
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

author:Plastic surgeon Shu Shio
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Everyone is not unfamiliar with the hump nose, the obvious hump nose in the back of the nose unusually raised a large piece, the nose shape looks more strange, not very likable, like the Westerners nasal bone is more developed, hump nose is more common, but many people will still correct the hump nose through surgery.

▼ Hump nose correction surgery

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

▼ Before and after hump nose correction

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Although our Oriental nose bone is not as developed as that of Westerners, the hump nose is also very obvious and abrupt, not only girls, but also many men feel that they cannot control it to do hump nose correction.

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Look, after hump nose correction and combined with rhinoplasty, is it more natural and comfortable to look at?

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

However, the aesthetics are different, some people will like the hump nose, of course, the vast majority of like this hump nose is exquisite, for example, many people want Liu Yifei's nose, a girl who received the previous treatment is an example.

This girl's nose itself is a hump nose, but she is more disgusted, because the mountain root is low, the hump is too big and eye-catching, and her ideal type is Liu Yifei's delicate little hump nose, hoping to have the same model.

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Looking at Liu Yifei's nose, he looks really good:

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Her hump is not serious, the key is that the tip of her nose is very good, tall and delicate, weakening the sense of abruptness of the hump, and adding some heroism to the feminine facial features, just like many people now say "salt can be sweet", no wonder many people like it.

Reasonable needs, we will try to meet, since we like small hump nose, then arrange: in the hump nose correction to retain some humps, prosthesis is also carved into a near micro hump nose innate bone structure form, while using autologous rib cartilage through anatomical structure reconstruction focus on the transformation of the nose tip.

The tip of the nose is the highest point and focus of the whole nose, and the hump nose should be good to look at - the tip of the nose is quite upturned and beautiful, and the small hump is naturally characteristic and not noisy, so that the primary and secondary are clear and complementary.

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

Let's take a look at the post-operative effects:

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?
The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

It seems that the hump nose is also conditional to be likable. If you want to make a more obvious hump nose, of course, you can, but the hump nose type is not the mainstream aesthetic after all, and it is also picky, and you still want to consider whether it is compatible with your temperament and appearance, so as not to regret it.

The hump nose, which has always been disliked, has actually "turned over"?

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