
Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

author:Genuine product

"Emperor Xuanzong's young attendant Emperor Wen went in and out of Saiyuan and was well versed in civil affairs. And the throne, there is a happy driver, not a vegetarian martial arts, a person who destroys this and eats it? However, the soldiers do not try lightly, and they think of the living beings..."——Talking about moving "Guoyu"

Throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty, we will find that this dynasty has many emperors with unique hobbies, such as the Ming Xi Emperor Zhu Youxiao who is very fond of carpentry;

In terms of feelings, he is very free of himself, and Zhu Yijun, the Ming God Sect who eats both men and women... In addition to these emperors, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji, the Ming Xuanzong, also has many mysteries.

For the past 600 years, the mystery of this person has been unsolved, which has led to people's uncontrollable desire to understand this person.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Zhu Zhanji stills

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > was highly valued at birth</h1>

Zhu Zhanji was born in the thirty-first year of Hongwu, and his father was Zhu Gaozi, and as one of the heirs of the fiefdom of the Yan King, his relationship with his father Zhu Di was actually not close. Compared to Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Di seemed to prefer his younger brother Zhu Gaoxu.

However, Zhu Zhanji's birth made Zhu Di begin to pay attention to Zhu Gaozi's son. And speaking of this, we have to mention a dream that Zhu Di had when Zhu Zhanji was born.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Akihito's dragon robe seated portrait axis

It is said that on the night of Zhu Zhanji's birth, his grandfather Zhu Di had a dream, and Zhu Di was still the King of Yan at this time. He dreamed that his father, Zhu Yuanzhang, had given him a great gui.

And during this period, Zhu Yuanzhang also said: The grandson of the generation, eternal Qichang. Later, Zhu Di woke up in a dream, and when he recalled the scene in the dream, he felt very festive, plus he just happened to hear the next person report that Xiao Shisun had descended.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Ming Chengzu seated portrait axis

Zhu Di quickly asked people to bring Zhu Zhanji over, and at this look, he found that the little grandson was very similar to himself, and his face was full of heroism, and the happy Zhu Di praised Zhu Zhanji on the spot, "This is the blessing of the Ming Dynasty."

It was also because of this grandson and the dream that seemed to be a foreshadowing, that Zhu Di later made up his mind to launch the Battle of Jingnan. And not long after Zhu Di ascended the throne, Zhu Gaozi was made crown prince, and Zhu Zhanji has always been valued by Zhu Di.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Zhu Di stills

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > mystery one</h1>

Later, Zhu Di died of illness in Yumuchuan, and Zhu Gaozi ascended to the throne. However, Xu was because Zhu Di paid more attention to his second son for a long time before his death, which led Zhu Gaoxu to always believe that it was most appropriate for him to inherit the throne.

At that time, the imperial court was also afraid that Zhu Gaoxu would rise up and cause war, so it had been very careful to conceal the news of Zhu Gaoxu's father's illness and death. By the time Zhu Gaoxu knew that his father had passed away, his brother Zhu Gaoxu had already taken the throne.

However, Zhu Gaoxu naturally would not give up on this, after all, in his opinion, the throne should belong to him. So Zhu Gaoxu continued to make a big fuss in his brother's forbearance and forgiveness, for example:

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Zhu Gaozi stills

As before, in the Shandong fiefdom, the soldiers and horses were ready for a "Battle of Jingnan 2.0"

Plant a lot of eyeliner in the capital to find the best time to take the wife.

Later, on May 11, 1425, Zhu Gaozi suddenly issued an edict to his son who was still in Nanjing, which clearly pointed out: May Gengchen, Emperor Renzong did not hesitate, and the seal book was recalled.

