
Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

Source: Sino-Singapore Sports

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

In the diving arena of the Tokyo Olympics, in addition to the Attention of the Chinese Diving Dream Team, the two "heavyweights" sitting on the sidelines have also become the focus of many people's attention.

The Olympic "hardware king" Chen Ruolin and the Olympic "four golden kings" Guo Jingjing are a unique scenery of the Tokyo Olympics, and they who were once invincible in the venue have now become "referees of referees".

In this regard, the younger Chen Ruolin is more experienced than Guo Jingjing. After retiring from the Rio Olympics, she chose to become a referee and successfully entered the FINA Diving Technical Committee.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

On August 5, in the final of the women's 10m platform diving event at the Tokyo Olympic Games, China's Quan Hongchan won the championship with 466.20 points, and Chen Yaoxi won the silver medal with 425.40 points. The picture shows Guo Jingjing (front left) and Chen Ruolin communicating at the scene of the competition. Photo by Du Yang, a reporter from China News Service

At the Tokyo Olympics, the "three little ones" of the Chinese women's 10-meter platform, Quan Hongchan, Chen Yaoxi and Zhang Jiaqi, won the love of countless netizens, and many people's memories of Chen Ruolin's reversal jump in the final of the women's 10-meter platform at the Beijing Olympic Games were also recalled.

As a diver, in the women's 10m platform event with extremely fast replacement speed, Chen Ruolin broke through the physical development barrier and finally won 5 gold medals in the three Olympic Games in Beijing, London and Rio, becoming a model for the little flowers to learn.

Recently, she and Sino-Singapore Sports talked about her career and now her retirement life.

#裁判工作 #

Sino-Singapore Sports ✕ Chen Ruolin

Sino-Singapore Sports: At the Tokyo Olympics, you and Guo Jingjing appeared on the sidelines, and many people understand that your job is to rate the referees.

Ruolin Chen: (Athletes) jump down, there will be different scores, some high scores, some low scores. Jumping down on this action may be 8 points, the referee has his own understanding, or will give 6 points or will give 9 points, the score difference will be relatively large.

Then we'll take note of it and there's a meeting after the game to discuss the score. In fact, the main thing is to manage the referee, and then to rate the referee. Including various aspects, the event such as check-in, playing, all the way to the award, will have a different division of labor every day.

Zhongxin Sports: Some scoring items will be controversial and questioned fairness, how do you as a referee avoid human interference?

Ruolin Chen: Scoring projects like ours are still stronger. That is, you jump down without a splash, including your jump, the air into the water is very perfect, the referee is not good to press your points, everyone is not blind.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

On July 25, local time, Guo Jingjing (center) cheered for Shi Tingmao and Wang Han. On the same day, the final of the women's double three-meter board for diving at the Tokyo Olympic Games was held at the Tokyo Aquatic Center, and the Chinese combination of Shi Tingmao and Wang Han won the gold medal with 326.40 points. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

Zhongxin Sports: You and Guo Jingjing are working together as referees this time, is there any special exchange between the two people?

Ruolin Chen: She showed me her son diving, and then her daughter played the violin, which was particularly cute.

Sino-Singapore Sports: Is the first cup of milk tea in autumn delicious?

Chen Ruolin: (Laughs) On the day of Li Qiu, I said, "Oh, today Li Qiu, I should drink milk tea, but I can't drink milk tea." "What does Sister Guo mean when she says this?" I said it was a stem, just liqiu that day to drink a cup of milk tea, she said then I will make you a cup, I said okay.

But we had no milk and no tea in the lounge, so we used the kind of creamer balls that we poured into the coffee, and we made one with the kind of tea we made, and added a little sugar.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

Guo Jingjing and Chen Ruolin. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

#重回奥运 #

Zhongxin Sports: This time as a referee at the Tokyo Olympic Games, did you have any impressions of the games on the spot?

Chen Ruolin: In fact, I think every game is quite impressive, because our team has several big sisters, like Shi Tingmao, this is the second time. I have known Shi Tingmao for a long time, this road is particularly difficult, she won the championship, she is very proud of her.

There are a few children who also participated in the first Olympic Games this year, and it feels like our Chinese diving team is still full of talents, or there are still many people who can always be on the field and then present a very perfect performance to everyone.

Sino-Singapore Sports: During the Olympic Games, the "three small ones" on the 10-meter jump platform, especially Quan Hongchan, received greater attention, she had three jumps in the final that was a full score, how was the mood after watching this game at that time?

Ruolin Chen: I think it's quite exciting, because her training level is very high, like those movements in the game, we can often see in training.

In the competition, especially like her first time in the Olympic Games, she can jump out of the usual training level, and her psychological quality is still very good.

On the day of the competition, I was still thinking, don't be nervous, usually the training level jumps out, she participated in the (Olympic Games) for the first time, maybe the psychological pressure is not so great.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

On August 5, in the final of the women's 10m platform at the Tokyo Olympic Games, the 14-year-old Quan Hongchan jumped three times in the competition to win the gold medal with excellent performance. Quan Hongchan is also the youngest athlete in the Chinese delegation at the Olympic Games.

