
"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

author:Toot Toot Drama
"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

"Stars on Earth", a film directed and starred by Aamir Khan, was widely acclaimed as soon as it was released, the film mainly tells the story of an 8-year-old boy Isha who was scolded by his parents during school, suppressed by teachers, ostracized by classmates, and once wanted to give up school, but it was not until he met a good teacher Nick that his life changed dramatically, because Nick teacher volunteered at a special school, he found out at a glance that Isha suffered from dyslexia, with his help, Yi Xia's talent was gradually displayed, slowly from an autistic child to a genius, the educational significance of the film is profound, Xiaobian is also very shocked after watching, today I will share with you the experience of Xiaobian after watching this movie.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

First of all, let's talk about the plot of the movie, the male protagonist of the film, Isha, is an 8-year-old boy, he has poor academic performance, often feeds his own report card to the dog, and every time he goes to class, he will be distracted, for which he is not less scolded, his parents are very disappointed in him, the teacher does not like him, the classmates are even more excluded from him, unwilling to play with him, in life, Isha is very lonely, because no one understands him, in fact, he suffers from dyslexia, reading letters has difficulties, so every time he sees those dense letters, he feels like a group of demons dancing, Coupled with the suppression of teachers and classmates, which caused him to have a sense of boredom, after coming to the new boarding school, this situation further deteriorated, because the teachers here were stricter than in the previous school, Isha could not stand the environment here, and because he left his mother, he felt very lonely, like being in a completely strange world, without a little warmth, because he was not understood for a long time, he had a serious sense of disgust, not only hated school, but even his favorite paintbrush he hid.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

It can be seen how bad the environment affects people, he often hides in the bathroom alone and cries, and this situation not only does not effectively improve, but intensifies, and finally leads to his entire emotional collapse, at this time the school also intends to abandon him, but all this has turned around with the arrival of a person, that is, Teacher Nick, he is a very innovative person, the class is eclectic, every time he appears, he can make a little new trick, always changing the law to stimulate the nature and interest of the children, For this reason, he was deeply liked by the children, and after discovering that Isha was suffering from dyslexia, he medicated the symptoms, he applied to the principal, became Isha's special teacher, and in order to encourage Isha, he also gave many examples of celebrities who were bored with school when they were young, such as Picasso, such as Edison, such as Einstein, etc., and finally he added Isha's name after these examples, he believed that Isha would become a genius like Einstein, just imagine, such encouragement, for a child, how great.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

People say that every child is a genius, only because the education method is not appropriate, so it leads to their acquired development of a variety of problems, there is an old Chinese saying, there is a Bole and then there is a Maxima, Maxima often has and Bole is not often there, this sentence also simply explains a problem, that is, the world lacks bole that can find Maxima, in fact, in the real world, every child is a Maxima, but our parents and parents lack the eyes to find Maxima, Or rather, today's educational model kills maxima nature, which is why children have problems of one kind or another. With the help of Mr. Nick, Isha gradually found confidence, he first improved his dyslexia, and then designed a set of personalized teaching methods for Isha's personal characteristics, he not only rekindled Isha's interest in learning, but also encouraged him to regain his brush, under the encouragement of the teacher, and finally won the first prize in the campus competition, and he also used his own painter to conquer the teacher, classmates and his parents, so that they realized that they were a genius, not an idiot in their eyes.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

Secondly, let's talk about the values of the movie, the biggest value of this movie is that the educational significance is profound, especially in today's education mode, our parents and teachers should look at this movie, reflect on their own educational philosophy, educational practice, and the child's education model is not a problem, because each child is a unique individual, we want targeted education, can not use the same education model to treat our children, even if the big education model we can not change, We also want to help children as much as possible to retain a little nature, because nature is the best key to open the door of genius, in contrast, today's education model, only score theory, only examination theory, and many parents compare with each other, use scores to measure the comprehensive strength of their children, high scores, good tests to feel that their children are great, and low scores, bad tests are dejected, as if it is very faceless, do not know, this lowest level of evaluation standards excessively suppress the nature of children, turning them into examination machines, At the same time, it also turns them into a cookie-cutter model, such children have no staying power in the development of the day after tomorrow, and high-scoring and low-energy children abound.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

So we don't blindly pursue scores anymore, and treat children who make mistakes, we have to give more tolerance, whether it is teachers or parents, we should pay attention to, especially when children make mistakes, we can't shout, loud rebuke, and even punishment, this rough and simple education model is a nightmare for children, not only will seriously hurt their self-esteem, but also stifle their interest in learning, and finally directly destroy the belief in children's learning, only the right medicine, babbling teaching, In a way that the child can accept, let him realize his mistakes, and sincerely repent and correct, which can truly help a child's healthy and happy development.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

In addition, our teachers should also hold a fair, inclusive heart, treat good students and bad students can not be polarized, in real life, our teachers treat good students always with all kinds of care, praise, treatment of bad students are vigorously suppressed, ironic, many of the teachers in the movie Isha not only insulted him in public, hurt his self-esteem, and even physically punished him, scolded him for being mentally retarded, just imagine, how can such a teacher teach good students, I believe that in such an educational model, even if there are gifted children, Will also be such a teacher to be educated as a pig, so fully respect the child, protect their self-esteem, as far as possible to stimulate the child's nature, pay attention to the child's emotional experience in daily life, give them a beautiful vision and hope, this is the real education, of course, the most important point is to teach according to the aptitude, treat each child, the teacher should have a different educational model and philosophy, just like Nick Teacher, after finding that Isha is not good at reading but good at painting, He resolutely designed a targeted education model for Isha, maximized his painting talent, and finally helped Isha successfully get out of the shadow of autism and finally became a genius.

"Stars on Earth": another masterpiece of Indian cinema, do you really understand it?

Stars on Earth

Finally, to talk about the artistic charm of the film, excellent film and television works are the fertile soil for improving people's spiritual world, and people can only continue to improve their spiritual world, you can create a better happy life, the educational significance of this movie is of great significance, whether it is a teacher or a parent, should continue to reflect from this movie, in the treatment of children's educational practice, to uphold an inclusive heart, both pay attention to ways and methods, but also as much as possible to let children feel love, give them as much tolerance as possible, help children establish learning, Confidence in life, of course, our teachers must also continue to improve their professional quality, only in this way, our education will be better and better, our children will become more and more excellent, our country and society will become more and more civilized and strong. I hope that more people can see such excellent works, and I hope that everyone who has seen it can draw nourishment from it, so as to create a happy and satisfying life!

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