
League of Legends 11 season matches

author:wl King Lo

S11 group has been played, originally I thought that our four teams of LPL can successfully enter the knockout stage, but I never expected that the FPS and LNG fell out of the team in advance, but it was a big blow for us, after watching the discussion of these two teams, I felt that the problem of the BP stage accounted for about 50%, or the understanding of individual heroes was a bit biased, resulting in no strength in the process of the game!

League of Legends 11 season matches

More representative is to play Wild Bobby, the next combination + Nami combination, as well as the auxiliary Maomi, Nakadan Nobuki, etc. From the perspective of play, it is more stable, but the opponent hides a clumsy defeat to FPX and LNG, which is very unexpected,

So now the LPL only has two teams, so you have to hold on to the impact of the final four.

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