Zhongxin Sports: Jumping athletes must have a development pass, your most rare thing is that the Olympic 5 Golden King has always been a platform project, not because of the development of the springboard, for the three little sisters may now face the development of the barrier, do you have any suggestions?

Ruolin Chen: Or to control the weight, especially our project, weight is very important, at the beginning of development, the body's various functions will decline, at this time, it will be easy to get hurt.

Then we will soon produce new people in this project, one a year or two, so I hope they can maintain their weight, maintain their competitive level, and hope to see them next time.

Sino-Singapore Sports: This Olympic Games will also have some netizens in the diving arena so-called "fried fish", there are also some ridicule. But when you sit on the sidelines and see such a scene, do you think of your own experience?

Ruolin Chen: Laymen don't understand much, they think it's funny to fall down, but in fact, we know, falling down is very painful, will feel more painful (athletes), there will be resonance, think of their own fall down feeling.

I think you shouldn't laugh at it because every athlete is not easy. His heart will be very upset, very painful, and then people from the outside world will laugh at him again, and they will be very sad.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

On August 7, after all the diving competitions of the Tokyo Olympic Games were over, the Chinese diving team took a group photo. The Chinese diving team achieved a good result of 7 gold and 5 silver in this Olympic Games. Photo by Du Yang, a reporter from China News Service

#职业生涯 #

Zhongxin Sports: In fact, when the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were very young, can you recall that time?

Ruolin Chen: (laughs) Then I have to recall, after all, it was 13 years ago. Because it was also the first time to participate in the Olympic Games, I didn't understand it very well, so I felt that it was a relatively large competition, and I didn't think too much that it was the Olympic Games.

It was better than after the finish of the game that I felt that this was the Olympic Games. Just because it is too small and does not understand the significance of the Olympic Games, it does not have so much psychological pressure, and it will not be said that there is so much psychological burden before the game or before the last jump, in fact, it is to make the training level.

Sino-Singapore Sports: Looking at the Tokyo Olympics now, do you think there is any different view from that time?

Chen Ruolin: Now suddenly I am also an idol, before I also liked a lot of people, like Guo Jie (Guo Jingjing) like Fu Mingxia, now suddenly everyone says to learn from Chen Ruolin, I feel that I am also an idol.

Sino-Singapore Sports: When Shi Tingmao cried by the pool after her last jump at the Tokyo Olympics, can you understand how she felt at that time?

Ruolin Chen: Yes, because her pre-match state is very similar to when I was 16 years old, it was a little bit of "no feeling" feeling. We've practiced too much, we've become muscle memory, but our own movements just can't jump anymore.

All the movements can not jump down, plus the age here, to overcome a lot of difficulties, especially not easy, I feel (Shi Tingmao) is particularly worth learning from all of us.

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

At the 2016 Rio Olympics diving women's doubles 10m platform, China's Chen Ruolin / Liu Huifeng won the championship with 354.00 points. This is also the fifth Olympic gold medal won by Chen Ruolin. Photo by Du Yang, a reporter from China News Network

Zhongxin Sports: Shi Tingmao once said that she had a similar situation of depression, have you ever encountered a similar situation?

Ruolin Chen: My 16 years at that time were also particularly difficult, because at that time I had a cervical spine injury, which was very serious, and it was possible that I would retire. If I said not to jump, it would definitely not work, including the age problem, and then the action could not jump down, plus injuries, it was quite depressed during that time.

Every day is also quite painful, the thought of today to jump the kind of action that I can't jump is very uncomfortable, that is, I don't know how to overcome, just day by day so mixed up.

Zhongxin Sports: The moment you really decide to retire, will you also feel unwilling?

Ruolin Chen: In fact, I didn't feel unwilling, that is, I felt that I could finally not have to have morning exercises. Because we get up very early every day after training, we have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, and (after retiring) finally don't have to go out of morning exercises, and we can sleep late. [Laughs]

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

At the 2016 Rio Olympics diving women's doubles 10m platform, China's Chen Ruolin / Liu Huifeng won the championship with 354.00 points.

#退役生活 #

Sino-Singapore Sports: You have gold medals from the Beijing, London and Rio Olympic Games, how do you usually collect gold medals?

Ruolin Chen: It's just put at home.

Zhongxin Sports: Will you occasionally take it out to see?

Ruolin Chen: I don't know, because there are too many. [Laughs]

Dialogue | Ruolin Chen: I don't often turn over the gold medal to see it, because there are too many

Chen Ruolin at the Tokyo Olympics. Courtesy of respondents.

Zhongxin Sports: In addition to the work of FINA, what career plans do you have?

Ruolin Chen: Now I am working as a coach and a coach in the national team, I think it is so hard to be a coach! At that time, I didn't understand the coach very well, and later after becoming a coach, I especially wanted to talk to my coach, which was hard.

Sino-Singapore Sports: Are there any ideas for crossing borders in other ways?

Ruolin Chen: No, I am quite happy in the diving industry in the sports circle. Because our athletes are still relatively simple, the personality of the athletes is also quite straightforward, will not hide, and can usually make a lot of sincere friends.

And in this circle also know more friends, so in the sports circle is still quite good.

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