
Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world
Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Fifty years ago, on October 25, 1971, eastern time, the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758, which decided to restore the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations. 50 years, at the snap of a finger. On this occasion, Xinhua Net published two articles by Xiong Lei, the daughter of outstanding diplomat Xiong Xianghui, looking back at that exciting historical moment. The article is the next part, and the full text is edited as follows:

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Chairman Mao and father Xiong Xianghui, April 1973

At 23:20 EST on October 25, 1971, the Twenty-sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by an overwhelming majority Resolution 2758, "to restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China, to recognize the representatives of her government as the sole legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations Organization and to immediately expel Chiang Kai-shek's representatives from the seats illegally occupied by the United Nations Organization and all the organs to which it belongs." ”

This was the main content of the telegram sent by UN Secretary-General U Dan from New York on October 26, 1971, to the "Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in Beijing".

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Un Secretary-General U Thant

It was a brilliant night in the history of the United Nations.

What about after the splendid?

At this time in Beijing, Xiong Xianghui sent away Kissinger and his party, who had come to Beijing for the second time to arrange US President Richard Nixon's visit to China, and when they returned home, they fell asleep and slept for the sleepless days.

This sleep, straight to 5 p.m., Xiong Xianghui received a notice to go to the Fujian Hall of the Great Hall of the People at 7:30 p.m. for a meeting.

He also had to know that Premier Zhou Enlai instructed in the afternoon that Acting Foreign Minister Ji Pengfei add a few words to the draft speech delivered by acting foreign minister Ji Pengfei at the reception held by the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of Iran that evening: The adoption by the General Assembly of Albania and other countries is a victory for the people of the whole world, and the Chinese Government is grateful to the sponsors, as well as to Iran and other countries that uphold justice. The Prime Minister also instructed foreign envoys and foreign journalists to say "I don't know yet" if we are sending a delegation.

It can be seen that at 17:00 Beijing time on October 26, or until the end of the reception of the Iranian Embassy in China that night, the relevant Chinese departments have not yet made a decision on whether to send a delegation to the 26th SESSION of the UN General Assembly immediately.

After that, Xiong Xianghui received a special urgent message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among them were Wu Dan's telegram to the Chinese foreign minister informing the General Assembly of the adoption of Resolution 2758, as well as relevant reports from foreign media on the issue of China's representation in the current vote of the General Assembly.

Xiong Xianghui arrived at the Fujian Hall at 7:01 p.m. After attending the reception of the Iranian Embassy with Ji Pengfei, Qiao Guanhua, and Han Nianlong, the premier also came to the Fujian Hall. Everyone was beaming with joy.

The Premier asked: Will there be a situation of "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan" in the United Nations now? Can the Chiang Gang re-enter the United Nations? Is there a market for the "theory of the undetermined status of Taiwan" in the United Nations?

As is customary, the answer to the Prime Minister's questions must be justified and well-founded. The comrades who spoke cited reliable material and agreed that those would not happen.

After hearing this, the Prime Minister expressed satisfaction. At the same time, he pointed out that the REACTIONARies in the United States and Japan will not be willing to fail, and we must remain vigilant.

The Prime Minister also proposed that the Chairman had instructed him not to enter the United Nations this year. Now what? Listen to everyone's opinions first, and then ask the Chairman.

The comrades who spoke agreed that the General Assembly had adopted a resolution and that we had to enter the United Nations, but that we were unprepared. The President has often taught that there should be no unprepared battles. The Un General Assembly is half open, and it doesn't matter if you go or not. It is mainly the Council, which meets at any time of the year. There are many problems and big troubles, and it takes a lot of effort just to figure out the rules of procedure. It is now time to select permanent representatives, alternate representatives and staff to the Council as soon as possible, and to concentrate on preparing and to return after the New Year.

The Prime Minister said: It is indeed difficult to participate immediately; it is not reasonable to participate again in two months. Can you think of something else?

At this time, Wang Hairong walked in and said: The chairman asked the premier, Ye Shuai, Minister Ji, Minister Qiao, Xiong Xianghui, Zhang Wenjin, and me and Tang Wensheng to go to him now.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Premier Zhou with Kissinger


Chairman Mao's decision

When I arrived at the residence of Chairman Zhongnanhai, it was more than 9 p.m. The Chairman sat down on the couch with a smile on his face. He pointed to Tang Wensheng, who was born in the United States, and said: Little Tang, Mies Nancy Don, your country has failed, see what you do?

The chairman said this because Tang Wensheng was born in the United States, and her American name is Nancy Tang. According to U.S. law at the time, anyone born in the United States could naturally acquire U.S. citizenship. Although Tang Wensheng had long since renounced his American citizenship, Chairman Mao was very fond of joking with her about her birthplace.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Chairman Mao met with Nixon in February 1972, with Tang Wensheng on the second from the left

Premier Zhou talked about Chairman Mao's remark that "I will not enter the United Nations this year," and before the premier could finish speaking, the chairman interrupted with a smile: That is the old emperor's calendar, and I will not count it.

The Premier said: We have just held a meeting, and we all believe that the current UN General Assembly has resolved the problem simply and thoroughly, leaving no sequelae. It is just that we are unprepared, especially if the Council is more troublesome, and participating now is not in line with the President's teaching that "we do not fight unprepared battles". I came up with an idea on the spur of the moment, and asked Xiong Xianghui to take a few people to the United Nations first, as an advance personnel, to understand the situation on the spot and make preparations.

