
The remaining 30 stories of "Ideal Shines on China"

author:Yaxiang Eagle

11. The Fifty-fifth Letter

It tells the story of the elderly Chen Huangming's invitation to the craftsman Yuan Baojunfu to be blurred by human blood, and the touching story of his father Chen Yi'an martyr and his mother Li Zhiqiang adhering to their ideals and love in their letters. [Starring Qin Junjie, Jiang Mengjie, etc.]

12. "A Family"

Based on the creation of Du Fujia, the sister of the hero of mine clearance, the sister of Du Fuguo, the model of the times, and The nurse of the emergency department of Meitan County People's Hospital, Du Fujia tells the story of her heroic spirit under the influence of the heroic spirit of her eldest brother Du Fuguo, who gave up the time of family reunion, twice submitted a petition to assist Wuhan, followed the medical team to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, always stuck to her post, and exchanged the dangerous "retrograde" for the safety of more people. [Starring Li Yitong, Chen Ruoxuan, etc.]

13. "Rebel"

It tells the story of He Jingping, a revolutionary martyr imprisoned in Chongqing's Zhadidong Prison, who swore to die to defend the heart and hope of the revolution. 【Starring Chen Xiao, Wang Xun, etc.】

14. "Show Meets Soldiers"

It tells the story of Qi Jian, a cultural officer, who de-illiterates Miaoshi. 【Starring Jing Bairan, Li Naiwen, etc.】

15. "The Ark of Hope"

It is about Gu Fangzhou's development of vaccines to save tens of millions of children. [Starring Lu Yi, Yuan Bingyan, Ye Zuxin, etc.]

16. The field of hope

Taking Lei Jinyu as the character archetype, it tells the story of Lei Jinyu, a she girl who came out of the mountains, because of her attachment to her relatives and hometown, finally gave up the superior living and working conditions in the big city, resolutely returned to her hometown, and led the poor and backward villages to embark on the road of poverty alleviation with fujian characteristics. [Starring Zhao Liying, Liu Wei, Shi Jingming, etc.]

17. Breaking the ice

Tell the story of Wang Boxiang in 1986, when he was the secretary of the Shouguang County Party Committee, he tried to overcome all difficulties and engage in the construction of greenhouse vegetables. [Du Chun, Hu Yajie, Pan Binlong, etc. starring]

18, the eighth sister

It tells the story of Zhang Jinhui, the eighth sister of the "Little Red Song Fairy" who loves to sing, who bravely and righteously for the revolution and liberation. In the play, music teacher Tong Ying leads the children of the choir to learn and explore the story of the eight sisters, and uses the song to inherit the heroic deeds and revolutionary spirit of the eight sisters. [Starring Huang Yangdian and Angelababy]

19. Rock sugar

Taking rock sugar as a clue, it tells the story of Deng Jiaxian, a pioneer in nuclear physics in China, who carried out China's nuclear weapons development work under difficult conditions, and his lofty spirit and optimistic spirit of serving the country by example also encouraged a new generation of students to continue to dedicate themselves to scientific research work. [Starring Ren Chengwei, Liu Yun, etc.]

20, I am a small party

It tells the story of Fang Da, a war correspondent who bravely rushed to the front line of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, using pen as a gun and lens as a cannon to record the War of Resistance. [Starring Wu Lei, He Lanju, Tao Hong, etc.]

21, far away, not far

With Lin Ming, general manager and chief engineer of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Island Tunnel Project, as the prototype of the character, Lin Ming, after learning that the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, faced with the inspiration of fate, resolutely gave up a stable life, and decided to stand on a new starting line and re-write a new chapter in his life. [Starring Wang Junkai, Hou Yong, Zhou Cheng'ao, etc.]

22. Start all over again

It tells the story of Xue Rong, a laid-off young man in the early 90s, who led his sisters to start from scratch and finally succeeded in starting a business after experiencing nine failures. 【Starring Hu Ke and Hao Pingping】

23, I send my relatives across the river

It tells the story of the people in the Liberated Areas behind an old photo of escorting PLA soldiers across the river in small wooden boats. 【Starring Qiao Zhenyu, Wu Yanshu, etc.】

24. Fierceness

It tells the story of xiong Dajian, an intellectual, who developed high explosives in the base area of the Eighth Route Army and used what he learned to support the anti-Japanese cause. 【Starring Zhang Yixing, Tong Mengshi, etc.】

25. Our Ulan Pastoral Riding

The camera focuses on the "Red Literary and Artistic Light Cavalry", the members of the Wulan Pastoral Horsemen, telling the story of their fearless cold, hunger, inconvenient transportation, and isolated environment, rooted in the grassland and the people, and always insisted on spreading advanced culture and serving the herdsmen with literature and art. [Starring Yan Yikuan, Peng Xiaoran, Ye Xiyue, Li Randi, etc.]

