
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

author:Konoh E-Renko

[High-energy E Beizi] is today's headline signed author, this article is high-energy E Beizi original, prohibit any form of reproduction, reprint please contact the background, but welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

The group of flywheel sea is really too happy, and these days are chasing and feeding melons to netizens.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Yesterday, Xiao Zuojingcai said on the show that he had no contact with the other members of the Flywheel Sea.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

As a result, today Chen Yiru posted a response on the social platform "No big deal, this is not a thing, good health is the most important, bless you", and then Wang Dongcheng also left a message "reasonable", Wu Zun returned "no need to be mediocre self-disturbing".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Netizens reasonably guessed: Are these three people opening a small group?

In the show business circle, there are still many groups like Feilun Hai, who paint yin and yang weirdly.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

The flywheel sea that loves to tear the most, because of the small work of the spirit and the soul of the group?

Obviously, Xiao Zuojing has been kicked out of the group chat.

See how many people he offended on his last show:

First of all, he stamped the scene of the flywheel sea accident circulating on the Internet, and admitted that the flywheel sea singing and dancing were not very neat.

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But the CDs placed next to the TV cabinet at home are all albums from the Flywheel Sea period?

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Looks like nostalgia for an old love? As a result, Yan Yalun said that he and the members of the Flywheel Sea Regiment were not even friends.

And at the most competitive time, he also had the most hated person, who would never dissuade a bastard from following the car or tearing X.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Who the hell is this man?

Under Kangxi's questioning, Yan Yalun sighed and smiled and said, "That's the person." Afraid that the prompt was not clear enough, Yan Yalun added a sentence later: "The person who often writes with me." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Kang Yong was stunned, and Xiao Zuojing was also too blunt

It's that "summer," right?

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

We have also written about the ins and outs of "Summer" before: the regiment of Feilun Hai is simply the protagonist of Jinjiang Wen...

It is no wonder that Wang Dongcheng will reply with two words "reasonable" under Chen Yiru's strange blessing of "good health", feeling that he will explode when he sees his former teammates shaking old material.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

This is not the end, later everyone talked about F4, Cai Kangyong and engaged in things: "Flywheel Sea and F4 who has a high value?" ”

Yan Yalun was quite modest at first, saying that F4 was the "ancestor", but when he said it, he sacrificed Wu Zun, thinking that Wu Zun's appearance could be compared with F4.

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He also said that "at that time" he felt that Wu Zun was the most handsome in the flywheel sea...

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Later, he said, "I think so now," and hit the round field

But when Wu Zun was mentioned on another program, Yan Yalun said so: "Since I said that Wu Zun and I are friends, everyone on the Internet knows that I have a good relationship with him, and Wu Zun does not know." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Well, you are exhausted, Yan Yalun, your last friend Wu Zun of the Flywheel Sea has gone offline.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

In addition, Yan Yalun may have also offended most idol boy groups: compared with other groups, our appearance is considered to be the front.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Is it true that the predecessor Tuankemi Boy and 5566 did not put it in their eyes?

And, he also responded to his relationship with Lollipop Aben: once really nice and good, now just friends.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Speaking of his own melon too hi, Cai Kangyong couldn't help but stop it

I feel that missing some melon will really not be able to keep up with the amount of information, you know, in January 2020, the paparazzi also grabbed the bag to Aben and Yan Yalun to live together, when Yan Yalun rushed to KTV, Aben "instantly smiled so happy".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Yan Yalun, a man who can make the idol circle tremble, sends everyone his own group of melons, and also gives the ancient melons of the next group - a shovel down, you will find that most idol groups, the relationship is quite plastic.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Boy Band Tear X: Three views of love BB, kick you out of the group chat

Yan Yalun said that F4 is the ancestor of high value, and F4 is quite capable of making trouble.

After the combination became popular, F4 began to take the road of tearing X with the company for resources: the komi system of the popular F4 was also the big man behind the soil puppet soil creation

And Yan Yalun said that he and Wang Dongcheng each have only fans, Yan Chengxu and Zhou Yumin also have, as early as 2008, the two had chosen to hold a fan meeting in a place just a few steps away, obviously competing in popularity.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

At that time, Yan Chengxu fans will announce the opening of 1500 fans to enter, and Zaizai will immediately announce the opening of 3000... The rice circle of that year tore X, fighting fiercely and fiercely.

Among these four, the first to be kicked out of the group chat should be Zhu Xiaotian.