Why did the prime minister propose to "let Xiong Xianghui take a few people to the United Nations first"? My father once told us about a past incident, perhaps related to it. It was at a foreign affairs meeting chaired by the premier before and after receiving Kissinger's second visit to China. At that time, almost everyone thought that China's failure to enter the United Nations this year was a foregone conclusion. However, Xiong Xianghui proposed at the meeting that preparations should be made in case, in case the proposal of 23 countries this year was adopted? Probably the prime minister thought that this issue was nonsense and there was nothing to discuss, so he said to his father, if you want to go, you Xiong Xianghui will go by yourself! The participants laughed, and some of them laughed at their father's ignorance. But my father didn't think so, or said, you should always be prepared! After the UN General Assembly adopted the 23-nation proposal, Premier Zhou, when meeting with foreign guests several times, said that he did not expect the UN General Assembly to adopt the proposal this year, but on the contrary, some young comrades foresaw it.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Premier Zhou, Tang Mingzhao (center) and Xiong Xianghui at the capital airport

The fact that the Twenty-sixth SESSION of the UN General Assembly was able to solve the question of China's deputies in such a straightforward and thorough manner was not only not expected by Premier Zhou, but also by Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao said in his characteristic tone: There are two major victories this year, one is Lin Biao and the other is the United Nations. I didn't expect these two big victories. Lin Biao was a ghost, and I was aware of it, but I didn't expect him to run away to a foreign country, and I didn't expect that the "trident" plane he was sitting on fell in Outer Mongolia and "folded the halberd and sank into the sand." For the United Nations, my head nurse (Wu Xujun) is an expert. She had studied the proposals of those countries in Albania. These days she often says to me: the United Nations can pass; I say: can't pass; she says: yes; I say: no. You see, she was right. The chairman said humorously: I still have so many superstitions about the baton of the United States.

In response to Premier Zhou's suggestion that "a few people go to the United Nations first," Chairman Mao said: That is not necessary. Didn't the Secretary-General of the United Nations send a telegram? We'll send a delegation. The chairman pointed to Qiao Guanhua and said, let Old Master Qiao be the head of the group, Xiong Xianghui be the representative, come back after the meeting, and receive Nixon. Who to send to the Council, you will study again.

The Premier said: Let Huang Hua be the deputy head of the delegation and stay in the United Nations as a permanent representative to the Security Council.

The chairman said: Huang Hua has been an ambassador to Canada for less than 4 months, and now that he is transferred, people may not be happy.

The Prime Minister said: Do the work, the Canadian government will understand.

The Chair said: Okay, so be it.

It can be seen from this that it was Chairman Mao's decision to immediately send a delegation to the UN General Assembly.

The Chairman commented on the voting of the 23-nation proposal by the General Assembly, saying that as soon as the results of the voting were announced, there were songs, cheers, and some people patted the table. What does it mean to pat the table? The Prime Minister explained: I was extremely pleased to take a picture of the table in the venue. The Chair said that it would make no sense for so many countries to welcome us and not send delegations.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

After the adoption of the 23-nation proposal, the jubilant joint assembly field


Chairman Mao set the tone of his "debut" speech

Chairman Mao was very excited that night and spoke for nearly 3 hours. It is mainly to determine the basic content of the first statement of the People's Republic of China after the restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations.

Chairman Mao said: What should I do if I am not prepared? I have said that we should not fight unprepared battles. I have also said that learning war in war. Now I would like to ask the Prime Minister to take command and step up preparations. The most important thing is to prepare for the first statement to the United Nations General Assembly.

He said: In 1950, we were still in the "Huaguoshan era", and you (referring to Qiao Guanhua) and Wu Xiuquan went to the United Nations. Wu Xiuquan delivered a speech at the Security Council entitled "Accusations of Armed Aggression by the United States Against China's Territory of Taiwan." An accusation is a complaint, a complaint against the "Jade Emperor." At that time, the "Jade Emperor" was full of vigor and did not take us seriously. Now it is different, the "Jade Emperor" is also going to visit Huaguo Mountain. This time, you are not going to file a complaint, but to uphold justice, to grow the ambition of the people of the world, and to destroy the prestige of the superpower. Shout out solidarity to countries that oppose foreign interference, aggression and control. The first statement will make this statement.

Chairman Mao talked about the contents that should be included in this speech. He said: First, we must settle the accounts; after so many years of not allowing us to enter the United Nations, Chinese people and the people of the world have a sense of anger. Mainly the United States, followed by Japan, point out their names, no, no. The sponsors should be enumerated. Secondly, we should talk about the changes in the world situation since the establishment of the United Nations. It was this time with Kissinger that the communiqué said, "The country wants independence, the nation wants liberation, and the people want revolution, which has become an irresistible historical trend." To tell you a little history, the American Revolutionary War of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, the Russian October Revolution of 1917, are all great, but they are not as large as they have been since 1945. It is necessary to talk about China, rely on ourselves, struggle hard, overthrow the three mountains, and win the victory of national independence, national liberation, and the new-democratic revolution. This is not bragging, it is the truth. The aim is to give encouragement to the people of the world. The United States must withdraw its armed forces from Taiwan, and it is delusional for anyone to separate Taiwan from China. Thirdly, we should talk about our basic attitude towards international issues. Many of the words of the communiqué with Kissinger this time can be used. We oppose the imperialist policy of war and aggression, the hegemonism of the super-Powers and the just struggle of all oppressed peoples and oppressed nations. The struggles of peoples are mutually supportive. It is necessary to propagate the five principles that all countries, large and small, are equal, that China belongs to the third world, that it will never be a superpower, that it opposes the bullying of small countries by big powers, the bullying of weak countries by strong countries, and by not allowing any country to manipulate the United Nations. What else to say, please consider the Prime Minister. All in all, we must take a clear banner, "building from a high position" and "breaking bamboo". "Breaking the bamboo" is what Du Pre, the "commander-in-chief of the three armies" of the Jin dynasty lord Sima Yan, said, and this person is known as the "left transmission habit". He led his troops to occupy Wuchang and prepared to attack Jianye, the capital of Eastern Wu. A "two-pole" staff officer suggested to him that the Yangtze River should now rise and wait until next year to fight again. Du Pre said: "Now the soldiers are mighty and mighty, like the momentum of breaking bamboo, after a few sections, they are all solved, and there is no return to the hand." Sure enough, it was successful in one fell swoop, and "three points of the world were unified." To make a fuss, it is necessary to "break the bamboo" in order to convince people.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Chairman Mao and Kissinger


For will be when there is cowardice

Chairman Mao said: Cao Cao was a great military man. Zhuge Liang praised him in the "Table of Later Masters": "Cao Cao's wisdom and strategy, extraordinary to others, his use of soldiers, as if Sun Wu", but also criticized him for losing battles. How to criticize? Please "attend the seat" to speak.

