
The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

author:Studio 13

Roger is a well-known headhunter for an executive search company

His daily job is to plan and host talent for major companies

This is a good job in the eyes of everyone

Personally, he is not satisfied

Only 168 years tall, he lives in one

The country where men are on average 1.8 meters tall is undoubtedly a kind of suffering

Even more incredible are people like him

I was able to find a tall and talented girlfriend, Anna

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Roger and Anna

Anna is an artist who loves to open art exhibitions

There is never a shortage of men around who love to pursue

In order to be able to keep a good girlfriend by your side

Roger had to come up with a lot of money to sustain the relationship

He and his girlfriend lived in a mansion villa of thirty million

Drive the best car to deliver the highest luxury goods

Occasionally, he will spend a lot of money to support his girlfriend's hobby of opening a painting exhibition

But actually he was paid as a small headhunter

It is far from being able to sustain such a large-scale property consumption

Roger would always tell his girlfriend that he had inherited an inheritance

But in reality he was just carrying everyone behind his back

Launched his own second profession to steal art

Take advantage of your position

As a headhunter, Roger comes into contact with a wide variety of elites

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

He often relied on such a machine to chat with each other about some private issues

For example, there are no collectibles in the home

Is there anyone living at home on weekdays?

After locking in the target, unite yourself

A partnership with a partner working in a security company

One person lifts the alarm and one person prepares for a fake burglary

After winning, Roger will sell the stolen goods to the black market for money

But the transfer fee is as high as 50 percent

The rest of the money is then divided equally with the partner

There are only a few things that Roger can get his hands on

His mansion bears huge mortgages every month

Credit cards also owe hundreds of thousands of loans

But despite the economic strain

Roger never complained to his girlfriend

He still buys luxury goods for Anna without restraint

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Because he was afraid that once he revealed the economic crisis

The beautiful girlfriend will cruelly leave him

After work

Roger was warmly invited by Anna to an exhibition of her paintings

He also said that he would introduce someone to Roger

It was a tall, handsome man

When Anna brought Garcy to Roger to say hello

The diminutive Roger suddenly felt a strong crush

Mr. Gassi said he was born into a national special forces reconnaissance battalion

It was from the Netherlands that I came to Norway to inherit my grandmother's apartment

He was originally the CEO of a global positioning company in the Netherlands

As the name suggests, the company is responsible for developing gps systems

When he learned that Roger was a famous headhunter in Norway

He commissioned Roger to help him find a position in Norway

And in the conversation that followed between the two

Roger learned the news that moved him

That was in the apartment left behind by Garcy's grandmother

There is a valuable Rubens painting

As long as this famous painting is successful

Basically, it can guarantee that he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life

Never worry about money again

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Roger, who was heartbroken, immediately contacted his partner Auvi

The two took the old approach and one person was responsible for lifting the alarm

One person is responsible for printing fakes to steal the real thing

When I came to the apartment that Garci's grandmother was renovating

The heavily armed Roger spotted the famous painting at a glance

He used a pre-prepared fake to drop it off the bag

He planned to turn around and run away

Suddenly the sound of children playing outside the window caught his attention

His girlfriend Anna had always wanted to have a child of her own with him

But the inferior Roger fears that genes will be passed on to the next generation

So I have never fulfilled my girlfriend's wish

Deeply guilty, Roger suddenly remembered to call his girlfriend

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

But the next second the other person's phone rings

But it rang out in one of the bedrooms of the apartment

His girlfriend's phone was lost where Garcy was staying

Frightened Roger couldn't control himself from thinking that way

Unexpectedly, the thing that worried her the most had happened

The excellent, handsome and tall Garcy is indeed stronger than himself in every aspect

Feeling depressed, Roger did not dare to confront his girlfriend face to face

He could only choose to suffer in silence

On the way home, Roger met his ex-girlfriend Lott

Poor Lott cried and hugged Roger

Ask to reunite their former lovers

But at this time, Roger was preoccupied with his girlfriend Anna

Although Anna may have betrayed him

But he didn't want to be a man who was unfaithful to love

After rejecting Lot, Roger informs his partner orwei that he has succeeded

He asked Orwei to go to his car in the middle of the night to pick up paintings and sell them

