
"Mother's Family" Cares Intimately Couples on both sides of the strait favor the nesting mainland

author:China News Network

Nanjing, September 17 (China News Network) (Reporter Shen Ran) "Whether it is in the mainland or in Taiwan, we are getting more and more harmonious with each other. The difference is getting less and more understood. Chen Jiachen and Ding Peizhen, a couple on both sides of the strait, talked about their married life, and they only had the word "satisfaction."

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approached, more than 20 couples living and working on both sides of the strait in Nanjing gathered to participate in the "Yueming Family and Dream Circle" Mid-Autumn Festival Friendship Meeting organized by the Nanjing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office in Nanjing (nanjing's abbreviation) for cross-strait marriage and family, in order to communicate friendship.

"A few years ago, I saw the market and opportunities in the mainland and decided to start a business in the mainland. Unexpectedly, the career took root in the mainland, and I also found love here and established a family. During his work in the mainland, chen Jiachen, 40, met and fell in love with his wife, Ding Peizhen, through the Internet. Now the two have been married for more than two years, and last year they added a lovely new member - the young daughter who is 18 months old has made the two feel happy.

Regarding the differences in the lives of couples on both sides of the strait, Chen Jiachen laughed: "Nowadays, there is almost no gap between the mainland and Taiwan in all aspects, and the main thing that needs to be adapted to each other is dialects and local customs." ”

During the discussion at the friendship meeting, the reporter of The China News Network also noted that with the gradual implementation of the mainland's economic development and measures to benefit Taiwan compatriots, more and more couples on both sides of the strait like Chen Jiachen's family have chosen to stay on the mainland and struggle.

Li Fenqin, deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, said: "In order to enable more small families on both sides of the strait to adapt to mainland life, in recent years, the Nanjing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office has actively done a good job in cross-strait marriage and family service work, jointly established a joint meeting mechanism with relevant departments, and issued opinions on further doing a good job in cross-strait marriage and family service work. Through family services such as the women's hotline, the Women's Federation also provides psychological counseling, answers to educational questions, and other services for the ningtai marriage family, so as to be the 'mother's family' of the cross-strait marriage family. ”

Huang Bowen, chief physician of the Respiratory Department of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, who was newly married to his mainland wife, as the newly promoted "Son-in-law of Nanjing", is very concerned about the various measures taken by the mainland to benefit Taiwan compatriots. "We look forward to a better and better environment for Taiwanese people to work and live in the mainland, so that we can leave our careers here and our homes here with peace of mind." (End)

Source: China News Network