Ye Shuai recited like a stream: "Trapped in Nanyang, dangerous in Wuchao, dangerous in Qilian, forced on Liyang, several defeats in the Northern Mountains, and death in Tongguan." ”

The chairman said: "Several defeats in the Northern Mountains", referring to the matter of Cao Cao's battle for Hanzhong after Xiahou Yuan's death in battle. Xiahou Yuan is mentioned in three places in the "Table of Later Masters", and the other two are "Xiahou Defeated" and "Xiahou Zhishou". Xiahou Yuan was a general of Cao Cao, who made him the general of Zhengxi and served as the "garrison commander" of Hanzhong. Liu Bei attacked Hanzhong, and Xiahou Yuan deployed his main force at Dingjun Mountain and ordered Zhang Guo to defend the eastern siege. Liu Bei "lured the snake out of the hole" and hit Zhang Hao first, and Xiahou Yuan divided half of his troops to personally assist Zhang Guo, and was beheaded by Huang Zhong. There is a Peking opera called "Dingjun Mountain", which is the best play of Tan Xinpei and Tan Fuying. Look at the biography of Xiahou Yuan in the Book of Wei. When Xiahou Yuan fought several victorious battles, Cao Cao wrote to remind him: "When there is cowardice, it is necessary not to be brave." It will be based on courage and wisdom in action; but it will be brave to know and be brave, and a pawn will be an enemy ear. "When there is weakness," it is to think of one's own weaknesses and deficiencies, and to have the possibility of losing the battle. Xiahou Yuan took Cao Cao's admonition inappropriately, and as a result, the entire army was destroyed. When you go to the United Nations, there are many difficulties, and you must "take courage as the foundation", and pay more attention to "when there will be cowardice". The head of the delegation is the "will", do not be carried away by the victory. I sent you two sentences, one of which I wrote: "Without investigation, there is no right to speak"; the other was written by Tian Jiaying for me: "Humility makes people progress, and pride makes people backward." ”

Chairman Mao said: Our policy at the United Nations is to "unite the majority and isolate the very few." The 23 sponsors are our friends in distress and want to speak of solidarity with them. The other 53 countries that voted for us also want to unite. The 17 countries that abstained should be treated correctly. Under such pressure as the United States, they did not support the United States and expressed sympathy for us by abstaining, and they should be thanked. The 35 countries that voted against it were not monolithic and had to do their work. Solidarity is unity with principles, and principles are our basic position on international issues. Our current slogan is: safeguard the independence and sovereignty of all countries, safeguard international peace and promote human progress. Unite the majority with this slogan.


Be prepared

Under the personal leadership and meticulous arrangements of Premier Zhou, the work surrounding the attendance at the United Nations was carried out in an intense and orderly manner.

On October 27, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up a preparatory group to participate in the work of the United Nations, composed of Qiao Guanhua, Xiong Xianghui, Tang Mingzhao, Zhang Wenjin and Ling Qing. As instructed by the Prime Minister, the Panel drafted a vision for a career at the United Nations. Mainly: (1) In accordance with the spirit of "when there is weakness" and "courage as the foundation", the leading members of the delegation should be modest and cautious, attach importance to investigation and research, understand the situation from many sides, and check and summarize in a timely manner. (2) Urge the Secretary-General of the United Nations to immediately expel representative Chiang Kai-shek from all organs under the United Nations, and at the same time make it clear to him that we are now participating only in the work of the Security Council and a few committees of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and other principal organs, and that we will gradually send people to other organs. (3) Take the work as the focus and the Security Council as the focus of the conference work. Select important people to participate in social activities. (4) Bring the spirit of consultation on an equal footing into the United Nations, and consult with friendly countries on issues to be discussed. At the time of voting, the attitude is decided in accordance with the principled position of our country, or it is agreed or opposed, or abstained, or not participated, or amended, or reservations are made. The veto is not used lightly in the Council. (5) External activities are not profane or humble, and they are not frivolous. (6) Within the delegation, it is grouped according to conference affairs, news information, administration, etc., and each designated person is responsible. (7) Strictly abide by discipline and pay attention to economy.

On October 28, People's Daily published an editorial entitled "The Historical Trend Is Irresistible" at the behest of Premier Zhou. The editorial first mentioned that the General Assembly adopted "proposals from twenty-three countries, including Albania and Algeria.". The editorial said: "The results of the vote of the current UN General Assembly reflect that the people of all countries demand friendship with the Chinese people is the trend of the times and the aspiration of the people," and "it also reflects the arbitrary practice of US imperialism in imposing its will on others within the United Nations, which has been resisted and opposed by more and more countries." The editorial exposed that japan's Sato government "ran to serve the US conspiracy to create 'two Chinas' at the United Nations" and "ended up in vain." The editorial concluded: "Chinese people must liberate their sacred territory, Taiwan! Taiwan will definitely return to the embrace of the motherland! ”

On the evening of October 28, Premier Zhou was interviewed by Yoshio Goto, editor-in-chief of Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper. Referring to the adoption of the proposal by the United Nations by "more than two-thirds" of Albania and 23 other countries, the prime minister said: "The computer failure of the United States" and "this is an accident for the US government, and it is also an accident for the Chinese government." "It has been 26 years since the founding of the United Nations, but the Chiang Kai-shek clique, which was overthrown by the Chinese, has been occupying China's seat, which is completely unreasonable and intolerable, and today's phenomenon is also the result of this sullen outburst." The Prime Minister said: "Most countries and peoples around the world welcome us, and it is probably impossible for us not to go." "There's an old Chinese saying: 'Be afraid of what's happening.'" We are not so familiar with the United Nations, so we must be cautious. However, this is not without faith. "Kio Goto sent the draft telegram to the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for verification. The Asahi Shimbun published a front-page headline on November 6 with the headline "Premier Zhou's First Speech Since China's Return to the United Nations."

