
Does the Xinjiang tiger really exist?

author:Aha a glass of water

Xinjiang Tiger is a branch of Yahoo in western Asia. The Size of the Xinjiang Tiger is second only to Siberia. Tigers are generally 1.6 to 2.5 meters long and have a tail length of about 0.8 meters.

Does the Xinjiang tiger really exist?

It weighs about 200 to 250 kg. It can be said that the new rivers and lakes mainly ended their final life course after human beings destroyed the natural environment.

It mainly lives in the Tarim and Manas river basins in central Xinjiang. The last time humans discovered Xinjiang was in 1916.

In the decades since, scientists have searched for traces of them many times, but have never found them.

On March 28, 1900, the Swedish naturalist Sven Hedin first discovered that it had disappeared for centuries in Xinjiang, northwestern China.

At the same time, new rivers and lakes were also discovered at the Loulan Historic Site. His findings show that the water and grass here are abundant and densely forested, because where there is fire, there must be large forests, a large number of herbivores and an abundant water source.

At that time, Xinjiang households, in such a good natural environment, lived carefree.

Does the Xinjiang tiger really exist?

However, since the ancient Chinese merchants opened the ancient Silk Road, Loulan has gradually become an important transportation hub in West Asia because of its superior geographical location. At the same time, it also became a center of business and cultural exchange, with a population that soared to its peak.

As a result of the increase in population, large amounts of natural resources have been absorbed, forests have been cut down, and pastures have been cultivated, resulting in rivers being cut off and land being severely desertified.

The prosperous Guloulan declined at the same time, eventually being swallowed up by the desert overnight. Since then, it has changed from an oasis to an endless desert.

Like Gu Loulan, the Xinjiang Tiger has suffered an unprecedented disaster. If they lose forests, they lose their food sources and beautiful homes.

Does the Xinjiang tiger really exist?

The Xinjiang tigers died, but a small number of them still stubbornly lived in the desert and the only oasis with tenacious vitality until 1990.

Sven Hedin found that they were also the first time that modern people knew and understood the Xinjiang tiger.

In the decade that followed, due to the further deterioration of the environment in the region and the hunting of Xinjiang tigers by some aspirants, the few remaining new rivers and lakes did not escape the fate.

In the 1950s, it was heard that herders had seen him near Alcán on the lower Tarim River. However, this claim has not been concretely verified.

To this day, whether there are tigers in Xinjiang is still a suspenseful question.

Does the Xinjiang tiger really exist?

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