
10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

author:Mu Ge watched a movie
10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

10. Interstellar Legends series

In the vastness of the universe, a commercial spacecraft called the Hunter is on a long journey. The ship was carrying 40 passengers, including felon Richard Redick (Vin Diesel). While traveling to the Tangier galaxy, a sudden accident severely damaged the spacecraft, leaking air so fast that it was forced to land on a hot and desolate planet. At this time, they of different nationalities and different occupations must abandon their previous grievances and unite. Not only do they have to fight against the three suns in the sky, but they also have to be constantly on the lookout for dangers hidden in the darkness...

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

9. Interstellar

Interstellar is an original sci-fi adventure film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain and Michael Kane. In the near future, the Earth's climate is no longer suitable for food growth, water resources are depleted, famine is rampant, and humanity is facing the threat of extinction. At this time, scientists discovered a mysterious "space-time rift" through which they could go to outer space to find opportunities to continue the hope of life. An expedition team travels beyond the solar system, and their goal is to find a planet suitable for human colonization.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

8. "Cowboys and Aliens"

Cowboy and Alien is a Western science fiction film produced by Universal Pictures, directed by Jon Feiru and starring Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, and Harrison Ford, released in the United States on July 29, 2011. It tells the story of a spaceship that suddenly breaks into turmoil during a war between Indian tribes and Western cowboys, and a sharpshooter named Zeke Jackson is unfortunately involved in this nonsensical war.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

7. Star Trek series (13 in total)

Star Trek, also known as Star Trek, is a science fiction film and television series produced by Paramount Pictures in the United States, consisting of 6 TV series, 1 animation film, and 13 movies. After nearly 50 years of continuous development and gradual improvement, it has become one of the most famous science fiction film and television series in the world. It describes an optimistic future world in which humanity, together with many extraterrestrial races, overcame disease, racial differences, poverty, bigotry, and war to establish an interstellar federation. Successive generations of captains set their sights on the more distant universe, exploring the galaxy, searching for new worlds, discovering new civilizations, and bravely traveling to places that had never been reached before.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

6. Minority reports

With the development of science and technology, humans have invented "smart" robots that can detect human brain waves - "prophets". The Prophet was able to detect a person's criminal intentions, so before the criminal committed the crime, he had already been arrested and sentenced by the police of the Crime Prevention Organization. Jon wakes up and suddenly finds himself the target of his former colleagues. Jon's only way out is to find the minority report that proves his innocence...

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

5. Men in Black series

Adapted from Lowell Cunningham's comic book of the same name, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. The story of the film takes place in the future era, due to the continuous chaos of the space war, a large number of aliens have taken refuge on Earth. The Men in Black act as a special police officer dedicated to dealing with aliens, dedicated to stopping the secret invasion and destruction plans of the evil aliens against Earth.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

4. Star Wars series

After Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm, it officially entered the era of fast food. Starting in 2015, a Star Wars movie will be released every summer, and the eighth and ninth works of Star Wars are expected to be released in 2017 and 2019, respectively.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

3. Galaxy Squad series

"Galactic Team" is a science fiction war film based on the masterpiece of American science fiction writer Robert Heinlein, Starship Paratrooper, directed by Paul Van Hoeven and starring Caspar van Dean, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards and others. This film tells the story of the future world of the human race and the zerg clan duel, the film version of the large number of zerg caused a strong visual impact. The film produced two sequels and was adapted into an anime and game of the same name.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

2, Independent Day series

The story takes place in the three days from July 2 to July 4, before the Americans are preparing to celebrate the National Day of July 4, when the alien fleet has encircled the earth and launched a deadly attack on several major American cities. Their purpose is to wipe out all mankind and occupy the earth. So the wise and courageous US President Bill Pullman called on all countries in the world to fight against foreign enemies and turn July 4 into the independence day of the earth.

10 classic sci-fi films that are difficult to surpass, the second is the best, the fifth is the funniest!

1. The fifth element

Directed by Luc Besson, co-starring Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm and Mira Jovovich. The film tells the story of the future New York in 2259, an evil force in the universe wants to rule the earth, and mankind faces a dark world that will never be recovered. The alien forces of goodness foresaw the coming of this day and have been keeping an eye on the development of events, but the fifth element they sent to earth to save humanity and the universe was shot down by the evil forces. Humans restore the Fifth Element and send Cobain, a former agent who appears as a New York taxi driver, to assist, eventually destroying the evil forces and saving humanity.