
Highway romantic comedy! "Unexpected Encounter" rejoices in the journey of the wrongdoer's love

author:Wood easy light and shadow
Highway romantic comedy! "Unexpected Encounter" rejoices in the journey of the wrongdoer's love

It is said that love is to meet the right person at the right time. But what about "encountering earlier, moving later"? That's the story of the film "Unexpected Encounter". Li Xin (Zhang Yuqi), a beautiful and golden older leftover woman, seems to have been cursed by fan Xiaoxian (Zhang Liang), the trickster king, since she was a child, so that she will not be able to marry for a lifetime... And the wonderful fate is that from that time began to lay the groundwork for love.

The sexy goddess Zhang Yuqi transformed from the domineering female president in "The Mermaid" into a love-chasing leftover woman who was more funny than a girl's heart, and Fan Xiaoxian of the green plum bamboo horse galloped all the way to the road in the American countryside, staging an unexpected encounter from the funny joy to the love partner. The beauty in the film, the beautiful scenery, and the various humor and unexpected situations that constantly explode make this love with the exuberance and ease of the road movie, all the way to pursue, all the way to explore. Fan Xiaoxian is looking for a doctor who can save him from fire and water, while Li Xin is looking for a partner who can entrust her to life. This special trip makes two people who are incompatible with water and fire get closer and closer, and the more they can see each other's hearts.

For some people, love is a small blessing that "everything came just right"; for others, it requires great courage. When they were young, Fan Xiaoxian and Li Xin were full of gunpowder. The girl with a strong sense of justice has never been merciless to the mischievous king; and the naughty teenager is also full of all kinds of "bad words" on the wall. Shy feelings have always been an insincere expression. At that time, the "ugly people do a lot of weird things" was just to attract the attention of that person.

The love of qingmei bamboo horse has to wait for that "unexpected encounter". In the film, the setting of many scenes is full of emotional flavor. That's the secret that everyone wrote on the wall when they were kids. And Fan Xiaoxian's secret is that "Li Xin can't marry out in his lifetime... If you want to marry, marry Fan Xiaoxian." Personally, I like this kind of preparation for moving between the present and the past, so that this love comes to surprise and is full of expectations.

Zhang Yuqi, who was born in "Star Girl", after breaking through various storms, played the older leftover girl who was funny, and was still full of the cuteness of a little woman. Appearance and figure, are A+ achievements, just like her role of Li Xin, life is full of jokes, but she is still optimistic, open-minded, and the jokes into a romantic appearance. Her wonderful performance in "Unexpected Encounter" played a woman who longed for love and could not be in love with a very warm, and all kinds of fashion styles such as girl outfits and motorcycle outfits were also Held fans, which was eye-catching.

After "Where Did Daddy Go", when I saw Zhang Liang the most, I was still on the catwalk. The supermodel has a good figure, really dressed thin, stripped and fleshy. "Unexpected Encounter", the IT elite played by Zhang Liang, is funny, tenacious, and full of the temperament of a funny male god. Zhang Liang, who speaks a Beijing accent, although his appearance is fashionable and inflammatory, as soon as he speaks, he is still the Fan Xiaoxian who did not understand love. The fit between the character and Zhang Liang itself is very high, and the CP sense of the two is also brought in very well.

A relaxed love road movie, "Unexpected Encounter" In addition to sweet love, various fashion styles, highway beauty, as well as the integration of this road experience, life perception, and another weekend leisure must-have. What would you expect your love to look like? Is the years quiet, or is it joyous? Happy love, about that is, no sooner, no later, just met, so gently said, oh, it turns out that you are also here.

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