
This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

author:Shukuri Musume

Hello everyone, I am a show kitchen lady, a girl who likes to stay in the kitchen to study food, every day to share with you a nutritious and delicious home cooking method, if you also like to make food, welcome to pay attention, we can share with each other in the experience of making food, learn from each other, for family and friends to make more nutritious and healthy food!

Introduction: This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 pound, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat!

In the summer, the weather is hot, the heat is fumigated, and many people have no appetite, do not want to eat, and cannot eat. However, summer is the time when the human gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, we not only have to eat on time every day, but also eat lightly and nutritiously. Therefore, in three meals a day, we should try to eat as little as possible some big fish and meat, as well as foods that are too greasy and difficult to digest. I often listen to the older generation of saying that in the hot summer, eat more eggs, which is often said to be "summer supplementation". This will keep people energetic in the hot summer, and after spending a summer, the body will not lose weight.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Eggs are a kind of ingredient that we must eat every day, and studies have found that eggs are rich in protein, vitamins A, B, C, D, as well as lecithin, fat, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other nutrients that are beneficial to the human body, and have high edible value. Eggs are not only nutritionally comprehensive, easy to digest and easy to absorb, but also particularly cheap.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Eat less chicken, duck and fish meat in summer, eat more of it, fry it and then braise it in a pot, nutritious and delicious, more fragrant than meat! In the market, the price of a pound of eggs is generally about 4 yuan, and everyone can afford to eat. In addition, the egg method is also very diverse, whether it is fried, boiled, steamed, fried, fried, fried, especially delicious! Below, the chef uses eggs to share a nutritious and delicious home-cooked dish with you!

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

【Chowder Chicken Cake】

Ingredients: Egg, leek, tomato, carrot, clam, corn starch, green onion, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, pepper, sesame oil, cooking oil.

Here's how:

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Step 1: Take a bowl, add 10 grams of corn starch, add 60 ml of water, stir well, make water starch, take a bowl, beat in 5 eggs, add 3 grams of salt, add the appropriate amount of green onion, pour the water starch into the bowl containing the eggs, and stir the egg liquid.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Step 2: Heat the pot with oil, heat the oil, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid, wait for 30 seconds, gently stir it with a spatula, then cover the pot lid, simmer for 8 minutes, then open the pot lid, turn it over, cover the pot lid, simmer for another 5 minutes, then open the pot lid, take a toothpick, gently insert it, if the egg does not stick to the toothpick, the egg will be fried, turn off the heat out of the pan, cut the knife into pieces for later.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Step 3: Start the pot, add a little less oil, put in the right amount of green onion and stir-fry, then put in the right amount of tomato pieces, stir-fry evenly, drop two drops of soy sauce, after the tomatoes are fried soft, put in the cut carrot slices, stir-fry evenly, add the appropriate amount of boiling water, put in the wood ear fungus that was brewed in advance, put in the fried chicken cake, add the appropriate amount of salt and pepper, stir well, and simmer for 5 minutes.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

Step 4: After five minutes, put in a dozen flower clams, soak the flower clams in the soup, so that the flower clams are easy to cook, but also into the flavor, after the clams are all opened, put in the cut leek segments, and then turn off the heat, add the appropriate amount of chicken essence, drop two drops of sesame oil, mix well, you can get out of the pot.

This ingredient I eat every day, only 5 yuan 1 catty, comprehensive nutrition, delicious and easy to digest, everyone can afford to eat

A light and nutritious and delicious chowder chicken cake is ready, the eggs are tender and refreshing, the soup is delicious and nutritious, every time it is served, it is so delicious that even the soup is not left! Friends who like to eat eggs, try this practice quickly!

Do you like to eat eggs? What's your favorite? If you have other delicious recipes for eggs, feel free to share them in the comments section! Share it here today, happy to share to make our lives colorful. If you like the sharing of the kitchen lady, just forward + favorite + like to support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitchen lady to continue to work hard, thanks for the support, grateful for the company!

This article was originally created by Xiu Kitchen Lady, and plagiarism must be investigated! Welcome to follow and take you along with long knowledge!