
Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

author:Little Chef Aku
Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

Hello everyone, fish soup is a very common soup in life, but in life often many people do not cook well, what is the reason? When stewing fish soup, no matter what type of fish you stew, you must remember two points, otherwise no matter how you make the fish, the fish will definitely be fishy and unpalatable.

Gentian fish bone tofu soup

Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

【Ingredients】Gentian fish (pearl spotted fish), tofu, salt, cooking oil, cooking wine, spring onion, ginger

Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

【Methods and steps】

1, we go to the market to buy 1 gentian fish, about 4 pounds or so, buy back the gentian fish, after the internal organs are cut out, the fish meat is taken out, the fish bones are rinsed several times with water, the congestion in the gentian fish is completely rinsed, the congestion is very fishy, so it must be handled well.

Then stir-fry the oil, put the washed gentian fish into the pot, fry it over low heat, and fry the two sides of the fish bones until they are slightly yellow. At this step, there is not much skill, just master the heat.

Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

2, stewed fish soup to make the color of fish soup white, must first fry the fish, do not directly into the pot to stew the fish, so that the fish soup is not white. After frying both sides of the fish until it is slightly yellowish, you need to pour an appropriate amount of boiling water into the pot to boil in advance, and the boiling water is just past the yellow bone fish.

In this step, then, to add the right amount of defishing ingredients to the pot, generally speaking, we prepare the appropriate amount of green onions, ginger, and two large spoons of cooking wine on it, these three ingredients can play a good fishing effect.

Cook fish soup, but remember not to do these two points, otherwise the fish soup is fishy and not delicious

3, finally the fish soup in the pot with low heat slow boiling for 20 minutes, after the boiled blood foam fished out, add the prepared tofu to the pot, and the appropriate amount of Chinese cabbage, and then add the appropriate amount of salt for seasoning, and finally use the low heat to boil for another 10 minutes, after it is completely cooked, sprinkle with the appropriate amount of green onion to eat.


1, fish soup is white and thick, be sure to fry the fish in oil first, and then add boiling water.

2, if you want the fish soup to taste delicious, the condiments added to it must not add too much, and the appropriate amount of salt can be seasoned.

3, when boiling fish soup, the whole process