
Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

author:Entertainment said
Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

1. Li Qin did not cut off Hu Jujingyi's resources as rumored on the Internet. In fact, Ju Jingyi's resources were already stared at by many small flowers in the circle, and it was inevitable that they would not flow to her hands. It's just that there are some artists in this that Ju Jingyi can't afford to provoke, but she also has to show her attitude, so she can only go to soft persimmons to pinch, and Li Qin has become the target of her. Li Qin was originally reluctant to involve these things in the circle, and No matter what Ju Jingyi did, Li Qin would not have any reaction, but if Ju Jingyi said too much, she would also have to pay for her actions.

Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

2. Zhang Yuxi now monopolizes a lot of idol IP, but this wave of monopoly is basically recognized by insiders, after all, her appearance is very appropriate to the image set in the IP, and today's entertainment market in order to save its reputation, in the choice of role actors will try to be as close to the image, which is an opportunity for Zhang Yuxi, so all the resources flow to her hands is also determined by the environment, and others have nothing to say.

Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

3. Sun Yi has a lot of work that really can't be carried out at will as before, which is not specifically reminded by her team, but spontaneously organized by her mother-in-law. Although Sun Yi is not satisfied with her mother-in-law's decision, but in any case, the mother-in-law has seen more in the circle and has more experience, Sun Yi will not suffer losses in some things, so she will admit it, but the same thing cannot happen a second time.

Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

4. Wang Yuan was gradually abandoned by the market? The abandonment will be implemented sooner or later, and it is now up to Wang Yuan to extend this timeline. In fact, Wang Yuan has long become an "outcast" in the eyes of insiders, although he and the team are unwilling to admit this fact, but the real situation is there, and he must face it head-on. It's just that Wang Yuan has always enjoyed a higher treatment in the circle for so many years, so it is difficult for him to accept the current relatively cold state, if he continues like this, it is really a very fast thing to be abandoned by the market.

Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

5. Zhou Dongyu now does not allow any negative evaluation of herself in the circle at all, because she recently in order to win a certain resource, actively create a sense of "people see people love" atmosphere, although the resource provider is not unaware of her, but as long as the current feeling is positive, the resource can flow smoothly into her hands, so she cares so much. It's just that this wave of operations is easy to cause dissatisfaction from others, there are always some people who will be extremely uncooperative in this process, this time is the key moment to test zhou dongyu's character, perhaps the resource chamber of commerce will put the evaluation point here, it depends on whether Zhou Dongyu can correctly guess the idea of the resource merchant.

Zhou Dongyu has no fear?

6. Shen Yue has now completely broken off contact with the idol circle in order to successfully enter the main drama circle. Shen Yue is really a bit hasty to do this, after all, the positive drama circle is not as good as imagined, at this time Shen Yue completely broke away from the idol circle, which means that she completely blocked her own back road, so until now Shen Yue has not been optimistic for a reason, but she has not felt it until now

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