At this time, less than 9 months had passed since Zhu Gaozi took the throne. At that time, Zhu Zhanji was very anxious after receiving this news, and immediately set out to prepare for the capital.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

And Zhu Gaoxu, who had been waiting for the opportunity to win the wife, had installed a lot of eyeliner in the capital, and he naturally could not miss this opportunity. Not to mention that Zhu Zhanji's Nanjing road is more than 300 kilometers longer than Zhu Gaoxu's Lecheng.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaoxu happily organized a bunch of dead soldiers, and in line with the principle of "making the first move stronger, and then suffering the worst attack," he prepared to intercept and kill his nephew on Zhu Zhanji's inevitable road.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Zhu Gaoxu stills

But after Zhu Zhanji's carriage and horse approached, Zhu Gaoxu was dumbfounded--Zhu Zhanji was not in the car at all, and the people who came were only his retinue and escort.

Here is the first mystery we have to talk about: how did Zhu Gaoxu know that he would be intercepted and prepared in advance? Or how did Zhu Zhanji evade Zhu Gaoxu's killing move?

Later generations put forward several speculations about this:

Zhu Zhanji just missed Zhu Gaoxu, and he had already left alone when Zhu Gaoxu's men arrived;

Zhu Zhanji took a detour and did not pass through the ambush point at all;

Zhu Zhanji may not be in Nanjing at all, nor will he take the so-called necessary path, so it fell into the hands of Zhu Gaoxu;

Zhu Zhanji set up a bureau, and he wanted to make Zhu Gaoxu's conspiracy to seize the concubine known to the world.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

In response to the above speculations, more people tended to be the last, because not long after Zhu Gaoxu failed to intercept this time, Zhu Zhanji ascended to the throne.

And soon after he took the throne, he had a duel with his uncle, who was "the heart of Sima Zhao, known to all passers-by". Since there is still a mystery here in Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne, we will not express the course and content of this duel for the time being.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Ming Xuanzong seated statue axis

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > mystery two</h1>

In addition, judging from the records of the "History of Ming", the speed of Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne cannot be described as not rapid --

In June, he was ugly and ugly, and he also went to Liangxiang, received a will, and entered the palace to mourn. Gengji, that is, the emperor's throne. Amnesty for the world, with next year as the first year of Xuande.

That is to say, Zhu Zhanji returned to Liangxiang on the outskirts of Beijing on June 3, and was ordered to go to the palace to mourn. Just 9 days later, Zhu Zhanji successfully ascended to the throne.

In fact, there are many hidden problems in this paragraph, such as:

Why did Zhu Zhanji "receive the edict" in Liangxiang instead of directly entering the palace?

Zhu Zhanji made all the preparations for the throne in just 9 days, is this too fast?

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

In response to these two problems, we must first clarify the following contents -

Liangxiang, a suburb of Beijing where Zhu Zhanji was located at that time, was only 30 kilometers away from the capital. According to the mainstream means of transportation used by people at that time: this journey can be completed within an hour, even if it is rubbed again.

Zhu Zhanji really did not have to stay in Liangxiang to "receive his will." If he had come from Nanjing, he would have completed more than 1,000 kilometers of road, would he still care about the 30 kilometers or so?

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Part of "Exit police into the foot map"

The emperor needs to prepare a lot of things before ascending the throne, according to the records in the "Ming Shi Lizhi", the enthronement ceremony of the Ming emperor is very troublesome, here we take Zhu Zhanji and his father Zhu Gaozi to ascend the throne as an example. From the time node:

Zhu Zhanji and his father received a will in August of the 22nd year of Yongle, and only officially ascended the throne on September 7 of the same year, during which various preparations lasted for about a month, but Zhu Zhanji only took less than 10 days from the time he was ordained to the throne.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

This makes people wonder secretly, did Zhu Zhanji already know that his father would die? Or rather, he had already let his henchmen kill his father in advance.

Therefore, he was able to complete the transformation from crown prince to emperor in a short period of time. After all, his father was seriously ill in bed before he returned to Beijing, and even if the people under his hands were bold, it was impossible to blatantly help Zhu Zhanji prepare the supplies for his accession.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Today, 600 years later, it is still difficult for us to solve these mysteries surrounding Zhu Zhanji. Because at the moment we do not have direct and accurate evidence to support our speculations.

