
CBA three news: Guangdong genius turned to field ball, Li Hongquan faced a choice, Booker appeared in Shenzhen team

author:Sister Luo CBA

Patriotic basket, love CBA, I am Luo jie, small partners remember to like after reading!

Guangdong team has always been a team that relies on its own youth training, they basically rarely introduce domestic big-name players, last summer the team rarely wanted to sign an inside player, when Zhu Fangyu took a fan ziming of the Guangzhou team, but in the end the negotiations between the two sides did not succeed, and now the Guangdong team promoted Xu Xin and Zhang Mingchi from the youth team two young interior players, compared with Fan Ziming, their future may be better, it can be seen that reinforcements are not the only way out for the Guangdong team to become stronger. Over the years, only the Guangdong team has generally sent talents to the outside, such as Dong Hanlin of the Shanghai team, Liu Chuanxing, Yang Jinmeng, Shao Yinglun of the Qingdao team, and the former talented striker Gao Shang.

For the evaluation of noble this player fans have been mixed, some people think that noble all aspects of the ability is not bad, when he was in the national youth team he was the thigh of the team, although he did not have a particularly prominent ability, but want to stay in the CBA to play is no problem, there are also people think that noble this player is plain, he left the Guangdong team after going to a number of teams to play, never played the main force, it can be seen that his strength is indeed more general.

Anyway, now Noble has become a free agent, recently some fans found that he has begun to play in the field game, the former Guangdong team genius has been reduced to a wild ball player, can't help but sigh, in fact, since 2019, Noble has gradually not been able to play in the CBA, last season he did not even get a minute of playing time, at that time there were fans who thought that the basketball road after Noble should be very difficult to walk.

But what people did not expect is that this summer Noble has been unable to gain a foothold in the CBA, to know that he was born in 1994, and most of the national youth team players with him have now become the main force in the team, and it is not easy to look back at the level of regular rotation, and Noble as the core player in the original national youth team, the development is the worst one, perhaps because his efforts over the years are not enough, perhaps there is a problem with the noble mentality, he wants to review the CBA is not easy.

Luo Jie feels that Gao Shang's transfer to wild ball now may be a stopgap measure, after all, the CBA player trading window has been closed, even if there is a team that wants to sign him, there is no way, to be honest, it should be no problem to join the NBL League with Noble's current ability, but due to the relationship between the epidemic this year, the NBL League has not yet opened the trading window period, and Gao Shang wants to return to the professional league it will take a while, I hope that he will have the opportunity to return to the fans' vision in the future.

CBA three news: Guangdong genius turned to field ball, Li Hongquan faced a choice, Booker appeared in Shenzhen team

Noble Guangdong team period

The second news about Shanghai's young player Li Hongquan, in August this year, there was news that Next season Li Hongquan is likely to join the Australian NBL League to play, but now there is less than 1 and a half months before the start of the NBL League, Li Hongquan still has not been able to get a contract, he needs to make a choice about the road he will take next season.

According to people familiar with the matter, li Hongquan now has a total of two options to choose, the first is to directly represent Shanghai in the CBA league next season, which has a problem, because Li Hongquan has not completed registration, so he must wait for the window period in which the league is in progress to enter the Shanghai team's big list, which means that he cannot participate for a while.

The second way is to join Japan's B League to play, with Li Hongquan's height and size, he can go to the B League as a big foreign aid to try it, but whether there is a team willing to sign a Chinese foreign aid is unknown, after all, under the same price, Japanese teams must prefer European and American foreign aid, Li Hongquan has not proved his ability in the professional league.

To be honest, these two roads are not the best choice for Li Hongquan, and now even if he enters the Shanghai team, he should not be able to get too many opportunities to play, and the overall level of the Japanese league is not even as good as the CBA, so Li Hongquan, who is 20 years old this year, must find the most suitable path for him as soon as possible.

Luo Jie feels that Li Hongquan can consider going to the Australian development league to try it, after all, even if it is a development league, the level of confrontation there is relatively high, Li Hongquan now needs to improve the most is the personal ball holding offensive ability, in the development league if he can play the main force, it will be helpful for his growth.

CBA three news: Guangdong genius turned to field ball, Li Hongquan faced a choice, Booker appeared in Shenzhen team

Lee Hong-kuen played in the United States

The third news about Booker, fans should know that This offseason Booker has been staying in Shenzhen team training and has not left, but this is a rumor, did not see it with their own eyes, no one knows is true, but from a training video released by the Shenzhen team official recently, you can see that Booker did appear on the team, which is definitely good news for Shenzhen fans.

The first stage of the regular season next season can be said to be one of the few teams, like Beijing Shougang team although it has signed a small foreign aid Jeremy Lin, but whether he can return to the team in time is still unknown, and Shenzhen team is different, Booker is now in the team, he can represent Shenzhen team at any time to play next season.

Due to the relationship between the Beijing Winter Olympics at the beginning of next year, the regular season games in the first and second phases of the CBA will be carried out in the situation of the conference system, but in the third stage of the game, it is likely to resume home and away, that is to say, if a good place can be achieved in the regular season, then the playoffs can have home advantage.

Shenzhen team in the first stage of the regular season has an absolute advantage, their small foreign aid has been in place, because most of the teams will use the all-Chinese class to play, so the team can temporarily only sign a foreign aid, anyway, even if two foreign aid is signed, the team can only use the foreign aid rule of two times in four quarters, and after all the foreign aid of other teams is in place, shenzhen team will sign the second foreign aid not too late.

Luo Jie feels that Booker's professional attitude of this foreign aid is rare in the CBA, and some fans speculate that perhaps the Shenzhen team gave Booker a sum of money to let him stay in the team in the offseason, but this statement has not been confirmed, in any case, Booker is the only foreign aid who did not leave the team in the offseason.

CBA three news: Guangdong genius turned to field ball, Li Hongquan faced a choice, Booker appeared in Shenzhen team

Booker appeared on the bench in Shenzhen

To be honest, the Shenzhen team spent money to leave Booker This statement does not feel too reliable, if it is a championship team like Guangdong and Liaoning, it is possible, but from the operation of the Shenzhen team in these seasons, their goal is not like the championship, and the team has not invested a lot of money.

So the greater possibility is that Booker himself is willing to stay in Shenzhen to train, the team package to eat and wrap on the line, so it feels more reasonable, after all, now the CBA has a policy of foreign aid priority renewal, Shenzhen team is not afraid of Booker being poached by other teams, and at the end of last season, the team did not know that the foreign aid policy would be announced so late, which can only show that this is Booker's own will.

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