
Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, declared that if he returns to power, taiwan's Restoration Day will be set as a legal holiday Zhang Yazhong denounced the historical concept of not being tolerated for "Taiwan independence."

author:Taiwan Strait Net


October 25 is the 76th anniversary of Taiwan's restoration, and many groups on the island hold commemorative activities on the same day. According to comprehensive Taiwan media reports, Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, declared when participating in the retrospective exhibition "Returning to the Scene of History -- Celebrating the Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the 76th Anniversary of Taiwan's Restoration" that if the Chinese Kuomintang returns to power, Taiwan's Restoration Day will be listed as a legal holiday. Zhang Yazhong, chief principal of Taiwan's "Sun Wen School," criticized that there is a group of people on the island who want to change "guangfu" to the so-called "final war," and even want to cut off all historical relations between Taiwan and Chinese mainland and engage in "Taiwan independence" historical outlook and cultural "Taiwan independence." This is intolerable.

The 76th Anniversary of Taiwan's Restoration The first draft of the Japanese surrender clauses was exposed for the first time

The Kuomintang of China held a symposium and retrospective exhibition on the 25th, returning to the historical scene through a number of historical photos, and the first draft of "the terms that Japan should accept when it unconditionally surrendered" was also exposed for the first time.

Zhu Lilun: If you return to power, taiwan's Restoration Day will be designated as a legal holiday

In his speech at the event on the same day, Zhu Lilun said that 76 years ago today, Taiwan was officially restored, which is a historical fact and a day when Taiwan broke away from colonial rule. He criticized Tsai Ing-wen for putting forward controversial and distorted statements in her so-called "Double Ten" speech, and that her so-called "four insistences" violated the constitutional provisions of the Taiwan region. He declared that if the Kuomintang of China returns to power, it will make Taiwan's Restoration Day an official holiday.

The New Party Marches to Celebrate Taiwan's Restoration, denouncing the DPP's pro-US and mainland enemies

On the 25th, the New Party launched a "Double North" motorcade parade to celebrate Taiwan's restoration, and at the same time accused the DPP of destroying Taiwan's democracy. Wu Chengdian, chairman of the New Party, said that Taiwan's restoration symbolizes Taiwan's separation from Japanese colonialism, but now the DPP is pro-US and the mainland is hostile, making Taiwan unstable. Hou Hanting, a member of the Taipei City Council of the New Party, bitterly criticized the DPP for bringing insanity to Taiwan, and there was no distinction between black and white.

Zhang Yazhong: Engaging in "Taiwan independence" in the historical outlook and cultural "Taiwan independence" cannot be tolerated

On 25 July, Taiwan's "Sun Wen School" held a commemorative activity in front of the Taiwan Guangfu Monument outside Zhongshan Hall, and Zhang Yazhong, director of the "General School," pointed out that Japan has been stealing Taiwan for 50 years, but today a group of people want to change "Guangfu" to "final war," and even want to cut off all historical relations between Taiwan and Chinese mainland and engage in "Taiwan independence" historical outlook and cultural "Taiwan independence." This is intolerable. He stressed that history must not be forgotten, and that a person who cannot look back at history is not qualified to look forward to the future; a person who has a wrong understanding of history is ashamed of his descendants.

The word "guangfu" is completely absent from the textbooks on the island

The history of Taiwan's restoration fully shows that both sides of the strait belong to one China, so much so that the "Taiwan independence" forces deliberately destroyed this memory. According to Taiwan media reports, according to scholars, the content of Taiwan's restoration in the textbooks on the island today does not see the word "guangfu" at all, and even if it is diluted, it is also ugly and alienated this history. According to the report, this day has a special historical significance for Taiwan, and after the DPP came to power, it has not taken a holiday since 2001 on the grounds of "a two-day week off system" and has long forgotten this anniversary in the past 20 years.

Hong Xiuzhu: The DPP will eventually wake up from its arrogance in "resisting China and defending Taiwan."

Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, said in a post on his social account on the 25th that every year on Guangdong Day, we can see some remarks intending to shape the legitimacy of "Taiwan independence" with the so-called "theory of undecided sovereignty of Taiwan", which is mixed with many distortions of history, distortions of international law, and even ignorance of the international situation at that time. She said that the DPP's illusion of using the "resistance to China and taiwan protection" as a shield to act arbitrarily in this land will eventually come to the time of waking up.

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