its action is concerned, there are no more than two situations.

The first is the emergence of the personality of others. It is the language of this character that has an effect on the character of the other character. Look at the following text: "I found it was me, shaking my head like a rattle and saying, 'I don't sleep!' I don't sleep! ''Why?'' He rubbed his eyes with his small fist and said, "Mom and Dad said that no matter who they are, they must decay (keep) the Kang (post) position." This text is from "Night Walking Lingguan Gorge", which is a dialogue between "I" and Cheng Yu, writing about the extremely serious and responsible spirit of Cheng Yu's caregiver sister, but it also shows the excellent quality of his parents sticking to their jobs, because Cheng Yu did this, which is caused by the influence of his parents, which can be described as a pun, and the causal relationship is very obvious.

The second is the emergence of one's own personality. That is, the author entrusts the task of shaping the speech to the speaker himself, that is, through his own language expression, to highlight a certain character characteristic. This situation is mostly reflected in the main characters in the text, which has the function of self-analysis. For example: "The mother suddenly became angry and said, 'I know that this thief will not be able to come out, and sooner or later he will come back and drag us down again.' Now give the money to Joseph and tell him to pay the oyster money. It was enough of a downpour, and if it was recognized by the beggar, the ship would be bustling. Let's go over there and watch out not to make the man come near us!" When she had finished, she stood up, gave me a silver coin of 5 francs, and walked away. This passage, from Maupassant's short story "My Uncle Hule", is said by the mother of "me" in the text, named "Clarice", who is the main character in the text. The main point of her words, one is to insult Yu Le, the other is to avoid Yu Le, in fact, she is afraid of being discovered by Yu Le, afraid of Yu Le "dragging down" herself, which highlights her cold and selfish, recognizing money and not recognizing people's personality characteristics. Self-exposure and self-presentation are relatively sufficient, and it is also very powerful to reveal their personality characteristics.

One thing to pay attention to when using this writing method is to always be closely related to the character characteristics of the character when designing the dialogue or monologue, so that the character is fully displayed.

Source: Chinese Language Network