
Shede Liquor Industry responded to the question of the fraud of the base wine stock: more than 120,000 tons of old wine reserves are true

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Xue Chen) on the evening of October 20, due to the media said that "has more than 120,000 tons of high-quality old wine" information is untrue, the Shede Liquor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shede Liquor"), which has been pushed to the forefront of public opinion, issued a clarification announcement saying that the company's information on its old wine reserves and quality are true.

Shede Liquor industry has responded one by one to two major questions that have been questioned, the first is whether the reserves of old wine are real. Shede Liquor industry said that the company's early market sales scale is not large, the output is greater than the sales volume, and mainly based on the sales of low-end products outside the Tuopai qu liquor and Tuopai special qu series. During this period, the company accumulated more than 120,000 tons of high-quality base wines into strategic inventory.

This part of the old wine is mainly used for the production of high-end products, and low-end products do not consume old wine. "And the company produces new high-quality base wines every year to ensure the steady growth of the company's old wine reserves." That's what the liquor industry said.

The question also mentioned that the vast majority of the tanks where the shede liquor industry stores the base wine are carbon steel cans and stainless steel cans that store ordinary base wine or edible alcohol, which do not meet the "pottery altar storage of high-quality base wine", and further suspect that the actual number of high-quality base wine stored in the pottery altar of the Shede liquor industry is only about 20,000 tons. In this regard, the liquor industry explained that after the company's high-end base wine is produced, it is first stored in the pottery altar. Considering the characteristics of the pottery altar "over-gas but not liquid", if the pottery altar has been used, it will lead to a large volatile loss of aromatic substances and beneficial elements, so the company continues to monitor each batch of pottery altars, and after the base wine is "matured" in the pottery altar to the corresponding quality requirements, it is then transferred to the stainless steel tank in batches to continue storage, so at present, the company has part of the old wine stored in the pottery altar, and some of the old wine is stored in stainless steel tanks. At the same time, Shede Wine Industry stressed that according to its long-term storage quality comparison and tracking, there is no obvious difference in the quality of the base wine after the "old cooking" in the pottery altar and the quality stored in the stainless steel pot and the pottery altar.

Before the end of the last century, the sales volume of low-priced products in the liquor industry was large, and the carbon steel tanks built in the 90s of the last century for the transfer of alcohol and the storage of edible alcohol used in solid-liquid and liquid liquor processing products have now been rebuilt into stainless steel tanks or scrapped.

Shede Liquor Industry responded to the question of the fraud of the base wine stock: more than 120,000 tons of old wine reserves are true

The second point of the controversy comes from the fact that "the high-quality old wine of the Shede liquor industry is only the product of the slow sales of the product", and further questions the long-established old wine strategy of the Shede liquor industry is a "lie". In this regard, Shede Liquor said in its response, "The quality of the company's old wine is real, there is a plan to ensure the balance between storage and sales, and the quality has been widely recognized by the market." ”

It can be seen that the liquor industry tries to use "balance" to interpret its ability to control production and sales and storage, emphasizing that this behavior will not affect the quality of the product, let alone affect the promotion of its old wine strategy. Shede Liquor industry said that the company based on a large number of high-quality old wine, the system to promote the old wine strategy, year by year to retain a certain proportion of the base wine. Although the company's sales revenue has increased rapidly in recent years, the actual sales volume has not increased much, so that the company has increased its high-quality base wine every year.

In order to ensure the balance of high-quality old wine in and out, shede liquor industry adheres to the principle of maintaining a dynamic rolling balance with medium- and long-term sales planning and slightly greater than the sales planning when formulating production plans; at the same time, it adjusts and optimizes the brewing production process and produces more high-quality base wines.

In addition, Shede Liquor also stressed that the old base wine stored by the company is pure grain solid brewing, and does not contain edible alcohol. Related reports mention that the company purchased Jilin Tianhe edible alcohol in the 1990s, which was used in low-priced products produced by the company at that time. In the past, due to the company's low sales volume and the pressure on the base wine inventory, the cellar had to extend the fermentation time, and the wine industry had already invited a third-party professional organization to complete the appraisal, and the appraisal results showed that the quality of the cellar pool and the output of the base wine were not affected.

Some people believe that the clarification of shede liquor industry is the need to maintain its brand image, the old wine strategy is the core strategy of the shede liquor industry, according to the business plan for the second half of 2021 previously released by shede liquor industry, making a fuss around old wine is still the top priority. Shede Liquor industry said that it will continue to develop distributors, carry out market construction, consumer cultivation and brand promotion in accordance with the strategic goal of "building the first brand in the old wine category". It can be said that in the near-term planning of the wine industry, the resources that account for an absolute majority will be invested in the old wine sector. The Shede Wine Industry also tries to implement the old wine strategy into every aspect of its marketing, and carries out activities such as old wine tasting, old wine training, old wine dissemination, old wine exhibition, old wine forum, old wine auction and other activities with greater fanfare to serve its goal of "the first brand of old wine".

Some views also pointed out that old wine is an important starting point for liquor to develop high-end and enhance brand value in recent years. In particular, the trend of high-end and centralization of the liquor industry is becoming increasingly prominent, and the historical value, cultural value and consumer trust that can be carried behind the old wine can ultimately serve the long-term sales of products, enhance brand influence and product premium capabilities. This is also the key to the need for the wine industry to maintain its old wine strategy.

Beijing News reporter Xue Chen picture Shede liquor industry announcement screenshot Shede liquor industry official website screenshot

Edited by Ren Dongxue Proofreader Zhao Lin

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