On October 29, People's Daily and major newspapers published the "Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China" approved by the Premier. The statement said that the twenty-sixth session of the UnGame "adopted by an overwhelming majority the proposals of Albania, Algeria and twenty-three other countries", "this is the bankruptcy of the policy of US imperialism for more than twenty years of stubbornly insisting on depriving our country of its legitimate rights in the United Nations and the conspiracy to create 'two Chinas' within the United Nations", and "this is the victory of the people of the whole world and all countries that uphold justice". The Chinese government and the people of Chinese expressed their heartfelt thanks to the sponsor governments that have "made outstanding contributions in this struggle" and the "friendly countries" that have "played a major role," the statement said. The statement pointed out: "The US-Japan reactionaries are not willing to accept their defeat," "even vainly try to get the Chiang Kai-shek clique to re-squeeze into the United Nations in the name of so-called 'Taiwan independence,'" and "absolutely will not allow their plot to succeed." The statement concluded: China will soon send a representative to the work of the United Nations. China "will stand with all peace-loving and justice-loving countries and work together to safeguard the national independence and national sovereignty of all countries, and to safeguard world peace and promote human progress." ”

Nominated by the core group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and approved by the Central Committee, the head of the "Delegation of the People's Republic of China to the Twenty-sixth Session of the United Nations" is Qiao Guanhua, the deputy head is Huang Hua, the deputy representatives are Fu Hao, Xiong Xianghui, and Chen Chu, and the deputy deputies are Tang Mingzhao, An Zhiyuan, Wang Hairong, Xing Songhu, and Zhang Yongkuan. Huang Huawei is China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Security Council, and Chen Chu is the Deputy Representative. Minister Ji Dai telegraphed the list to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, U Dan.

Nominated by the core group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and agreed by the Prime Minister, the list of 18 secretaries, 11 attachés, 9 staff members, as well as two journalists and two diplomatic couriers of the Chinese delegation was decided. Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Liang, in the name of the secretary of the delegation, led 5 staff members to New York first to make arrangements. After obtaining the consent of the Canadian government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs telegraphed Huang Hua to leave his post and wait in Paris.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

The Chinese delegation arrives in New York


Sorting of country names and raising of flags

On October 29, U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, called our Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Ji Pengfei and asked for a quick notice that "the English names of the People's Republic of China are in alphabetical order."

States Members of the United Nations generally do not adopt the full name of their english name, usually using abbreviations. For example, the full English name of the United States is United States of America (United States of America), but in the United Nations, it is referred to as United States, and the first English letter is U. The full English name of the French name is Republic of France (French Republic), but at the United Nations it is referred to as France, and the first letter is F. According to the 26 letters of English, the seats of the Member States in the United Nations General Assembly and the order of the voting countries at the time of the registered ballot are arranged. The presidency of the Security Council serves a one-month term of office with 15 members rotating in alphabetical order of national names.

The full name of the English name of the People's Republic of China is People's Republic of China. There are two options for abbreviation, One is People's Republic (People's Republic) and the other is China (China). If the former were used, the presidency of the Security Council would be rotated for the month of November. Due to the unfamiliar situation, it is difficult to meet the requirements. If it is referred to as China, it is the same as the abbreviation of Chiang Kai-shek's representatives when they illegally occupied the United Nations seat. Ji Pengfei asked Premier Zhou Enlai.

Premier Zhou said that the country under the Qing dynasty government was called China, and the English was China. After the Xinhai Revolution, on January 1, 1912, Dr. Sun Yat-sen was inaugurated as the provisional president in Nanjing, the name of the country is the Republic of China, the English is Republic of China, referred to as China, the English is still China. The Kuomintang clique has been used for many years, and we have used it for many years. On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was established, and the abbreviation is still China, or China in English. The resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly to restore the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations clearly states that "the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are recognized as the sole legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations organization", and the "China" in this paragraph is "China" in English. There is only one China, Taiwan is part of China, and our English abbreviation at the United Nations should be China.

Following Premier Zhou's instructions, Ji Pengfei replied to Wu Dan on October 31: "I received a call from you on October 29, 1971. I have the honour to inform you: Regarding the alphabetical order of the names of the People's Republic of China, please arrange them according to the beginning of the English letter C, namely CHINA, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF. Greetings from the highest esteem. ”

The problem of sorting country names was solved, and there was also a problem of raising the flag. With regard to raising the five-star red flag of the People's Republic of China at the United Nations, it was indeed conceived that after the Chinese delegation arrived in New York, it would choose an appropriate time to hold a grand ceremony, and Qiao Guanhua would raise the five-star red flag for the first time on the square in front of the United Nations Building. The advance team of the Chinese delegation arrived in New York on November 8 and handed the accompanying five-star red flag to the Turkish Director of protocol, Sinan Kole. It was learned that the five-star red flag had been raised at the United Nations on November 1. The original vision was not realized.

What's going on?

It used to be a practice in the United Nations that the flags of all United Nations Member States were raised and lowered on time from Monday to Saturday. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to restore the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China at 11:20 local time on October 25, and on October 26, the "Blue Sky and White Sun Flag" of the Chiang Kai-shek clique will no longer be raised. The United Nations Secretariat did not have a five-star red flag, so it immediately went to a special flag shop to customize, and it was made on the same day on the 26th, but it has not yet reached an agreement with China on the issue of sorting country names, and it is not known which flagpole the five-star red flag should be hung on.

At 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time on October 31, Wu Dan received a reply from Ji Pengfei on the alphabetical order of the names of the People's Republic of China, according to which it was determined that the flag of CHINA hung on the flagpole where the "Blue Sky and White Sun Flag" was originally hung, between the flagpoles of Chile and Colombia. However, October 31 was a Sunday, and as usual, the flag was not raised, and U Thant decided to raise and lower the five-star red flag from November 1.

This five-star red flag is made of nylon and is 1.2 meters long and 1.8 meters wide. The ratio of length to width, as well as the color, size, and position of the five stars, are in full compliance with chinese government regulations.

Why not wait for the Chinese delegation to arrive before raising the flag? For only when new Member States raise their flags for the first time, representatives of that Country participate in and hold ceremonies. The People's Republic of China is not a new Member State. The five-star red flag, which was supposed to be raised on 26 October, has been delayed for almost a week and should not be too late.

Thus, at 8 a.m. (13:00 GMT) on Monday, November 1, 12 UN Guards in blue uniforms, carrying the flags rolled up by 131 Member States, walked out of the white UN Building. They started at the northern end of a row of flagpoles arranged in alphabetical order in the square and walked slowly toward the 23rd flagpole. A few minutes after 8 a.m., two black Americans— Willard Body, 24, and George Baldwin, 28— arrived at the flagpole, tied the five-star red flag to a rope, and raised it high.