The sooner you shoot the stolen stolen goods, the safer it is

But when Roger came to the garage the next morning to drive

But he found Ao Wei, who had collapsed in his car with his eyes closed

Stunned, Roger didn't have time to think about what was going on

He hurriedly dragged Orvi into the trunk and hid it

He examined it closely and found that the famous painting was still in the car

There is a poison needle in the driver's seat that I don't know when to put it

Presumably, Ao Wei also lost his life because of this poisonous needle

Just as a suspicious Roger boy carefully observed the poison needle

Upstairs, Anna, who was still asleep, walked down wrapped in her nightgown

She stopped talking and went up and hugged Roger

Then after saying some daily instructions, he turned around and went back

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Roger, who doesn't know why, can't manage much at the moment

He hurriedly drove Ovy to a river

Using stones, he wanted to sink Ovi's body to the bottom of the river

But what people never expected was that Au wei was not dead

Instead, he struggled violently in the water

Seeing this, Roger quickly jumped into the water to save his partner

The two helped each other to the wooden house where Ovi lived on weekdays

The known password was used to turn off the alarms and monitoring in the house

The poisoned Orway kept groaning and going to the hospital

But Roger feared that their theft would be exposed

Insist on finding an antidote at home by himself

The dissenting duo both pulled out their guns and shot at each other

In the end, Ovy, who was poisoned, was the first to be shot and fell on the bed

After this series of events, Roger was in a trance

I couldn't help but start thinking about who was going to hurt them

Thinking about it, he still set his sights on Garcy

Perhaps it was Garcy who discovered the truth about the theft of the famous painting

Take revenge on him in this way

Terrified, Roger fled and left the cabin

But who expected to go out and find that Garcy had driven to chase here

At this moment, he was even more determined to guess in his heart

It was Garcy who saw through his plan to harm him

Panicked, Roger immediately got into the car and started fleeing on the throttle

On the way, he suddenly remembered What Gacy had once been

The main thing is to study how to track others

I thought I was found in such a hidden place

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

It is likely that a tracker has been inadvertently inserted on the body

Out of caution he stripped off all his clothes

Even his watch and wedding ring were abandoned by him

Roger changed into the overalls that originally belonged to Auvi in the car

Come to a farmstead to find shelter from the rain

Cunning farmers at a price of five hundred dollars per hour

Took in Roger and his car

But soon a shadowy Garcy took the tracker

Again, the ghost followed

Roger, armed with a famous painting, realized that he could not run aimlessly like this

He hid the famous painting in a small toilet near the farmstead

By this time Garcy had come up with his vicious dog

With nowhere to escape, Roger had no choice but to make a desperate bet

The whole person was buried in the cesspool, leaving only a tube to breathe

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

This was able to evade Garcy's pursuit

And Roger, who wanted to continue running after Garcy left

But suddenly found that his car ran out of gas

He wanted to ask the farmer to borrow a tractor and drive away

It was discovered that the peasants at this time had already been killed by Garcy

In desperation, he had to take the key privately to leave

Unexpectedly, the driving difficulty of the tractor exceeded his imagination

The uncontrollable car in the middle of the road went straight into the hillside

Still passing by well-wishers took the unconscious Roger to the hospital

Roger woke up to find himself treated

But he was trapped by a group of policemen who suspected him of murdering farmers

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Roger, handcuffed in desperation

He had to face the dilemma of being taken to the police station for interrogation

However, it was on the way back to the police station

A large truck driven by Garcy went on a rampage

Four police officers and Roger's police car will be knocked off a cliff

Four policemen died on the spot

And Roger, who was sandwiched between the two policemen

Miraculously, he survived with two meat shields

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Roger, who was frightened and unincorporated, suddenly realized at this moment

Garcy has the latest technology in hairspray tracker

Just apply this tracker to a person's hair

You can track each other all the time

An angry Roger remembered that his girlfriend had behaved strangely and hugged him

He also wanted to stroke his hair again and again

Realize that the two may have conspired to murder him

Driven by a desire to survive, Roger immediately shaved his hair

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

He also changed his clothes with the policeman who had been thrown to the ground

Smashing each other's fingerprints causes the two sides to change identities

That way everyone would think Roger was dead

Return to the city homeless Roger

He could only turn to lot, his ex-girlfriend who had been abandoned by him

Looking at the scarred Roger Slott, he turned and said to go get the medicine box

And Roger didn't want to bother her too much at this time

He got up and went to the kitchen to treat the wound

But it was in the kitchen drawer

He found a pen exactly like the one Garcy had used

Stunned, Roger immediately approached Lot and confronted him

Unexpectedly, the other party was about to secretly ventilate a message to Garcy

There was a fierce argument between the two

Until Roger pulled out his pistol and held it against the woman's head

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Horrified, Lott told everything exactly