After "Meteor Garden" became popular, the most popular is Zai Zai and Yan Chengxu, which is also counted, Zhu Xiaotian and Wu Jianhao were originally on an equal footing, but because Zhu Xiaotian signed a separate manager contract, a lot of F4 work, he will not become the first choice...

Therefore, it is not enough to compete for two popular fried chickens, and the job opportunities are still less than Wu Jianhao, and the Network rumors that Zhu Wu and Wu have mustard.

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At one time, it was also reported that Zhu Xiaotian's girlfriend was Wu Jianhao's old love, and the two were "opposed to each other".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

But somehow, later Zhu Xiaotian's war was thrown at Yan Chengxu. In 2010, he suddenly posted on Weibo, "The threesome must have my teacher, and my city government is not as good as Jerry..."

It immediately triggered the controversy of "Zhu Xiaotian said that he accepted the depth of Xucheng City".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

At that time, Zhu Xiaotian also mentioned that he was "not as cultivated as Zhou Zai", and soon Zhou Yumin came out to help play the original field, saying that he and Yan Chengxu had a good relationship, "This is the Zhu Xiaotian I know."

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Three years later, Wu Jianhao got married and directly told the media that he would not ask F3 to be the best man, and really did what he said.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Source: World Wide Web

Not inviting F3 does not mean not inviting stars, Wu Jianhao also invited Xiao Yaxuan to sing, and as a result, the little genius in love hooked up with his brother-in-law.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

After That, Zhu Xiaotian openly invited F4 to attend his wedding, and at one point it was rumored that "only Wu Jianhao participated", and Wu Jianhao and Zhu Xiaotian's CP felt that it was glass slag with sugar.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Fortunately, Yan Chengxu, who was finally accused of "the depth of the city government", suddenly appeared in surprise, F3 integration, a bit touching.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

But last year, Zhu Xiaotian and Yan Chengxu went on the show together and were asked about "internal discord in F4", and Zhu Xiaotian actually said "yes" directly.

He said: "We have no union and no disagreement, in fact, the four of us do not have much intersection in life, and we have rarely contacted in recent years." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Pin Pin's words are similar to Yan Yalun's saying that there is "no contact" with the Flywheel Sea?

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It's just that he doesn't want to pretend anymore

Wang Shaowei of 5566 also said this.

He said that 5566 basically did not contact each other in private, and also broke the news that many idol groups were like this, separating teammates and friends.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

He also gave an example that he used to live next door to Sun Xiezhi and only knocked on the door once a year because he had to borrow a screwdriver.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And Wang Shaowei also belongs to the people who were kicked out of the group chat by 5566, Sun Xiezhi directly said: "Our combination itself is four people, and later after becoming three people, it feels better." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Because Wang Shaowei crossed two regiments, he also had another identity as a member of the 183club regiment.

Wang Shaowei obviously has more fun with this group, even after many years, Ming Dao is red, some members have withdrawn from the circle, and this group still often gathers.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

In the face of 5566's invitation to do the program together, Wang Shaowei just couldn't talk about how to talk about it, but turned his head and went to other programs.

Later, 5566 became popular by relying on the program, and did not invite Wang Shaowei to open a concert, and also implied that he was rat.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Wang Shaowei was particularly angry about this, saying that the three of them soured him on the Internet, but in private they did not contact him, nor did they give him time to rehearse, and in such a situation, they also said fit, That is bad when a rat.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And Aben, who was photographed living with Yan Yalun, actually joined the second group of Lollipop Hall "Chao Ke Seven", which only lasted for two years and then dispersed, and everyone is interested in the past life of the Lollipop Boy in the past life and this life.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Can you tell each of them apart?

In contrast, the more popular group is the familiar "Lollipop Hall", the first generation has six sticks: Ao Dog, Ao Dog, Xiao Yu, William, Ah Wei, Xiao Jie, and Prince.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

About in 2009, the combination was about full, everyone ran for the future, and finally Ao Dog, Xiao Yu, William, and Ah Wei signed the gold medal gale "Lollipop@F", and the remaining three formed JMP.

In the process of this point and division, the first to be kicked out of the group chat was the captain Ao Dog.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Ao Inu is now a Lehua person

In 2015, Ao Dog fell into a contract dispute, Xiao Yu suspected that Ao Dog is the source of the combination can not go down, although emphasizing that the members did not exclude Ao Dog, but also added a sentence "Ao Dog's best friend is his mother, all day long chat WeChat."