The lead-gray sky was drizzling and some 30 journalists and television photographers and United Nations staff watched from a distance. However, because of the routine flag raising, no responsible United Nations official was present. My father saw a report in an American newspaper that the five-star red flag of the People's Republic of China was raised for the first time at the United Nations Headquarters on November 1, marking a new era for the United Nations.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

On October 25, 1971, the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758: to restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and to immediately expel the representatives of the Chiang Kai-shek clique from the United Nations and all its subordinate agencies. Since then, the five-star red flag of the People's Republic of China has begun to fly in the square in front of the United Nations Building (file photo). Xinhua News Agency


Chairman Mao talked about the international united front

Since November 1, under the banner of "Warm Congratulations on the Restoration of China's Lawful Rights in the United Nations," People's Daily has published congratulatory messages and letters from heads of state, government, and foreign ministers of many countries in full daily. On November 13, Xinhua Publishing Agency issued an "Announcement" "ordered to express heartfelt thanks for this."

On November 3, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a banquet in the Great Hall of the People to sincerely thank the 23 sponsors and friendly countries for their valuable support to our country at the United Nations. Vice Premier Li Xiannian attended. In addition to Equatorial Guinea, which has not yet established an embassy in Beijing, the envoys and wives of the other sponsors in China, the diplomatic envoys and wives of the "friendly countries" (including britain and the Soviet Union) that voted in favor of the proposal, and the diplomatic envoys and wives of friendly countries that have not yet joined the United Nations (including the DPRK, Viet Nam and the GDR) were invited to attend. In his speech, Minister Ji Dai said: "The country wants independence, the nation wants liberation, and the people want revolution, which has become an unstoppable world trend of our time. "The affairs of the United Nations shall be taken care of by all the States participating in the United Nations. Ambassador Of Algeria to China Taleb spoke on behalf of the 23 sponsors. He said: "The United Nations General Assembly has made a historic resolution, which is first and foremost the result of the protracted struggle of the Chinese people and the victory of Chairman Mao Zedong's diplomatic line. He said: "The peoples of all countries no longer heed the inducements and coercion of US imperialism, and as a result, the US proposal failed", "This is our victory, the victory of all the peoples who are fighting for their own happiness and the happiness of mankind". He said: "The oppressed people need China's strong voice" and "the peoples of all countries will see that People's China, like outside the United Nations, vigorously supports their just causes within the United Nations" and "until these causes are completely victorious".

At 10:00 p.m. on November 4, Premier Zhou received all the members of the delegation except Huang Hua and gave important instructions. Subsequently, the premier revised two speeches drafted by Chen Chu in the name of Qiao Guanhua, one was the first speech at the United Nations with Chairman Mao's instructions as the basic content, and the other was the speech dictated by the prime minister to the New York airport. The airport speech was brief. It said: "The people of Chinese have always been friendly with the people of all countries in the world," and "The American people are a great people, and the people of China and the United States have a profound friendship." We would like to take this opportunity to extend our best wishes to the people of New York City and to the people of the United States. ”

At 8:00 p.m. on November 8, the Chairman made an appointment with the Premier, Ji Pengfei, Qiao Guanhua, Fu Hao, Xiong Xianghui, Chen Chu, Tang Mingzhao, An Zhiyuan, Wang Hairong, Tang Wensheng, Zhang Wenjin, and Huang Zhen, ambassador to France, and Liu Xinquan, ambassador to the Soviet Union, who had returned to France to report for duty.

Speaking of "no voice without investigation", the Chairman said: This is aimed at dogmatists, and I think it is still true. Don't be biased in your understanding of this sentence. Objective things continue to develop and change, people's understanding is always unable to catch up with this change, and understanding always lags behind reality. If you ask to investigate everything clearly and then speak and do things again, you will never be able to speak and never be able to do things. After understanding the main situation and the essential situation, we can make a judgment and make up our minds. I have always been opposed to the people who get off the bus at the beginning, who are not enough to do things, and there are more than enough failures. They think they are not good, and they just want to be gentlemen, not students. Some people have fought wars, have a little credit, or think they have some credit, eating,, sleeping, dreaming, and they can't forget his little credit. Saying that he has no merit, he says that there is no merit and there is hard work; there is no hard work, there is fatigue. It's low-level fun. In the past few years, the thinking of some people in the army has been confused by Lin Biao. The Jinan Military Region put forward the idea of "opposing arrogance and breaking the fullness," and if it was mentioned well, I would let the whole army study. I have often said recently that the army should be cautious, and this is targeted. This year we have won a big victory at the United Nations, and this victory was mainly fought for us by our foreign friends, and we have no reason to our tails. Now it is "under the fame, in fact, it is difficult to match". That's why I say "for when there will be weakness." Or "three stinky cobblers, better than one Zhuge Liang". When things are discussed, we must be resourceful and judgmental, not like Yuan Shao, "resourceful and indecisive", let alone "not arbitrary". Prudence is not prudence. If you see it, you should say it, and do it when you should do it.

Chairman Mao said: In the United Nations, we must build a united front. This is the international united front, which is similar and different from the domestic united front. The fundamental difference is that the domestic united front is the united front of different classes, and the proletariat must take the leadership; the international united front is the united front of different countries, and there is no question of who leads whom. All countries, large and small, are equal, and no one should lead anyone, and no one should listen to anyone's leadership. In the past we said that the Soviet Union was the head, because it was the big brother, and in order to deal with imperialism, let it lead when necessary, let it be the chairman when it is meeting. But it wants to grasp the leadership and engage in father-son parties, father-son countries, and this is completely wrong. The United States always wants other countries to listen to it, and this is engaging in hegemonism. Hegemonism should be overthrown. Therefore, to engage in the international united front, we must hold consultations on an equal footing, and we must absolutely not pretend to be a big country and command it, absolutely cannot interfere in the internal affairs of others, and absolutely cannot have the ideas of leaders.

