
"Impressions of Hanging Exercise" Tai'an Central Hospital Medical Quality Management Department Mengli

author:Dongyue Net

On January 4, 2021, I was transferred from a clinician to the Medical Quality Management Section of the Administrative Department. I had never imagined that there would be a day when I suddenly moved from the complicated environment of the ward to a quiet office, which was really a bit unaccustomed. In the blink of an eye, more than 5 months have passed, and in the past half a year, I have gained a lot and felt a lot.

"Impressions of Hanging Exercise" Tai'an Central Hospital Medical Quality Management Department Mengli

The Medical Quality Management Department, a department closely related to clinical work, daily work includes running case quality management, perioperative management, single disease management, clinical path management, etc. Many aspects, while also taking into account the hospital quality control department and the hospital electronic medical record system, CA electronic signature certification, DRGs quality control and other related software on-line work, it is enough to see how fulfilling the daily life of the medical quality management department should be!

The first task I received after the start of the suspension was the revision of the new edition of the "Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines and Technical Practice Specifications". I was really shocked that there were more than eighty clinical departments in the hospital. From the initial communication with the directors of various clinical departments, to the liaison officer of the statistical reporting department, to the organization of the coordination meeting, all the details were temporary new experiences for me. The unified collection and collation of the revised diagnosis and treatment guidelines is really a big project, and if you don't pay attention to it, you may get the department wrong, resulting in Zhang Guanli Dai's overall chaotic state, fortunately, with the help of the sisters of the quality control department, finally completed the revision of the diagnosis and treatment guidelines of a total of 63 professionals in all clinical departments of the hospital within the time specified by director Wang Guojun.

The process of hanging up the job has greatly exercised my communication skills. Before facing patients and their families, the most talked about is professional knowledge, because of the ease of mastery, so I did not feel any pressure, but here learning communication has become a compulsory course, between the staff, between departments, and between superior leaders, in the clinical department used to a big grin, I always feel very different at the beginning, seems to be very unsociable. In the process of formulating the implementation rules for the comprehensive target assessment of the director of the hospital center, I was responsible for the collection of relevant medical quality indicators in various departments of outpatient medical technology. In order to ensure the rationality of the assessment rules, I communicated with the directors of each department involved one by one, and finally established the most suitable medical quality assessment indicators and target values for each department. In the past five months, as the expert leader of the central hospital of Tai'an Medical Development Group, I have also led a total of 23 quality control center experts of our hospital to conduct quality control inspections of other medical institutions within the medical development group, from the formulation of quality control standards for various majors to the final quality control report summary, from the initial application for the use of vehicles to the organization of the convening of experts for quality control inspections, and the careful guidance of Director Wang Guojun has benefited me a lot. In the process of communication, I learned how to maneuver little by little, and at the same time, I also exercised my personality and temper, no longer risky, wind and fire, and talk and communicate with some measure.

The process of hanging up has also improved my work ability and improved many bad work habits. At the end of each month or the beginning of next month, Vice President Teng Qingliang will convene the heads of all departments of the quality control department to hold a ministerial meeting, and the heads of each department will report on the work summary of the previous month and the work plan of the next month, and point out the problems and difficulties in the work, and everyone will jointly solve and discuss countermeasures. Every Monday morning, the director of the Kingdom Army made a brief summary of last week's work and made a general work arrangement for the week, and each section member knew what to do and how to do it. I was deeply impressed by this orderly work system and process, and I have been a little procrastinating, and I have slowly changed my work habits, wanting to be in front of everything and refusing to procrastinate, only by making full preparation can I not be chaotic and not alarmed. Remember the "ABCD" law that Professor Wang Zhaopin of the cadre training class talked about before, as a middle-level manager, "important and not urgent" B-type events are what we have to do every day, and only by knowing in advance and taking precautions can we strategize and take charge of the overall situation.

"Meetings" are also an important part of the work of the administrative functions section. The hospital quality analysis meeting in the first quarter can be regarded as a large-scale meeting of the Quality Control Department, which summarizes the analysis of the relevant indicators of the hospital's "national examination" and "provincial examination", the analysis of the relevant indicators of the hospital's medical quality and the relevant information of the hospital's safety and security, and the main responsible persons of each department report to the staff of the hospital's weekly meeting. From the reservation of the conference room to the maintenance of the order of the venue, from the preparation of the meeting, the arrangement of the venue, the report after the meeting, and the summary, all need to be taken into account. For the first time I have experienced several foreign office meetings in the hospital, I am also a little confused about organizing such a large conference in the hospital, and with the joint efforts of colleagues in the quality control department, everyone is united and finally a complete success. At this quality analysis meeting, as a staff member of the Medical Quality Management Section, I was responsible for reporting on the quality inspection of the first quarter of the medical case, and it was also the first time that I climbed the podium of the auditorium on the fourth floor as a staff member of the administrative department, and my heart was very excited and nervous, and the encouragement of the director of the Royal Army before the meeting gave me great encouragement, and also made me firmly believe that I could complete this task very well.

Medical quality management and control has always been the focus of the work of the Quality Control Department, of which case quality is the top priority. On January 21, 2021, the General Office of the National Health Commission issued the 2021 edition of the quality control index for case management, which put forward strict requirements for case management. In response to the requirements of the indicators, director wang Guojun convened a seminar within the quality control department to discuss how to further improve the quality of medical cases in response to the requirements of the indicators. As a clinical front-line worker soaking in the medical record pile every day, I truly experienced my use, and I can use the medical record writing experience accumulated in my clinical work to analyze the connotation of indicators and make correct judgments. After repeated discussions, corrections and full communication with engineers, a consensus was finally reached to increase the relevant template elements, which can realize the possibility of continuous improvement of data extraction in the future, and will not increase the clinician's irrelevant workload because of the change of the template. On March 1, 2021, the Medical Administration Bureau of the National Health Commission issued a letter on the improvement goals of the quality control work of the national medical quality and safety improvement goals in 2021, and the quality control department was responsible for the implementation of the work plan of "improving the clinical TNM staging assessment rate before tumor treatment" of the third goal, and I had the unshirkable responsibility to receive this work as a cancer professional. From the formulation of the work plan to the finalization to the implementation, I fully felt the rigorous work attitude of the director of the Kingdom Army, the key time nodes, the specific division of tasks, and even the typos and punctuation marks in the program documents he could find and point out in time and correct immediately, which really made me ashamed of myself, slowly changed my frizzy and not serious bad habits, and gradually developed the good habit of completing the work on time, with high quality and efficiency.

In the blink of an eye, more than 5 months have passed since the time of hanging on to workouts. During this period, I deeply experienced the triviality and busyness of the daily work of the administrative function department, and also deeply realized that the administrative work was not easy. Thanks to the leaders of the hospital for giving me this opportunity to learn and exercise, I have learned a lot of valuable knowledge, accumulated work experience, and also exercised my overall management ability. In the next six months, I will cherish this rare opportunity even more, make full use of the advantages of clinical work experience to advise the work of the quality control department, and contribute to the future development of the hospital.

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