Ao Dog also had a very explosive taste: "They may not be in the top five (important), I love my mother right." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And his former agent Andy brother also came out to insert the knife, saying that Ao Dog did not do his own captain's responsibilities, sorry brother, let others see the joke.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

He also broke the news in the book that the reason why Lollipop Hall would break up the gang was because Ao Inu and others would fight because the prince stood in the C position or had little money for himself, and Andy was very disappointed in them.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Later, the five sticks were combined many times, and there was no Ao dog.

It wasn't until last year that the six sticks were really all in place, and not in the workplace. Everyone also set aside the C position to give their most respected "behind-the-scenes driver" Brother Andy.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

I feel that this regiment is also relatively mildly torn, after all, the flywheel sea and the 5566 full-staff combination are far away.

In summary, rather than saying that the boy band loves to tear X, it is better to say that "the twisted melon is not sweet", and people with different values have not become friends from the beginning, have not been friends, and naturally there is no so-called "discord".

But if someone provokes other people's dissatisfaction, colleagues will really "kick out the group chat".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It felt like Yan Yalun was kicking away three

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Girl group tear X: popular, love to do things, heavy heart, all kick out of the group

Compared with the boy band's practice of kicking over the rice bowl without a word, the painting style of the women's group tearing X is not the same, and it can last for a long time.

There are many variety shows like black girls, and everyone tears them up in particular.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Look at the picture recognition series

Here there is Yan Yalun chaotically, and the single flying topic mentioned by the ghost directly pokes the point: Were you excluded because of the most popular at that time?

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Have you ever stumbled on ghosts and Yan Yalun CP?

The ghost was indeed pit by his teammates.

Once, when she participated in the Black Astringency Meeting Crush Talent PK, the teacher temporarily adjusted the dance steps of her teammate Xiao Pei, Xiao Pei did not tell her, and as a result, when the official performance, Xiao Pei continued to walk... She was left stunned.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Later, the girl was eliminated, and the parents rushed into the judging room and said, "Why did you eliminate my daughter!" And the ghosts were scolded by them.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

At the most fierce time of competition, the ghost also tried to be scolded and cried by the captain because the national standard dance was not serious enough, and she had to cry and explain that she did not want to learn something with a serious expression, which would be very painful.

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The ghost also said to Big Tooth, "You can say it well", and Big Tooth thought it was quite hurtful.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

However, when the two were on the show later, the ghost had the painstaking and sternness to express his understanding of big teeth

I don't know if Big Tooth took the same script as Ao Dog, former team member Tong Tong also directly admitted to disagreeing with Big Tooth in an interview, saying, "The same is a colleague, why should I listen to her." ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And Big Tooth does not think that there is a discord between the two sides, clarifying that the two only had a Yuliang complex at that time, and both want to take the first.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Later, the two were also relieved, and Tong Tong congratulated her on her marriage

This first generation of black gir slowly dissipated after the ghost flew solo, and the new generation of black girl consisted of the old members Yatou, Kaoru, and the new members Yong Rabbit and Candy.

The story of the new generation of black girls is even more.

When Candy was on the show, he talked about how he had to find the costume for the show, and was cut off by the seniors...

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Later, some netizens found out the performance video of candy, and the person who cut off her pants was another member, Yong Rabbit, two people with one trouser leg.

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Candy on the left and Brave Rabbit on the right

Another player, Yutu, also said that Yongtu was too heavy-hearted, and once lied that her mobile phone rang to let her go to get her mobile phone and sit in her seat when she returned.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Later, Yongtu was scolded by netizens to send a long response, claiming that he had asked for candy's consent.

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Candy's response was, perhaps, no response at the moment, but she didn't say at the time: Ok, I agree.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It seems that the heart knot of the two people has been knotted since then, and Yongtu's good friend Hong Shi and Candy have to report to Yongtu...

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Hong Shi was once one of the contestants of "I Love Black Astringent Society". Another contestant, Lemon, broke the news that once she was selected by Guo Pinchao as a "temperament goddess", and after the show, she heard others say in the locker room: "Why did he choose lemons, how is his vision so bad!" ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

She also mentioned that after Guo Pinchao heard it, he came in to comfort the girl he originally wanted to choose.

