
Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

author:Let's talk about sports

With the concerted efforts of Zhou Pageong, Wu Han and Tang Xin in the last 3 innings, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team achieved 2 chase 3, extremely thrilling to defeat the Liaoning women's volleyball team 3-2, and advanced to the top 4 of the championship, many fans are relieved, but the author believes that the Jiangsu women's volleyball team is still not happy enough to advance to the top 4, cai Bin's deployment or to the Jiangsu women's volleyball team buried hidden dangers.

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

Fans who pay attention to the Jiangsu women's volleyball team know that when Cai Bin led the team to compete in the national championship, he sent a very rare 2-person one-pass system, which made many fans a little puzzled, including the author, especially in the national championship, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team originally sent out a "little devil" general lineup, according to normal, basically it can be said that the Jiangsu women's volleyball team did not care about the results of the national championship, and wanted to train troops in the championship, but what did Cai Bin's training train in the end? Especially in terms of passing, is Cai Bin trying to practice Wu Han? Why not practice Tang Xin and Zhou Page tong? You know, in recent years, Zhang Changning's diagonal problem can always exist.

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

Of course, some people said that if Cai Bin practiced Wu Han's pass, wouldn't it also be a good thing! However, it should be known that Wu Han's height is insufficient, which makes her attack a lot of restrictions, as a strange soldier, as the main hit, it is easy to be targeted by the opponent, in addition, her net is also because of her height, it is difficult to play a role, for example, in the previous National Games, Wu Han was repeatedly realized by Yuan Xinyue to achieve a super hand attack, almost became a loophole in the net end, and it is precisely because of this that the author thinks that the exercise of Tang Xin and Zhou Pageong's pass is far more meaningful than the exercise of Wu Han, unfortunately, Cai Bin did not order the 2 people to pass one after another, which makes it difficult for the author to understand.

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

In addition, after Cai Bin deployed the 2-person one-pass system, this means sacrificing Wu Han's attack, looking at the previous championships, Wu Han has always been the Jiangsu women's volleyball team to bear the most passes, and even had a single game of 70 times a pass situation, which seriously limits her energy on the offensive end, so that it requires Zhou Pageong and Tang Xin 2 people to inevitably take on the heavy responsibility of attacking, and even can be said to be indispensable, after all, once one person plays poorly, The Jiangsu women's volleyball team has basically fallen into the point where only one person can attack strongly, and it is very easy to be targeted by opponents, which has been reflected in the previous duels.

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

Of course, in the first 2 innings of the Liaoning women's volleyball team, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team is also facing such a dilemma, even if Zhou Pageong played very well, 2 innings got 16 points, but still did not lead the Jiangsu women's volleyball team to win, and in the next 3 games, it was the awakening of Wu Han and Tang Xin, coupled with zhou Pageong's strong play, which made the Jiangsu women's volleyball team achieve a turnaround, but looking at the Jiangsu women's volleyball team in the championship, Zhou Pageong and Tang Xin played together is too little, This has buried hidden dangers for the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, and it can even be said that the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has entered the top 4 is already a fluke, and whether it can go further can really be said to be resigned to fate.

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

To tell the truth, the author does not understand the deployment of 2 people and one pass system by Cai Bin, especially in the group stage of the national championship, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has a lot of opportunities to exercise zhou page tong and Tang Xin's pass, unfortunately, Cai Bin's willful will has buried a huge hidden danger for the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, can they still enter the final? Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

Jiangsu women's volleyball team advanced to the top 4 is not happy! As soon as Cai Bin deployed to lay hidden dangers, it was a fluke to enter the top 4

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