The chairman also talked about the condition of Comrade Chen Yi, and talked about some directors of the Department of Foreign Affairs and some ambassadors and counselors who returned to China in February 1967, a total of 91 people, who wrote big-character posters criticizing the rebels' slander against Comrade Chen Yi. The chairman said: I am a comrade of the 91 people. The chairman also talked about the "Minutes of the May 71 Project." The prime minister explained that "May 71" is a harmonic sound of "armed uprising". This is the program of Lin Biao's counter-revolutionary clique's conspiracy to assassinate the chairman and launch a counter-revolutionary coup. The Chair said: I'll read this thing to them later. It is necessary to print the full text to all party branches throughout the country as soon as possible. The Prime Minister said: This is full of vicious slanderous rumors about the chairman, how can it be printed? The Chair said: Why not? Not a single word has been changed, and the original text has been sent down, so that all party members and all the masses will know.

The Chairman said to the Prime Minister: Immediately send a telegram to Huang Zhen's assistant and ask him to convey to Kissinger that the United States Government must ensure the safety of our delegation while in the United States. If something goes wrong, only the U.S. government will ask.

The chairman also said to the premier: Tomorrow, the delegation will leave for Beijing's members and alternate members of the Political Bureau, responsible persons of various departments of the party, government, and army, plus several thousand people, to the airport to bid farewell. Foreign embassies are also informed that it is up to them to decide whether to go or not.

At more than 10 o'clock in the evening, the premier and his party left the chairman's residence, went to the Great Hall of the People, and took out a copy of the "Minutes of the May 71 Project" for Zhang Wenjin to read. After reading this, the Prime Minister gave some explanations and some instructions to the delegation. When the meeting adjourned, it was already the early morning of the 9th.


A 6-hour welcome speech

On the afternoon of November 9, the delegation of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations General Assembly left Beijing by plane. More than 4,000 party and government leading comrades, revolutionary masses in the capital, and commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army went to the airport to warmly bid farewell. "Warmly bid farewell to our delegation to the UN General Assembly!" "Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary diplomatic line!" "Long live Chairman Mao, long live Mao!" Cheers, loud gongs and drums and applause echoed through the airport. The members of the delegation walked around the scene to bid farewell to the crowd waving bouquets and ribbons and the responsible persons of all walks of life who came to see them off.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

The farewell scene at the capital airport

The delegation transferred from Shanghai to a French flight to Paris. In the evening, when passing through Yangon, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Director of the Political Department and the Director of the Protocol Department of Myanmar greeted us at the airport and held a reception for our delegation at the airport. When passing through Karachi in the early morning of the 10th, the Pakistani commissioner in Karachi and the representative of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs waited at the airport to greet and send them off, and the secretary general of the Pakistan-China Friendship Association laid a wreath of flowers. Passing through Cairo, he was greeted by the Director of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Egypt, the Deputy Director of the Department of Protocol, and others. Passing through Athens, he was greeted by the Director of the Protocol Department and the Director of the First Political Department of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who have not yet established diplomatic relations with our country. When I arrived in Paris on the afternoon of the 10th, I was greeted by the deputy director of the Asian and Australian Department of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the morning of November 11, Huang Hua met with the rest of the delegation in Paris and took a flight to New York. Arrived at JFK Airport at noon on the same day. The airport was welcomed by the permanent representatives of 23 sponsors and a number of other countries to the United Nations, the United Nations Chief of Protocol, the Commissioner for Public Affairs of the New York City, and hundreds of representatives of Friendly Americans and Overseas Chinese. Qiao Guanhua spoke at the airport. Accompanied by advance personnel, the members of the delegation stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel. Everywhere we went, it was heavily guarded.

The Associated Press reported: "State Department officials were pleased with Joe's remarks when he arrived, and the White House was not unhappy that Joe did not mention the president of the United States and the U.S. government because he was attending a U.N. meeting, not a visit to the United States." ”

From the afternoon of the 11th to the 14th, the main members of the delegation met with Malik, President of the 26th session of the UnGab, and the delegations of some friendly countries to visit the hospitalized UN Secretary-General U Thant.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

My delegation held a reception, and wang Hairong was in the third from the right

At about 10:00 a.m. local time on November 15, five representatives of the delegation and interpreter Tang Wensheng entered the conference hall under the guidance of the Un Protocol Director and took a seat in the Seat of the Chinese Delegation. Representatives of many friendly countries immediately came to welcome and congratulate them. The meeting began at 10.30 a.m. The President of the General Assembly, Malik, began with a welcome speech. "This morning, the delegation of the People's Republic of China took its seat in the United Nations General Assembly for the first time," he said. As President of the General Assembly, I am pleased to welcome this delegation. This is a historic moment when the People's Republic of China is now beginning to participate in the work of the world's leading intergovernmental organization. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of the work of the United Nations will be enhanced by the participation of the People's Republic of China in its work. ”

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

On November 15, 1971, the Chinese delegation attended the plenary session of the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly for the first time. After the meeting, the Chinese delegation was "surrounded" by journalists from all over the world. Xinhua News Agency

After Malik's speech, representatives of many countries took to the podium one after another to welcome the Chinese delegation. In the course of their statements, the number of requests for the floor increased, and the meeting, which was scheduled to end in the afternoon, resumed in the afternoon after a short break at noon and lasted for about six hours until 6.40 p.m. A total of 57 representatives (including the United States, Japan, the Soviet Union) made welcome remarks at the meeting (the representative of Hungary made a statement in Chinese). Some representatives, who had prepared their statements, were unable to take the floor owing to lack of time. The welcoming messages of most delegates were imbued, expressing trust, encouragement and brotherhood towards the Chinese people. In their speeches, many deputies praised Chairman Mao's leadership over the cause of the Chinese people's revolution and construction. Excerpts from the statements made by the representatives of the six countries are reproduced:

The representative of Kuwait said: "On the night of 25 October, an event of historic significance took place in the annals of the History of the United Nations and the international family. The General Assembly has finally decided to correct the mistakes made against the Chinese. "Without China's participation, the United Nations would be in vain." "Restoring the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations will make the future of mankind in the new era brilliant."

The representative of France said: "China has taken its seat among us, and the unjust and absurd situation has finally come to an end." "We welcome this very great country and this very great people." "We welcome China for its civilization, history, bravery, dignity and the tremendous efforts she is making."