26. Time Train

It tells the story of high-speed rail designer He Xiuying, in order to develop a high-speed train with better performance, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his family and personal life to build the "Fuxing" with the spirit of hard work and transcendence. [Starring Zuo Xiaoqing, Liu Yan, Zhan Jing, etc.]

27. White horse

It tells the story of Wu Dengyun voluntarily leaving his hometown and coming to the border town of Ucha to guard the Pamir Plateau with medical skills and benevolence. 【Starring Cao Jun, Jiang Yiyan, etc.】

28. Choice

It tells the story of Jiang Xianyun's difficult decision to withdraw from the KMT when faced with the split between the two parties. 【Starring Wang Yibo and others】

29. Green car

Based on the original conductor Zhao Xinhua of the 7053 train, she describes the story of her facing all kinds of people and troubles on the "green car", using her wisdom and humor to perfectly resolve it, and giving help and warmth to the villagers who take the train. 【Dong Xuan, Zhang Jiani, etc. starring】

30, home is jade wheat the country is China

Based on the Yumai township folk Sanjay Quba and his daughters Zhuoga and Yangzong, they tell the patriotic story of their patriotic life of herding cattle for thousands of square kilometers of the motherland for half a century. 【Starring Solang Wangmu, Chilebaum, etc.】

31. Ice and Fire

Taking Sun Wenhai's story as the main line, it tells in detail the story of a group of steel workers who have transformed and transferred to work after Beijing successfully bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, becoming ice makers, docents, catering service personnel, etc., and devoting themselves to the frontline work of the Winter Olympics. [Starring Guo Tao, Huang Jianxiang, Zhao Leiqi, etc.]

32, life has poetry

It tells the story of Lei Haiwei, who loves poetry, studied poetry assiduously in his spare time and finally won the championship in the "Chinese Poetry Conference". 【Starring Zhang You, Huang Yi, etc.】

33. Peers

Based on the deeds of a pair of revolutionary lovers among the twenty-four martyrs of Longhua, it tells the story of the "wedding on the prison cart" held by the comrades after the communist Cai Bozhen and his lover Wu Zhongwen were arrested. 【Starring Hou Minghao, Zhang Xueying, etc.】

34. Look at the starry sky

It tells the touching story of astronaut Zhou Ming who lost several times with the flying mission but was always absent-minded during his 20-year astronaut career. 【Starring Guo Jinglin, Wan Peng, Zhang Lu, Ma Su, etc.】

35. Song of Youth

Taking Wang Huiwu as the prototype, the story takes place during the first national congress of the Communist Party of China, when Wang Huiwu, a 23-year-old member of the Communist Party of China, carefully arranged the work of the conference in the complicated situation at that time, used wisdom and courage to protect the delegates attending the meeting in the strict control of the military and police, and ensured the smooth convening of the first congress of the Communist Party of China. [Starring Tan Songyun, Yu Xiaoguang, etc.]

36. Our position

Taking Guan Chonggui as the prototype, it restores the story that on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Guan Chonggui shot down the US aircraft with a machine gun, and even though he was seriously wounded, he was the only one left in the last position, but he still stubbornly held until the last moment. [Starring Cheng Yi, Li Haoxuan, etc.]

37. Announcer

Taking Qi Yue, a famous broadcast artist in China, as the prototype of the character, through the recollection of his colleague Glen, it tells the story of Qi Yue adhering to the "Yan'an spirit" for decades and fighting on the broadcasting front, casting the "voice of the times" and touching the people of the whole country. [Wang Han, Yang Caiyu, etc. starring]

38. Female assault

It tells the story of Song Xi, a senior student in the Psychology Department of Peking University who accidentally injured his knee, who was unwilling to give up his dream of becoming a soldier, insisted on various high-load training every day after joining the army, adhered to the spirit of not being afraid of suffering and not accepting defeat, and finally joined the past of the Chinese Marine Corps. [Starring Wu Qian, Zhang Ningjiang, Li Sha Minzi, etc.]

39. Signal

Taking the construction of China's Beidou satellite navigation system as the creative inspiration, it tells the story of the protagonist Wang Zhongyao leading a three-person scientific research team to explore the fully digital rapid capture and signal reception technology solutions with innovative courage and advanced vision during his university years, and overcome the bloody story of technical bottlenecks. 【Starring Jing Chao, Sheng Yilun, etc.】

40, the next hundred years

Taking Gao Fei as the prototype, it tells the story of the two generations of Forbidden City people in tradition and technology, original intention and inheritance, integrating new and old concepts, so that cultural relics can be passed on to the next hundred years in a better state. 【Starring Wang Kai and others】

The mission calls for responsibility, and the dream shines into the future. Only by adhering to the mission and responsibility can we live up to the feelings of a big country.

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