The girl he originally wanted to choose was actually Hong Shi.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Candy, who took a photo with Hongshi, later quit black girl, and formed a group with another crush, Casey (Duck), Twinko.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

The left is the duck and the right is the candy

As a result, this small group soon became BE again, and the reason was that the ducks and candy were not in harmony. Duck also had a conversation with a friend who didn't have many old fans of Siya (Candy).

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Everyone is relatively familiar with the handmaiden and Xiao Kaoru, and the noise is even worse.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It used to be also a smoked CP

Yatou once said in "Kangxi" that a female member had been framing her. The two were once girlfriends, but now they don't have any contact at all.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Originally, this teammate thought that the company's account was not clear, and pulled up the girl to discuss with the boss.

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As a result, in the mouth of this teammate, the servant became the person who complained, and was scolded by the boss for being ungrateful.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Although yatou did not name her name, netizens still synthesized her information to pull out that she may be Xiao Kaoru.

At that time, there were also netizens who asked Mu Xiyan, who recorded the program together, to help Xiao Kaoru speak, but she directly replied that "it is better for you to ask the person concerned", which made the possibility that the "suspect" was Xiao Kaoru.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And the plot that Yatou said is very similar to the plot of the "Double Fu Case" that we talked about before: their stories are much more exciting than Fan Weiqi Zhang Shaohan

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

At that time, we mentioned that the "Double Fu Case" made Guo Xuefu and Song Miqin shot, and these just happened to have a combination, called Dream Girl.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It is rumored on the Internet that Song Miqin and Guo Xuefu squeezed Out Li Yufen together, only because Li Yufen was the popular king in the group at that time, and he and Luo Zhixiang passed on the scandal.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

In 2011, a reporter witnessed Song Miqin and Guo Xuefu talking and laughing, and Li Yufen went to another makeup room.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Source: NetEase Entertainment

Later, Guo Xuefu became more and more popular, and Song Miqin became friends with Li Yufen.

In 2015, Song Miqin accused her on social platforms of a broker who had the best relationship with Guo Xuefu.

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After Li Yufen saw it, she immediately sent a text to support her and encourage her to be great and brave.

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Guo Xuefu said that after seeing the report, she immediately sent a message to Li Yufen, but did not get a reply. And Li Yufen alluded to Guo Xuefu's intention to send a message to the media, saying, "When you wake up, you will reply to her when you see the message!" ”

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

It seems that there are also People from Guo Xuefufang who came out to break the news, saying that this matter is completely Song Miqin and Li Yufen stirring up the news...

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

In the end, the relationship between the three people was even colder to the freezing point, and Guo Xuefu personally admitted that the three people rarely contacted each other. Later, Song Miqin became pregnant, Li Yufen immediately said that she wanted to be a dry mother, and Guo Xuefu also behaved very coldly.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

So, the most popular people are going to be kicked out of the group chat? I think you'll change your name to Drama girl.

However, in this way, the tearing X of the girl group is more emotional, and the girls who get along for a long time probably will not distinguish between "teammates" and "friends", more is: who is bad, I will not be friends with her.

However, where in your circle will there be eternal "friends" and "enemies"?

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Sister E Conclusion:

These "plastic" boy and girl groups are actually similar to the relationship between the school's boys' and girls' dormitories.

Individuals with very different personality backgrounds and living habits are forcibly put together, and sometimes they are forced to participate in the school's various evaluations: sanitary dormitories, civilized dormitories, the most beautiful dormitories...

If the roommates just get along well, but if they don't get along happily, after graduation, not only will they not see each other again in this life, but many people will have to sweat: thank the roommate for not killing.

The same is true for the male and female groups, the combination is not in line with the points, can be united, harmonious, tense and lively is not bad, can not force too much.

Of course, there is also a thing called "Tuan Soul".

Some groups can have true feelings for each other and have tacit understanding, and even if such groups fly freely, the energy between teams will never dissipate.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

Finally, show you a yo-yo group happy CP cycle:

Yan Yalun and Black Girl Ghost of the Flywheel Sea have formed CP.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

The Prince of Ghost and Lollipop Also has a "Ghost King CP".

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

And the prince and Teresa Teng of the former cookie are together;

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

The prince's former teammates Que Que, Abendu and Yan Yalun have passed on gossip.

The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows
The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

So, Yan Yalun is really the anchor of the idol circle, right? The kind that trembles as soon as you shake the melon fields of your circle.

Today's topic is:

How do you see the idol group's "masquerade"?

Let's talk about it in the comments section

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The soul and love of those years have become cold arrows

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