The representative of Albania said: "All the progressive peoples of the world are gazing at the People's Republic of China, because she is the strongest defender of the cause of freedom and independence of all peoples and the strongest defender of the sovereignty of peoples. The great people of China have won great victories in all aspects of national life, and she has become a strong and indomitable fortress of socialism and peace, an insurmountable obstacle to the hegemonic plans of US imperialism and Soviet social imperialism. ”

The representative of Zambia said: "Today, the presence of the delegation of the People's Republic of China is a moment of great political and historical significance. "It marks the end of the old, outdated politics of the past, the beginning of an era of new realism and hope." "From now on, the United Nations is a new Organization, and it is no longer the same organization it was."

The representative of Tanzania said: "I admire the people of Chinese, their heroic struggle for their dignity and independence, and their strong support for the liberation struggles throughout the world. We also pay tribute to the astonishing progress that has been made and is continuing to be made in science and technology under the encouraging leadership of their great leader, Chairman Mao Zedong. "We are particularly pleased to see the People's Republic of China regain its legitimate place in this Organization, because we believe that the United Nations regards this country as a very valuable member State that supports the right of peoples to self-determination and independence and opposes oppression and injustice in all its forms."

The representative of Chile said: "Chile pays tribute to the People's Republic of China from the standpoint of a non-aligned country. "There are no more coolies or bureaucrats in China, and the almighty foreign exploiters are finished." Today, a nation of dignified, united, confident and revolutionaryly vigorous free people has emerged. "China has risen from the ashes of backwardness, destruction, famine, floods, and plagues, and in just a few years has made extraordinary progress in agriculture and history, education and public health, the conquest of the universe and the atoms— and in perfecting collective and individual morality." "We salute Mao Zedong, the leader of the new China, who was a revolutionary fighter of the Long March, a thinker and a poet, who inspired and often guided his people, turning knowledge into subjective experience and integrating this experience with a lasting revolutionary attitude." In Mao's view, imperialism has a dual character. It is both an iron tiger and a paper tiger. Chile, like other small vassal States, was fighting for full sovereignty, the recovery of its natural resources and the exercise of self-determination. But it is fighting a powerful iron tiger that intimidates, intimidates and hinders it. "We believe that imperialism will be overthrown," and "in welcoming the People's Republic of China, we would like to stress very frankly the great responsibility that she has assumed in the mind of history." He also recited Chairman Mao's words "Minus Magnolia, Guangchang Road" in Spanish:

The sky was white, and the march in the snow was even more urgent. Head high mountains, the wind swept the red flag over the mark.

Where is this trip? The Ganjiang River is full of wind and snow. The order was issued yesterday, and 100,000 workers and peasants went down to Ji'an.


The "debut" statement caused a shock

After the representatives of various countries delivered their welcome speeches, Qiao Guanhua, amid a long period of applause and cheers, ascended to the podium of the United Nations General Assembly and read out the speech instructed by Chairman Mao and approved by Premier Zhou.

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

Qiao Guanhua spoke at the Ungalactic General Assembly

This "debut" speech, the full text of 4525 words, full of golden sentences, can be called a classic diplomatic document. Speech "Settling the Account": "As everyone knows, China is one of the founding members of the United Nations. In 1949, Chinese people overthrew the reactionary rule of the Chiang Kai-shek clique and established the People's Republic of China. From then on, China's legitimate rights at the United Nations should naturally belong to the People's Republic of China. It was only because of the obstruction of the US Government that the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations were deprived for a long time, and the Chiang Kai-shek clique, which had long been spurned by the Chinese people, was able to steal China's legitimate seat in the United Nations. This is gross interference in China's internal affairs and an arbitrary violation of the UN Charter. Now, this irrational situation has finally changed. ”

The statement spoke of the significance of Resolution 2758: "This is the bankruptcy of a policy of hostility, isolation and blockade of the Chinese people. This was the failure of the plan of the United States Government, in collusion with the Sato Government of Japan, to create 'two Chinas' at the United Nations. This was the victory of Chairman Mao Zedong's revolutionary diplomatic line. This is a common victory for the people of the whole world. ”

The speech also spoke of history: "Human society is always progressing. This progress has always been achieved through countless revolutions and changes. In the case of the United States, where the Headquarters of the United Nations is located, it was precisely because of the victory of the Revolutionary War led by Washington in 1776 that the American people won their independence. It was thanks to the Revolution of 1789 that the French people were freed from the yoke of feudalism. After mankind entered the twentieth century, the victory of the October Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917, led by the great Lenin, opened up a broad road for the free liberation of the oppressed nations and peoples of the whole world. The people of all countries in the world rejoice in the development of history and social progress, while a handful of decadent and reactionary forces are trembling and restless, vigorously struggling to the death; they armed aggression against other countries, subverted the legitimate governments of other countries, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, controlled other countries politically, militarily and economically, and bullied other countries at will. After World War II, a new world war did not take place, but local wars never stopped. The danger of a new world war remains, but the main tendency in the present world is revolution. The struggle of the people is tortuous and repetitive, but the countercurrent against the people and against progress cannot stop the mainstream of the continued development of human society. The world must move toward progress and toward light, not toward reaction, toward darkness. ”

The speech expounded China's views on Asian and world issues: "The Chinese people, who have long suffered imperialist aggression and oppression, have always opposed the imperialist policy of aggression and war, and supported the just struggle of all oppressed peoples and oppressed nations for freedom and liberation, against foreign interference, and for their own destiny. This position of the Chinese Government and the Chinese people conforms to the fundamental interests of the people of the world and the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations. ”

"The armed aggression of the U.S. government against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, trampling on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of these three countries, exacerbating tensions in the Far East and facing strong opposition from people all over the world, including the American people." The Chinese Government and the people of Chinese resolutely support the War to Resist US Aggression and Save the Three Indochina Peoples; they resolutely support the joint statement of the Supreme Council of the Indochina People and the seven-point peace initiative of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the South Vietnamese Republic. The immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all armed forces of the United States and its servants from all three countries by the United States Government and the people of indochina, allowing the people of the three Indochina countries to resolve their own problems independently and autonomously, without foreign interference, is the key to easing tension in the Far East. ”

"North Korea is still divided. Chinese Volunteers had long since withdrawn from Korea, but U.S. troops remained in South Korea to this day. Peaceful reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all the Korean people. The Chinese Government and the Chinese people firmly support the eight-point program for the peaceful reunification of the motherland put forward by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in April this year; ”

