
October 5 Born character

author:Chi's happy life

Birth characters

159 - Lü Bu, a famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was born.

October 5 Born character

Ice heart

1713 - French philosopher Diderot is born.

1737 - Russian General Alexei Grigorievich Orlov, the third of Five Orlov's brothers

1829 – Chester Allen Arthur, 21st President of the United States, known for the Chinese Exclusion Act

1894 - Deng Zhongxia, early leader of the Communist Party of China

1897 - Yu Hongzheng, a Chinese soil chemistry and physical chemist, is born.

1899 - Georges Pidour, Prime Minister of the French Fourth Republic

1900 - Chinese female writer Bing Xin was born.

1904 - Fu Baoshi, the representative painter of China's "New Landscape Painting", was born.

1914 - General Zhang Zhen, founding lieutenant general in 1955, former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (died on September 3, 2015)

1930 - Pavel Romanovich Popovich, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of the Soviet Air Force

1936 - Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic. (died in 2011)

1951 - Karen Alain, American actress.

1952 - Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan (re-elected since 1992)

1964-Fujiwara Koji, Japanese male voice

1972 - NBA Phoenix Suns player Grant Hill is born.

October 5 Born character

Emomali Rahmon

1975 - Oscar queen, the famous British actress Kate Winslet was born.

1976 - South Korean actor Song Seung-hyun was born.

1976 - South Korean actor Song Jong-ho was born.

1979 - Chinese actresses Yao Chen and Gao Yuanyuan were born.

1982 - Zhang Yining, a famous Chinese table tennis player, was born.

1984 - He Hongli, Secretary General of the World Chinese Healthy Diet Association, was born.

October 5 Born character

Václav Havel

1986 - Liao Hui, a famous Chinese weightlifter and Olympic champion, was born.

1987 - South Korean group T-ara lead singer Soo Yeon is born.

1988 - South Korean female artist, one of the members of the Honey Girl Heavenly Troupe i Me, Shen Hyun-kyung was born

1990 - Tan Kenji, a member of the MIC male team of the Asian singing and dancing group, was born.

1991 - Chinese male singer Xiao Zhan was born ("Burn It Boy!") 》Contestant)

1993 - Chunji (Lee Chan-hee), a member of the popular Korean idol group Teentop, is born.


Jean-Pierre Sović, J. Fraser Stodart, Bernard L. Felinga won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

October 5 Born character


October 5 Born character

Chester Allen Arthur

October 5 Born character

Pavel Romanovich Popovich