
Wild Chrysanthemum

author:Double Forester
Wild Chrysanthemum

【Chrysanthemum new】Wild chrysanthemum


(1) Mountain chrysanthemum

Stone path barren bush blooming evening chrysanthemum,

The cliffs are made of screens.

The autumn rhyme is still faint, the fragrance is faint, and it haunts the valley.

A lifetime of watching the belly of the mountain,

When will it be possible to enter people's eyes?

He seems to live in Nanshan, waiting for Tao Gong and Cai to accompany him to read.

(2) Woodland chrysanthemum

Falling wood Xiao Xiao Lin Xia Ju,

Dot the autumn grass on the ground.

Dead leaves have not been buried, and in the morning light, they are cold and fragrant.

The shade is difficult to resist the westerly wind speed,

Ren withered and turned upside down for a while.

Mo Dao's bottom is micro, small wildflowers, twilight fragrance alone.

Note: Obey (Song) Zhang Xiantian.

Wild Chrysanthemum

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