"The essence of the Middle East problem is the aggression of Israeli Zionism against the Palestinian people and the Arab peoples with the support and connivance of the super-Power. The Chinese Government and the people of Chinese resolutely support the just struggle of the Palestinian people and the Arab peoples against aggression and believe that the heroic Palestinian people and the Arab peoples will be able to recover the lost land of the Arab countries and restore the national rights of the Palestinian people if they persist in their struggle and unity. The Chinese Government believes that all peace-loving and justice-upholding countries and peoples throughout the world have an obligation to support the struggles of the Palestinian people and the Arab peoples; ”

"The continued existence of colonialism in all its manifestations is a challenge to the peoples of the world. The Chinese Government and the people of Chinese resolutely support the struggle of the people of Mozambique, Angola, Guinea (Bissau) and other regions for national liberation; Their struggle is just, and the just cause must be victorious. ”

The speech clearly proclaimed China's proposition that all countries, big or small, should be equal, and stated its position that it should never be a superpower: "We have always maintained that all countries, no matter how big or small, should be equal, and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence should become the norm for relations between countries. The peoples of all countries have the right to choose their own social system according to their own will, and have the right to safeguard their own independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and no country has the right to invade, subvert, control, interfere in and bully another country. We oppose the theory of imperialism and colonialism in which the big powers are superior to the small ones and that the small countries are dependent on the big powers. We oppose the power politics and hegemonism of the big countries bullying small countries and the powerful countries bullying the weak countries. We stand for the affairs of any one country to be managed by the people of that country themselves; the affairs of the whole world should be managed by all countries in the world; the affairs of the United Nations should be jointly managed by all countries participating in the United Nations; and super-Powers should not be allowed to manipulate and monopolize. Superpowers are meant to be superhuman and ride on the heads of others to reign supreme. China does not do it now, and will not do it in the future as a superpower that invades, subverts, controls, interferes with, or bullies others. ”

Speaking frankly of the reality that a large country of 700 million people should be able to contribute more to the progress of mankind and not be able to do so: we have always believed that the just struggles of all peoples are mutually supportive. The socialist revolution and socialist construction in our country have always won the sympathy and support of the people of all countries. It is our duty to support the just struggle of all peoples. In order to support the struggle of peoples and help them develop their economies independently and autonomously, we have provided assistance to a number of friendly countries. We provide assistance, always strictly respecting the sovereignty of the recipient countries, without attaching any conditions or requiring any privileges. We provide unpaid military assistance to countries and peoples that are fighting against aggression, and we will never be an arms dealer. We persistently oppose the attempts of some countries to use "aid" as a means to control and plunder recipient countries. However, because our economy is still relatively backward, the material assistance we provide is very limited, and our support is mainly political and moral support. China has a population of 700 million and should make a greater contribution to human progress. We hope that, in the future, this situation of inadequacy will be gradually changed.

The statement concluded: In accordance with the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations should play its due role in maintaining international peace, opposing aggression and interference and developing friendly and cooperative relations among nations. But, for a long time in the past, one or two super-Powers have used the United Nations to do much against the Charter of the United Nations and the will of their peoples. This situation should not continue. We hope that the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations will be truly implemented. We will stand with all peace-loving and justice-upholding countries and peoples and work together to safeguard the national independence and sovereignty of all countries, to safeguard international peace and to promote the cause of human progress.

The New York Times published the full text of Qiao Guanhua's speech. Reuters reported: "This speech shocked many diplomats. Delegates from the Third World applauded enthusiastically. The representatives of the United States and the Soviet Union had gloomy faces. AFP commented: "Joe's harsh speech makes one have no doubt that neither People's China's entry into the world organization nor President Nixon's upcoming visit to China will cause Beijing to change its policy on major issues." "This kind of frank and honest speech, which is very rare in the international forum, shows the contours of Beijing's policy toward the United Nations and its foreign policy intentions, and shows that People's China will make itself the mouthpiece and supporter of small and medium-sized countries." Kyodo Editorial said: "This speech, which demonstrates the basic policy, is one of the most important speeches in the history of the United Nations, and its significance and response will quickly spread to all parts of the planet." The speech expounded China's international policy based on Mao Zedong Thought, frankly stated China's principled position, and clearly expressed China's posture as a representative of small and medium-sized countries to challenge the monopoly of the United Nations by the superpowers. Kissinger wrote, "Chinese nothing is wasted." Almost all of the controversial words that I deleted from the draft communiqué were written in my initial statement at the United Nations. ”

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world


American humor

On the evening of December 18, Qiao Guanhua, head of China's delegation to the 26th session of the UN General Assembly, deputies Fu Hao and Xiong Xianghui, deputy delegate Wang Hairong, and some members of the delegation's entourage left New York to return to China after completing their tasks at the current session of the UN General Assembly. On the afternoon of December 22, they arrived in Beijing. More than 4,000 party and government leaders, zhou Enlai, the masses in the capital, and commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army warmly welcomed them at the airport. Responsible persons of various departments of the party, government, and army, as well as envoys from various countries stationed in China, also greeted them at the airport.

At about 8 p.m. that night, Chairman Mao made an appointment at his residence to meet premiers, Qiao Guanhua, Xiong Xianghui, Wang Hairong, and Tang Wensheng. The Chairman quoted Dr. Sun Yat-sen as saying: "The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard. ”

As China's permanent representative to the United Nations, Huang Hua stayed in New York, spent Christmas there for the first time, and also experienced a handful of American humor. Before Christmas, in a strong festive atmosphere, an office building across the street from the delegation's charter hotel was posting a large sign on the glass window facing the Chinese delegation: "U.S. imperialism and all its lackeys wish the Chinese delegation a Merry Christmas!" ”

(This article is based on his father Xiong Xianghui's "Mao Zedong's 'Unexpected' Victory" and "When the Five-Star Red Flag Was First Raised at the United Nations.") Both articles are published in "My Intelligence and Diplomatic Career", CITIC Press, 2019)

Author: Xiong Lei

Source: Huaizuo Xulang (ID: huaizuoxulang2)

Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

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Night Reading 丨 Xiong Lei: At that moment, the "debut" speech shook the world

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