
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

author:Ka Qiuomi

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Text/Ye Qiuchen (eponymous name on Sina Weibo)

First of all, Ye Qiuchen gave the movie five stars, because from beginning to end, my laughter almost never stopped.

At first, I suspected that my laughter was too low, but then I found that basically every few minutes the whole audience would laugh together, so I was slightly relieved to find that I was not an outlier.

The "100,000 Cold Jokes" series directed by Lu Hengyu and Li Shujie represents the rise of alternative animation. It is telling the audience that cartoons are no longer just children's patents, but a medium for us post-80s and post-90s to relax.

You'll be brainwashed by two repetitive model lines from the single dog Thor (voiced by Li Shujie), and will be laughed at every time the River God (voiced by Hao Xianghai) casts a golden axe and silver axe spell.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

Ye Qiuchen has always believed that the most cattle place in the "100,000 Cold Jokes" series is the mix-and-match, whether it is the mixing and matching of characters from different regions of different eras, or the joint confrontation of different gods from all over the world, the combination of speaking styles, the mismatch of action behavior, all of which unexpectedly find a laughable stem in a discordant atmosphere, making everything so natural, even the air becomes comfortable, so that the rainy days in Beijing also have a hint of relaxed and pleasant taste.

In addition to the funny part, there are also reflections on God and man in the film (although very short). Human beings face life, old age, illness and death and worry about money, but the gods also have no freedom, but their fate is predestined early.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

Then you suddenly find that the brain hole is a very magical thing, it makes Spit and Fan Er so natural, and becomes the mainstream of a story. When domestic comedies still choose hard concave laughter points, an animated film actually took the lead in completing the qualitative transformation. From the script, you can see that this is not an overnight work, but really steady and steady funny, in "100,000 Cold Jokes 2", you will find that only the gods of the East (Nuwa and River God) can use Xiaomi mobile phones, lines and plot settings including picture design have taken a lot of thought. The beginning is the texture of 2D picture 3D, and the end is the confrontation between 2D characters and 3D characters, and the film has achieved a good beginning and end echo in terms of dimension.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

100,000 Cold Jokes 2 is a prequel to a series that explains the formation of the current cosmology and the origin of the scar on the face of the Time Chicken (you fell off with a "bang"). The story tells the story of the southern god "La" (voiced by Li Lu) snatching the Creation Staff, and the other three gods Zeus (voiced by Fuji Shin), Odin (also known as "Hong Qigong", voiced by Tut Harmon), and Nuwa (voiced by Li Jiayi) send Athena (voiced by Shan Xin), Thor, and the river god to find the staff with Xiao Kongo (voiced by Wang Zhen).

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

Below, Ye Qiuchen will comb through some of the more impressive laugh points for everyone to remember after reading:

1. The first point of laughter in the opening of the film comes from the appearance of Xiyang Yang and Gray Taiwolf. They ridicule their "over 100 million" achievements, and in the quarrel, they are stolen by the gray wolf of Donkey Kong Jr. (star map).

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

2. The code with the sale of lamb skewers: Can you eat spicy? The other party responded: Put more cumin.

3. Because of the loss of important clues (star maps), XiYang transforms into Conan and shoots a needle at the village chief to make him faint, and then analyzes the case and familiarizes himself with the soundtrack.

4. Nuwa was urged to marry by Zeus, so much so that when she was sent on a mission, she thought that she was going to be arranged for a blind date again.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

5. All advertising parts are laughs, and they are not annoying to watch. The river god called Nuwa, who was doing yoga, to report that she was using a Xiaomi mobile phone, and at the same time complained, "Now the male god, how can it be so feminine!" (Alluding to the small fresh meat of the present)

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

6. Donkey Kong was collected by all parties, because the products sold before did not meet consumer expectations, and one of the magic lamps could only rub out the Smurfs.

7. The biggest laugh in the whole film - Thor, the god of thunder, he is a dog who can't speak, with three recorded sentences tied around his shoulders (the third sentence is not revealed until the Easter egg), and the emotion can be transformed from stupid cute to angry in an instant. This character is the type of person that you will still be impressed by after watching the movie. Ye Qiuchen looked at the surrounding area of this product very much after reading it, but unfortunately did not find the link, please send me a great gratitude for the knowledge.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

8. The river god speaks very ink, and the degree of restoration is very high compared with the original. He's the type of person who nags but you don't do anything about him, but because of Thor's lightning strike, he and Athena have a spark of love between him and Athena.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

9. The scene where Athena and the river god fell in love at first sight simply can't stop laughing, and the feeling of being electrified is not only the characters, but also the audience.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

10. Little King Kong was judged, and the judge was Bao Qingtian, who had been hiding in the dark and closed his eyes (because he could only see the crescent moon on the brain door when he was too dark), in fact, his white crescent had always been there, but we had not found it.

11. They arrived at the destination planet, on which were written the words "destination" and "Destination" in Chinese and English.

12. When Athena drove away from the planet with Donkey Kong, Thor, and River, she was too skilled to drive out of the car because she was a female driver. The plot in "100,000 Cold Jokes 2" is very modern, both the communication between the telephone, the familiar blind date of the elderly men and women, and the takeaway in space, and the gods need to queue up, which is very close to our real life.

13. While looking for a mechanism, the river god asks Athena for a companion, and the thor god Thor turns into a single dog.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

14. I thought I had found the mechanism, but after following the instructions, I found that it was a sticker machine. The last scene of the Easter egg also has a surprise for this.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

15. Thor is the first to find the mechanism, but he does not say "sesame to open the door" on the command (the only sound he can make is the three words recorded on him), and can only wait for others to come.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

16. After firing chestnuts (particles), three squirrels look up at the sky, and the nut advertisements of the three squirrels are played cleverly.

17. When they infiltrated the other base, Athena took out the bag in a hurry, and found that it was a job advertisement, and I was convinced by this implantation.

18. The river god is a car god, driving is very biao, the dialogue is "I used to help my father to send tofu". (From "Head Text D")

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

19. When "Pull" appeared, it was an enlarged version of the time chicken in the first part of "100,000 Cold Jokes".

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!
"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

20. The energy of committing two and the energy of spitting, forming a stem. The stem continues to respond and expand, becoming a brain hole.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

21. In the final god-level battle, in order to have fewer enemies and more enemies, the river god helps Athena to summon the Golden Saint Seiya, the Silver Saint Seiya, and the Bronze Saint Seiya (Ye Qiuchen thinks that the brain hole is the largest part), when the music of "Saint Seiya" sounds, which is called a burning explosion.

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

It is worthy of being a masterpiece of brain holes.

Highly recommended, very hilarious, definitely happy, five star positive.


--The copyright of this article belongs to the original author (toutiao number @ Ye Qiuchen), Ye Qiuchen is the signed author of the headline number, please contact the author for authorization for commercial reproduction, please indicate the source of non-commercial reprint--Welcome to comment and share--

"100,000 Cold Jokes 2" five-star praise, absolutely hilarious, you want to see the terriers are here!

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