
As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

author:History of The Book of Literature

The so-called "heroes of the chaotic world", compared with the peaceful era, the chaotic world is indeed easier to create heroes. In the years of the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, China gave birth to many talented heroes who played an important role in the subsequent series of wars.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the head of China's generals - Su Yu. His personal talent is very outstanding, but after the founding of the country, "his career is not smooth", why is this?

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > Su Yu </h1>

Su Yu was born in 1907, and at the age of 9, he transferred to the Eighth National School founded by his uncle, and because he received a relatively good education from an early age, Su Yu's acceptance of new ideas was very high. In 1927, Su Yu successfully joined the Communist Party of China, and not long after the Nanchang Uprising broke out, Su Yu served as the head of the guard team of the general headquarters of the rebel army.

Since then, Su Yu has been active in the army, and has successively served as battalion commander, regiment commander, division commander, chief of staff of the Red Fourth Army, chief of staff of the Red Eleventh Army, and chief of staff of the Red Seventh Army. It can be said that Su Yu had already accumulated excellent military command skills before the outbreak of the all-out War of Resistance.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Su Yu also held several major positions in the army, commanding the Battle of Gaoyou, the Battle of Xuhai Section of the Longhai Line, the Battle of Suzhong, the Battle of Menglianggu, the Battle of Jinan, the Battle of Huaihai, the Battle of Crossing the River, and the Battle of Shanghai.

It is precisely because Su Yu has made outstanding military achievements and is a rare military talent; he has always been highly valued in the early days of the founding of New China, and he served as chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, vice minister of national defense, and vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

In desperation, Su Yu could only leave his job temporarily, and when the headache was finally cured, Su Yu immediately returned to his job and began to continue to bow down to the cause of new China's construction.

Under the recommendation of everyone, Su Yu began to serve as the chief of the general staff, and in the process of serving as the general staff, Su Yu also participated in the command of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, put forward many important opinions, he made outstanding contributions to the development and construction of new China, coupled with seniority, so in 1955, when he was awarded the title, Su Yu was awarded the rank of general, and he was also recognized as the head of the general.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > "bad career"</h1>

However, by 1958, Su Yu's career began to suffer a serious blow, and the once highly valued founding general even suffered a "demotion".

At the enlarged meeting convened by the Central Military Commission in that year, several of the proposals put forward by Su Yu were opposed by the Ministry of National Defense, and Su Yu was very anxious about this, and he knew that if the army building was carried out in accordance with the ministry of national defense, it was very likely that there would be problems that would be difficult to solve in the future.

Su Yu, who has never been in contentious, decided to stick to his point of view, but because of this incident, Su Yu was transferred from the front-line post of military command, and later encountered a wall many times, which is undoubtedly a very terrible blow to a person who regards the army as a lifelong ideal.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

In his spare days, Su Yu still paid great attention to the military construction of the country, but as a general who was snubbed, who would pay attention to him?

During this period, only General Chen Geng often came to talk to Su Yu, and in the process of chatting, Chen Geng also said in a word that the root cause of Su Yu's unsatisfactory career was not smooth: those who were able were always easily jealous, and Su Yu would be recognized as a capable person, but he would not meet others, so he could only be snubbed by others.

General Su Yu was actually very clear about this, but he was always reluctant to let himself become unrecognizable.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > later</h1>

Because General Su Yu was wrongly criticized at the 1958 "Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission", he was treated unfairly for a long time.

Twenty years later, the Central Committee proposed to rehabilitate General Su Yu, and this proposal was supported by many people, and in the autumn of 1980, Deng Xiaoping also clearly pointed out on behalf of the Central Committee:

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

In 1984, General Su Yu passed away, and he did not wait for the result of his rehabilitation for the rest of his life. Until December 25, 1994, Liu Huaqing and Zhang Zhen, vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission, jointly published an article in which, while mourning General Su Yu, also pointed out that everything that General Su Yu had suffered could be described as "a mistake in history." It's just a pity that All this Su Yu will never be able to see again.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" > summary </h1>

General Su Yu was a very famous military wizard in China's modern history, who was "snubbed" because of the purity of his soul and his enthusiasm for the cause of military construction, and su Yu never regretted such an ending. When he chatted with General Chen Geng, he knew that he had "fallen to the bottom", but he would still seriously emphasize:

I just can't learn "that set".

People often say that "the hero's road is lonely and tragic", because there are too many bumps and misunderstandings on this road, but General Su Yu always adheres to principles and insists on being a loyal and faithful person.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

In the year of the founding of New China, Marshal Liu Bocheng highly praised Su Yu, who he regarded as the best general and strategist in modern China.

In 1989, Su Yu was named one of the 36 "Contemporary Chinese Military Figures" by the Central Military Commission, a general who had been "snubbed" for many years, and he finally got the justice he deserved.

As the head of the general, why did Su Yu later "have a bad career"? Chen Geng said that su Yu, who was able to break the reason, "the career was not smooth" was later summarized

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