It turned out that Garcy's pursuit of Roger was not for any woman and famous painting

The real Garcy is a commercial spy for the Dutch hote company

Due to the huge loophole in the company's finances

He had to come to Norway to get the latest technology from the top tech company Pioneer

Garcy first approached Lote and asked him to speak in front of Roger

So that he could be recommended by headhunter Roger

Smoothly entered the "Pioneer" company to obtain trade secrets

But who would have guessed that Roger was not interested in this ex-girlfriend

In desperation, he had to change his ways

Using kana to attract Anna continues to let women pave the way for him

But what people never expected was

Roger has been having an affair with Anna since he discovered it

It completely blocked his job search for any company in Norway

Not only that, but the comical design stole his fake paintings

This made Garcy kill him

The so-called hairspray tracker is not made by Anna at all

Instead, Lott smeared it while he was not ready to make peace

After learning the truth, Roger was immediately stunned

Unexpectedly, Lot even wanted to pick up the knife and kill him

Only to be shot to the ground by Roger, who had returned to his senses

Realize that you have been wrong to blame your girlfriend for so many days

Exhausted, Roger returned home sadly

And the guilty Anna confessed everything to Roger

Because I want a child, I am always rejected

She didn't resist the temptation to live with Garcy

But she never wanted to help others harm her boyfriend

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

She was even less aware of Garcy's background and purpose

Only now did she understand that the love in her heart had always been Roger

Although Roger also confessed to her that he did not have any inheritance

She still very firmly chose to side with her boyfriend

The two spent the whole night deliberating

The next day, Anna took the initiative to seduce Garcy

Go to the log cabin where Orvi's tragic death has not yet been discovered

Roger on the other side also came to the wooden house early

Erased off all traces of fingerprints about yourself

Wait until everything is ready

He turned on the surveillance devices in the room

Surveillance cameras can only look in the direction of the entrance living room

When Garcy came to the cabin with a gun and prepared to capture Roger

What you see is that you are with the dead Au wei

Roger, who was also holding a gun in a dead corner direction

There was no wait for Gassi to react to what this mess was all about

The Luo family in the corner was holding the gun that O wei had taken before he died

Shot and killed Garcy, who was also shot

All that is shown in the surveillance is a gun alone

The strafing shot also ended up hitting Garcy, who fell

Everyone came to the scene and just thought

It was Orway and Garci who both died after firing guns at each other

When Roger carefully planned and did it all

His girlfriend Anna was already waiting for him outside in a car

The gun that actually killed Ovi

It was Anna and Roger who designed garcie to bring garci

And that gun didn't just kill Auvi

Including the Lott who died in his own home

Roger who finally escaped safely

Finally, I stopped caring about my flaws

So as to choose to do something that is forbidden by law

He gave Anna a dream child

I also did my own stable headhunting work

Gave them a warm home for mother and son

The film Headhunter was released in Norway on August 26, 2011

Starring Morten Tedum, Acassel Henne, Sinovi Makodi Lund, among others

The film is based on the novel of the same name by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbo

It mainly tells about Roger in order to make up for his shortcomings

Meet your girlfriend's luxurious material life

Thus becoming a thief who specializes in stealing art

Until he hit his peer Garcy

As everyone knows, this commercial thief has long set a trap waiting for him

The most flavorful movie I've seen this year, a 10-minute climax, no wonder Hollywood is remakeed

Because of his short stature, Roger was inferior by nature

He worries that his white-skinned, tall girlfriend will look down on him

So he tried to use money to keep his wife for the benefit of stealing paintings

But all the while she seems to have misunderstood her girlfriend' meaning

He has been painstakingly pretending to be in his girlfriend's heart

It doesn't seem worth mentioning at all

All the girlfriend wants is to have a child of her own with him

Not all women are cookie-cutter gold worshippers

Not all love can be exchanged for benefits

Roger's entanglement and hesitation about having children

Pushing a fragile wife into the arms of someone else

But in fact, if only he had removed his disguise earlier

Being honest with your girlfriend may have avoided this tragedy

Before encountering difficulties

You are hard to know who really loves you

What kind of sacrifice and price will be paid for you

In the end, it was she who made him successful in turning defeat into victory

The existence of true love makes money and inferiority a floating cloud