
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel

Crested crested (scientific name: Podiceps cristatus), also known as crested crest and white, is a species of bird in the genus Podiceps cristatus. The total length is about 56cm. The neck is slender and has a pronounced black crown. The underparts are nearly white and shiny, and the upperparts are grayish brown. The upper neck has a circle of brown feathers with black ends, forming a wrinkled collar. The hind neck is dark brown, the wings are dark brown, and there are white spots. Eyes first, cheeks white. Thoracic and flanks light brown. In winter, the black crown is not obvious, and the feathers on the neck disappear.

"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested
"Shanxi Bird Atlas" | Crested

About author:Wang Xiahua, a retired cadre of the former Provincial Building Materials Bureau, especially likes animals and birds and scenery. In recent years, the ecological environment in our province has become better and better, and there are more and more migratory birds, which provides more convenience for bird shooting and bird love. (Shanxi Department of Ecology and Environment)