
Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

author:SIPG News

During the league break, Shanghai Harbour Club "made up" a fan meeting for paulinho, a new signing introduced in the summer transfer window. After joining the team, the Brazilian new signing has scored two goals for the team in the league and two assists. What is even more gratifying is that Paulinho's integration of new characters is gratifying, and his ability and simple and cheerful personality under the court have also made his teammates quickly familiar with him.

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

In the FA Cup elimination of Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic, Paulinho contributed a kick to the world wave. In the remaining seasons, the Harbor team still can't do without his efforts to achieve good results.

I don't have time to take a good look around Shanghai yet

It was Paulinho's third goal for Harbour, a team he's growing familiar with, but frankly, Paulinho still needs time to get to know and integrate into the city the team is in. Because of this, before the FA Cup, Harbour Club specially held a fan meeting for him, giving him the opportunity to feel the enthusiasm of his "family" up close.

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

"After the first stage of the league, I followed the team back to Shanghai and met everyone in the outside world for the first time. To be able to come to the city of Shanghai, and to live and work here, this is a special expectation for me. Because Shanghai is one of the most prosperous cities I have ever seen. I came to the base that day and met the chairman and our fans, which was a great experience, and I look forward to playing for the club for a few more years, thanks to the club for every help I have, I will do my best to reciprocate. Paulinho said.

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

Shortly after the meeting, the Harbor team set off again, and if they wanted to get around Shanghai, Paulinho had to wait for the next holiday: "Unfortunately, because the interval is relatively short, I didn't get much of a chance to feel the city, and I hope to have more time to learn about all aspects of this Shanghai." ”

This is also paulinho's first time to represent the harbor in the FA Cup, different from the previous league location in Suzhou, the dalian division with lower temperatures and more unfamiliar venues, for many players, it takes some time to adapt. However, Paulinho, who played in the Portuguese Premier League for many years before coming to the Chinese Super League, already has experience in this: "After coming to Dalian, the playing venue is a little different from what I imagined, and as for the weather, when I played in Portugal before, the winter there was also very cold, so there was no discomfort in coming to Dalian. ”

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

Coming up against Dalian, the opponent can be called a home game, Paulinho said he is ready to fight with his teammates for more good results.

My goal was not monty

Since Paulinho joined, there has been interest in the question of how The Harbour will use the Brazilian player. After all, in the Harbor team, there are already excellent midfield organizers like Moi and Oscar. Now it seems that Lecco has also found his own role for Paulinho, that is, the position of the shadow forward or side forward between the front and the front, taking full advantage of Paulinho's skillful foot skills to make a fuss between the opponent's back and the defense.

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

In the match against Chang'an Athletic, Paulinho did not have Oscar by his side, so he looked for catches more through his wide range of running, and the goal came from his personal breakthrough after winning the ball in the corner of the penalty area.

Regarding this beautiful goal, Paulinho said that it was his own thinking: "When the ball passed to my feet, according to the circumstances at the time, if I chose the cross, it was obviously not appropriate, so I was trying to hit the goal, and the result was to score this goal, which was obviously not monty (laughs). ”

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

For now, Paulinho will continue to be an important scoring point for Harbour in the frontcourt, and at the same time, his technical ability is also an excellent learning object for many young players in the team. Paulinho admits that he will also focus on sharing experiences and trying to be a good example.

"In fact, when it comes to young players, I think every position on the pitch, every player has their own responsibilities. Of course, our team is a strong and talented club. So as a foreign aid, playing for this club, I also feel different from other clubs. I always want to be an example on the pitch, and every time I train with these young players, or in my daily life, I can talk to them. Then, I think they also have the trait of being studious, and they always want to actively improve. So every time we're training or on the field, there's some communication that allows them to improve little by little. ”

Paulinho strives to be a role model for young players, saying that the "fairy ball" is not monty

This is Paulinho's first season with The Harbour, and while striving to be a role model for young players, he also has foreign aid role models like Oscar on his side. In Paulinho's heart, he is eager to help the team to gain honors: "I think that as a strong team, our club must want to bring more honor to the city of Shanghai, and as a player, I certainly hope to ride the wind and waves in such a scrappy team and achieve something." Paulinho said.

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