Maybe one day, we will unearth artifacts related to this matter, or have the ability to travel through time and space, so that we can smoothly figure out what really happened at that time.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > renxuan rule</h1>

After Zhu Zhanji completely sat on the throne, he began to focus on political and economic construction. At that time, Zhu Zhanji noticed that in every conquest, many officers had the problem of greed for ink and extortion of the people.

In order to eliminate these ills as much as possible, Zhu Zhanji continuously sent supervisory officials to inspect and improve the military situation in the provinces in the first three years after he took the throne.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Ming Army drawing

This has eased corruption and oppression in the army. In addition, Zhu Zhanji also paid special attention to the movements of the Hu people in the border areas and made a lot of preparations in resisting the Hu people.

After several battles, the Hu people have relented a lot, and the lives of the people in the border areas have also stabilized a lot. Later, Zhu Zhanji also supported Zheng He's voyage to the West on the pretext that he did not come to pay tribute to the ming dynasty, which greatly promoted the economic development of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Zheng He's road map for sailing to the West

In addition, what is more rare is that Zhu Zhanji attaches great importance to the construction of people's livelihood, and during his reign, he paid great attention to domestic agricultural production and actively reduced taxes.

Under his efforts, many wise people of the Ming Dynasty were reused, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the economy also achieved unprecedented development. The period of his reign with his father Emperor Akihito, Zhu Gaozi, was collectively known as the "Reign of Renxuan" by later generations.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Foreign tribute

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > supplement</h1>

Finally, we may wish to add an anecdote related to Zhu Zhanji, who is said to be extremely admiring of pen and ink, and that Zhu Zhanji's Chinese painting achievements are higher than calligraphy.

Whether it is landscape animals, flowers, birds, grasses and insects, or shen yun's difficult to portray characters, Zhu Zhanji can paint very well. In his daily life, he liked to give these paintings he painted as books to his courtiers.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Part of the Ming Xuanzong Xingle Chart Axis

And when painting these paintings, he will definitely mark the year and the name of the recipient, and then stamp the "Treasure of Guangyun", "Treasure of Wuying Temple" and "Yongxi World". Xu is because the emperor has this kind of "Yashang Hanmo" hobby -

It is reported that Later Zhu Zhanji also ordered Yang Shiqi and Yang Rong to select "book-capable people" in the pavilion and collect many books in the cabinet.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Ming Xuanzong's work "Wuhou Gao Lying Figure"

It can be said that during Zhu Zhanji's reign, he made outstanding contributions to China's culture and literary inheritance. Although in response to the mysteries before he ascended the throne, some people always have malicious speculation.

But at the same time, we also have to admit that Zhu Zhanji was a very competent and good emperor, and the "rule of Renxuan" that he and his father jointly created was always compared with the rule of Wenjing, the rule of Zhenguan and the prosperity of Kaiyuan.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Worship drawings

It is also worth mentioning that although Zhu Zhanji was honored as a great treasure, his life expectancy was even shorter than that of his father— he only lived for 36 years, not even exceeding the average life expectancy of ancient Chinese emperors (39.2 years).

In the first month of 1435, Zhu Zhan was seriously ill and ordered his subjects to pay homage to the crown prince Zhu Qizhen at the Wenhua Hall. He died shortly after, leaving behind a testament:

"The eldest son, Crown Prince Qi Zhen, was pure in nature, Renming Gangzheng, and his heir to the throne of the emperor, assisted by the courtiers of Tingwen Wu, and ensured that the army and the people were the foundation, and did not do cleverness to mess up the old chapters." All important state affairs are carried out by the White Emperor and Empress Dowager, and then carried out. ”

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has many mysteries in his body, and for 600 years, "always unsolved" has been highly regarded as a mystery and a mystery erren Xuanzhizhizhi supplement

Ming Yingzong seated portrait axis

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